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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Well I was able to find it by doing a simple google search so if it's not supposed to be up and running yet they need to cut it off from the general public until they get everything squared away. Near as I can tell though, everything's working the way it's supposed to be and I'm downloading via torrent, which already has a lot of seeders and leechers.

    Edit: Ok, just checked and the individual track download page isn't available yet. The torrent link is active though and it's downloading pretty fast.

    Too bad I can't get torrents to work so I'm forced to do each track individually. I did that for every song on OCR. Took me many hours to do that.
  2. The 360 online experience is quite superior - you have the near guarantee of everyone playing with a headset, as well as no potential firewall issues with any game online. ~$3-4 a month is a pretty nominal cost for just this, although there are other bonuses you get with XBL as well (free 1v100 beta for example).

    I count 13 year olds butchering the english language as an expense.

  3. Bias fuck... lol

    PS3 has it's disadvantages all the same. :P Plus it's more pricey.

    Can't argue with the blue ray ability though.

    Edit: Btw; I completely agree that the PS3 and XBox crush the Wii. The Wii just isn't my style of gaming.

    Ps3 has free online multiplayer and for the 4 months that I have been using it, I have never seen a lag. It has free wifi connectability built into the system. You need to pay for these things with the 360.

  4. I honestly don't see how you say it's only an investment for 3-4 games, and that its future isn't as bright as the PS3. There are at least 30 games out there this very second that are definitely worth buying for the Wii, and maybe 8 for the PS3.

    Most of the coming-soon PS3 games that were listed earlier are shooting for late 2010 at the EARLIEST, 2011 if they're lucky, and then there were some that don't even HAVE a release date.

    I honestly feel that the best way would have been to WAIT on the PS3 until its library is a bit more developed, because to be honest, there is NO way it's worth it at that price if you already have a 360.

    If anything, developers are abandoning the PS3 in droves, and the Wii's current and future lineup far and away is superior to the PS3 in every imaginable way.

    Also, enjoy spending $30 for movies. That's the bluray future.

    Don't say I didn't warn you :)

    Like Vivi said, it's all about preference. Ever since the Wii was revealed, it never grasped my interest. The whole idea of waving your hands around in order to control a game just isn't for me. My first exposure to the Wii was Wii Sports. Being a tennis player, I decided to try and play the tennis game. And I hated it! All my years of experience and a couch potato was beating the crap out of me. I wanted to blast the ball cross court, but it went down the line. I wanted to lob the ball over my opponent's head, but it went across the net like every other shot. The only way to direct the ball to either side of the court is to time it right, not by aiming. This proves my belief that video games can't simulate a sport. And also the reason why I have never bought a sports video game. I would rather do the real thing with real people. But anyway, all of the Wii heavy hitters like Brawl, Galaxy, Twilight Princess, just don't interest me. It may be great for other people, but it's still all about preference. Maybe somebody wants to play some hardcore games like God of War, Darksiders, Dante's Inferno, Devil May Cry... these games can't be played on the Wii. So don't try and fault someone else's choice of console just because you have your own opinion of it that may be different.

  5. I just heard about this but I guess it's old news by now.

    You know what this is? It's an intergalactic scarecrow. A 60 foot tall 1/1 full scale gundam scarecrow. Something to keep the alien invaders off our planet.

  6. I think that Naughty Dog shares a lot of their techniques and technology with other first party developers. Naughty Dog is the shit. Have you seen Uncharted? I think it's easily one of the prettiest games out there, and one of my favorite games this gen. The game also had no load times besides the initial load.

    I downloaded the demo and really liked it. But I decided that since I'm El Cheapo, I wont pay the big price tag for a 7 hour game. Instead I'm currently in the process of watching a walkthrough with commentary. I'm definately picking up Among Thieves though.

  7. Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY

    Saturday June 27, 2009 at 8:00 p.m.

    Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall

    Arnie Roth, conductor

    Handel Choir of Baltimore

    Baltimore Symphony Orchestra


    All works composed by Nobuo Uematsu (The conductor kept calling him Nobu and Nobu-san...I always thought the 'uw-oh' was pronounced)

    FINAL FANTASY VIII: Liberi Fatali

    FF X: To Zanarkand

    FF VIII: Don't Be Afraid

    FF VII: Aerith's Theme

    FF I-III: Medley 2002

    FF V: Dear Friends

    FF IX: Vamo' alla Flamenco

    FF VIII: Love Grows

    FF XI: Ronfaure

    FF series: Main Theme


    FF VII: Opening - Bombing Mission

    FF VIII: Fisherman's Horizon

    FF XI: Memoro de la Stono - Distant Worlds

    FF VIII: THe Man with the Machine Gun

    FF IV: Theme of Love

    FF series: Swing de Chocobo

    FF VI: Opera "Maria and Draco"

    FF VI: Terra's Theme

    ENCORE: FF VII: One-Winged Angel

    My only real complaint was the person next to me was smelly and shifted/stood-up-to-fix-pants every 5-10 seconds. She definitely farted a few times too....ick.

    I was told "kiss me goodbye" was played. Are you sure that list is completely accurate?

  8. ok, so both resistance games sound good.

    is the first worth playing more than once? like, i play halo 2 and 3 a lot in single-player because it's so damn fun. i rarely play anything online anymore. so, would it be worth it for just single/coop? also, do either allow for online coop modes?

    Absolutely. I've beaten it at least 5ive times. Also, you can probably get it pretty cheap used since it's a launch title. I think it's also on the greatest hit's list too. If you're not completely sure, you can download the resistance 1 demo.

  9. I bought Killzone 2 and absolutely hated it. That is until about 6 hours into the game. It forces you to use a completely different style of play that I've never used before. This is due to the terrible controls that is supposed to make the guns feel heavy. I found out that the best thing you can do in the single player campaign is to keep firing at the enemies cover while running up to it and walking beside them and melee-ing (the only thing that you can actually hit with) them to death. I haven't tried any of the online play yet because I'm having way too much fun with resistance 2 online.

    So here's my thoughts on resistance. The first game was awesome, but nowadays lacks any online fan base. You might want to play it for the storyline and to experience the awesome world that insomniac created. Speaking of which, when I beat Resistance 2, I saw in the credits a special thanks to Naughty Dog. I saw another special thanks to Naughty Dog in the credits for Killzone 2 as well. (I think) Does anyone know why?

    But anyway, when I bought resistance 2, I was thrown for a loop. The sequel wasn't resistance at all. The controls worked differently, it was much more creepy, Nathan Hale isn't the same person from the first game and you face completely different enemies than in the first game. I honestly didn't care much for the single player game. But the online co-op makes it completely worthwhile. It played kind of like an MMO. In co-op mode, there are 3 classes. One can take damage, one can dish it out, and one can heal. All 3 classes are extremely well balanced, and you need all three types to do well. I currently have 2 level 14 characters in that mode. What's even better is that the levels mutate. I swear that they take different levels and paste them together for different missions. And you run around the map in several different paths trying to complete certain objectives. And it evolves in game. For instance, there is a section of the co-op mode where you need to guard the tunnel entrance. If you do poorly (a bunch of people die) the objective will be short. But if you do really well, they will send bigger and bigger waves of enemies at you. It works so well. And competitive mode? I barely touched it yet. The co-op is too much fun to get away from.

    One last thing. Is there a way to play music in the background? I can't figure out a way to do that.

  10. If I had to name one gripe about this song, it would be the use of repetitive words. Like saying "in rivers, in rivers" I'm not a fan of that technique. And then you used it twice in the same sentence.

    "won't wash away, wash away

    Nowhere to run from what I have done

    I'm no longer, no longer"

    Ok, so that's the only thing I didn't care about in this song. It's being nit picky, but that's my critique.

    But what I find absolutely amazing about your take on writing lyrics is that you pay attention to when the song is playing and describe the emotion at that time. Take for example, the song 'Summoner's Love' . It's a great song, but it doesn't stay true to the time when it was played. However, you took a song that played during Beatrix's inner-struggle and molded your lyrics around her to fit with the scene rather than a broad overview of the game's theme.

    Thank you for coming over here and gracing us with you talent. Here's to hoping you drop by again.

  11. So I'm trying to find that deal, but I can't quite get it. I click the psp 2000 and it only says a $10 rebate. Sale ends tomorrow at 6am so I would like if anyone can give some help now.

  12. Well then, let me ask another question. Who paid who? Did Pepsi pay Blizzard to make game fuel or was it the other way around? They both seem to gain something out of it.

    also this

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