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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. I haven't a clue what it's about. I've just heard of it again and again. That being said, the german subtext on Xenosaga episode 1 translates to "Beyond good and evil." According to my brother that took german. I took spanish. But now I wish I either took Greek, Japanese, or Hebrew.

  2. Thank you.

    And most of them I played at least halfway through. I played FF3, FF6, FF7, FF8, and FF9 more than halfway through. And honestly I really loved 3 and 6, and thought 9 wasn't too bad -- I just never finished them.

    Well what types of games have you finished?

  3. i still haven't finished FFVII .. i've been at the OWA boss 3 times but everytime something has happened to either my playstation or the playstation i played on or my computer.

    shame on ME

    Reminds me of when I first played ff7. I got to safer sephiroth and discovered I wasn't powerful enough. I went out of north cave and leveled up for a bit. A month later, I was all set to go and beat the game when my friend took his game back. Then I deleted my save file on the memory card because I needed the space. I was too young at the time to buy it myself.

  4. There is some timing strategery involved, but yeah, the date will be July.

    It's later than we were initially planning, so there will be a few special previews-

    I was interviewed by Justin for the upcoming 8 bit radio show that airs on on May 4, and I gave him a few full tracks to play, including a sick bLiNd track, and there might be something or another coming around early June as well. :-)

    You mean when bLiNd was sick? Don't you think healthy people could make better music?

  5. Looks like it, then again I seem to be the few that actually enjoyed FFXII/Quest 64/Psychonauts and other titles that seemed bad but are not.

    In the end the best judge on whether it's fun for you or not is yourself :)!!.

    Edit: If it turns out just like "Eternal Sonata" where the 360 got the original version where as the PS3 got the enhanced with bonus stuff, including extending the game play for the same price, I'm gonna laugh real hard. :lol:

    Considering all the extra things they can do with all that space on the blu ray, it might happen. At least there's something going for us sony fans.

  6. Hey guys, just for the heck of it, I decided to pop in FFXII. I have 3 characters at lvl 75 and 3 characters at lvl 85. I decided to take on Bahamut just for fun. After a couple minutes, I got to the final boss. I buffed everybody with hastega, and put bravery on basch(zodiac spear). Then I switched to the tv. After less then a minute, the controler stopped rumbling. I switched back to the game thinking that my party leader must have died. Instead I found that I had beaten the game. Without touching the controller. I couldn't stop laughing.

  7. Lol, I was thinking about making a thread like this. I'll be honest, I tried playing it, but it didn't work for me. Seriously, I'm at Shala and trying to defeat that boss that um... I don't even remember, but there were two of them and you faced them earlier. I put it down without even trying to level up and beat them. And it's been sitting downstairs half finished ever since. (about 8 months) Guess it was just before my time. My parents never got me a game console until the end of the ps1 era back in middle school. That's why pre-ps1 just doesn't interest me that much. Sure I've played ff1, ff2(never beat), ff4, ff6, (all ported) and though I think ff1 and ff4 were the best of the old days, they never got my too excited as the current games.

    now that that's out of the way, everybody can kill me now.

  8. I bought Assassin's Creed 1 at launch.

    I will not do that for Assassin's Creed 2. If people tell me it has more going for it than AC1, then sure, I'll pick it up later.

    AC1 was fun, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Assassinations were few and far between, missions were the same one after the other, and there was no replay value.

    Sure I had fun playing through it, but... I'm done with that.

    The best thing out of Assassin's Creed was the fact that I can make Solid Snake wear Atair's clothes in MGS4.

    There I said it.

    Man, I completely agree with you. I bought it used for $20. (New was $50.) And I had a lot of fun with it. Unfortunately, I haven't touched it since I beat it a week later. It's fun to experiment with the rooftops and different moves, but the game is open enough to test all of that out during the game. Besides, the ending just killed everything for me. Speaking of which, I was stuck on trying to kill Robert at the end because I couldn't survive the mob of people so I looked up a stragety guide to see what I could do. The guy that wrote it gave 2 large paragraphs about how they got the muslim funeral all wrong. (Women don't attend, words are not spoken, prayer felt like someone blurted it out during planing and didn't touch it since)

    But wings? I definately have to see that. It's not a selling point for me, but it seems interesting enough.

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