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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Super Smash Brothers: Melee:

    I'll get right to the point: This game almost singlehandedly defined what people expect out of a character-driven crossover brawler. It's fun, it's challenging, and it uses plenty of classic Nintendo names and a few that people might not have heard of but will now that they've played it. Too much bitching about tiers and too much Final Destination No Items matches, however.


    Screw that. The original was better. I had a lot of fun playing the first, but I hated the second. And I also don't care for Nintendo either.

  2. Brave Fencer Musashi

    A story where a reincarnated hero is charged with the revival of the great legendary sword of luminescence called Lumina that must first be powered up by finding the 5ive scrolls, each of which being guarded by a crest guardian that is located only abstractly by clues from places that you would never look for in the first place, while all the while unlocking new and interesting powers after the absorption of the 5ive scrolls that are the only way to find the new areas that are offered upon completion of these previous tasks making the game more linear than what it first seems seeing as how you need to look through absolutely every nook and cranny to find out how to get to your next destination that proves to be more and more intangible as the game goes on including cryptic messages, giant ant hills that make their homes out of entire binchotite mines, and ice castles from other dimensions that can only be reached by following a certain path through the meandering forest, all of which build up the suspense of finding out that the guy helping you throughout the game is actually the leader of the bad guys who gets betrayed by his subordinate upon revealing his royal lineage near the last scene where it is revealed that all the trouble you went through of trying to unlock the sword’s power only served to fuel and release the wizard of darkness that was sealed within the sword resulting in an epic battle where you force the wizard’s tiny a** back into the sword while somehow subduing the enemy nation in the process that is unexplained in the least bit seeing as only the fuehrer is killed upon the revival of the wizard of darkness and his subordinates, all of which have no objection to his plans still live.

    I guess I only used one sentence.

    Oh, and there’s minkus.


  3. Guys, I just have one question. During the second bombing mission, the president comes and speaks to the party. Cloud says to president shinra "long time no see." The president says "You must be that SOLDIER that quit and joined Avalanche." Cloud was never in SOLDIER. Why did the president say that? Is it just a mistake?

  4. Final Fantasy: The Quest to Retrieve our Hero from the forces of Temptation while at the same time we're digging a hole to the center of the planet so we can harness the resulting eruption to push the world out of its orbit and keep it from falling into the sun

    When did that one come out?

  5. If things are going to get out of hand here, allow me to contribute via an FF album onslaught.

    Do not follow these links.

    You have been warned.

    EDIT! I removed the insane list here after reading the part at the beginning about no looking up. Haha! I definitely broke that rule.

    So I'll go off memory and see what I come up with!

    Final Fantasy OST

    Final Fantasy II OST

    Final Fantasy III OST

    Final Fantasy IV OST

    Final Fantasy V OST

    Final Fantasy VIOST

    Final Fantasy VII OST

    Final Fantasy VIII OST

    Final Fantasy IX OST

    Final Fantasy X OST

    Final Fantasy X-2 OST

    Final Fantasy XI OST

    Final Fanrasy XII OST

    Black Mages

    Black Mages: The Skies Above

    Final Fantasy Tactics OST

    Final Fantasy Tactics: The Diaries of Olan

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced OST

    Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion

    Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion 2

    Final Fantasy 1984-1994

    Final Fantasy 1994-1999

    Final Fantasy Vocal Collections: Pray

    Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 2: Love Will Grow.

    I know there is a piano album for most of the Final Fantasies but not sure which ones... There are LOTS more than were listed here but I can't remember them!

    Guess I'm going to need a separate section for music.

  6. Let's see how many we can come up with. But no looking them up. They could be anything from sequels, to spinoffs, to rereleases, to movies, to whatever. If this goes well, maybe someone can start up a Mario thread. I'll update the first post as people reply.

    I'll start us off by doing the easy ones.

    Final Fantasy I

    Final Fantasy II

    Final Fantasy III

    Final Fantasy IV

    Final Fantasy V

    Final Fantasy VI

    Final Fantasy VII

    Final Fantasy VIII

    Final Fantasy IX

    Final Fantasy X

    Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XII

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Final Fantasy XIV

    (yes, I'm counting the nonreleased ones as well)

    Added by other guys in the order they were said.

    Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

    Final Fantasy Chocobo Racing

    FF7: Dirge of Cerberus

    FF7: Crisis Core

    FF4: After Years

    Chocobo's Dungeon

    Chocobo's Dungeon 2

    Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon

    Final Fantasy Tactics

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2

    Final Fantasy Legend

    Final Fantasy Legend 2

    Final Fantasy Legend 3

    Final Fantasy Adventure

    Final Fantasy Dissidia

    Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis

    Final Fantasy X-2

    Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

    Final Fantasy versus XIII

    Final Fantasy XIII Agito

    Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales

    Final Fantasy Advent Children

    Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete

    Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders

    Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders: Vanguard Storm

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

    expansion packs:

    FFXI: Rise of the Zilart

    FFXI: Chains of Promathia

    FFXI: Treasures of Aht Urghan

    FFXI: Wings of the Goddess

    Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Dark Lord

    And Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

    Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

    Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals

    Final Fantasy: Unlimited

    FFXI mini expansions:

    A Crystalline Prophecy: Ode to Life Bestowing (Crap story and quests but good rewards)

    A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Evil in Small Doses (Funny story, crappy quests and decent rewards)

    A Shantotto Ascension: The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born. (not released yet)

    Final Fantasy Origins

    Final Fantasy Chronicles

    Final Fantasy Anthology

    Final Fantasy IV DS

    Final Fantasy VI Advance

    Final Fantasy II, II: Electric Boogaloo

    Final Fantasy Nights

    Final Fantasy Origins: Umaro

    Final Fantasy Music in the order people posted.

    Final Fantasy OST

    Final Fantasy II OST

    Final Fantasy III OST

    Final Fantasy IV OST

    Final Fantasy V OST

    Final Fantasy VIOST

    Final Fantasy VII OST

    Final Fantasy VIII OST

    Final Fantasy IX OST

    Final Fantasy X OST

    Final Fantasy X-2 OST

    Final Fantasy XI OST

    Final Fanrasy XII OST

    Black Mages

    Black Mages: The Skies Above

    Final Fantasy Tactics OST

    Final Fantasy Tactics: The Diaries of Olan

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced OST

    Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion

    Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion 2

    Final Fantasy 1984-1994

    Final Fantasy 1994-1999

    Final Fantasy Vocal Collections: Pray

    Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 2: Love Will Grow.

  7. I think the multiplayer, both competitive and co-op, were amazing. But I didn't care for the single player. In order to get the platinium trophy, you need 10,000 kills in competitive multiplayer. I'm at 6,600 right now. It's taking forever. I only play team deathmatch so I don't have any reservations about not having very many semetrical maps.

  8. resistance3billboard.jpg

    For many, seeing is believing, and if you’re looking at a gigantic billboard proclaiming the existence of the as-of-yet-unnannounced third installment in the popular Resistance franchise from Insomniac, well, it’s kinda hard NOT to believe. Tipsters to Joystiq down in Shreveport, Louisiana, apparently a popular hot spot for film shoots, snapped the above billboard image in their home town, which is believed to be a part of the set for an upcoming film titled Battle: Los Angeles (due out in 2011). Clearly visible within the Resistance 3 logo is the Statue of Liberty, making one assume the game will be heavily tied to NYC.

    Of course, all of this is speculation at the moment, but again, if seeing is believing, you pretty much can guarantee that this image solidifies the existence of the expected Resistance 3. We’ll keep you posted whenever we get more info.


    Ok, what!?!?!?!?!

    Also, doesn't it look like something was blurred out?

  9. Special deal at www.slickdeals.net for a new ps3. $250 for 80gb hd PS3 with extra controller. Free shipping! Check it! Just ordered mine!

    wow, I would really like to go get that deal. But my 40 gig has never let me down.

    On a completely unrelated note, is anyone excited for Darksiders?

  10. Valkyria Chronicles only made me sad in that it felt too short by the end, even though I apparently put in 55 hours in it. Just shows the quality of a game when you don't realize you're pushing into 100 hours of gameplay without much realizing it. And I thought I breezed through the game. Still haven't finished any side missions at that..

    Also, the finale is just very touching. This game needs a sequel, and when it does, people need to buy more copies of it.



  11. Yea, mine came back the next day as well.

    But you know, I'm still trying to get that platinum trophy on Resistance 2. I only have one more trophy to get and I think it's called 'killing machine.' It requires you to get 10,000 kills on online competetive multiplayer. Right now I'm at about 6,350. Still about a month left before I finally get it.

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