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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust


    It's only one mission and it's pretty easy and corny at that. I heard the other add on is 4 missions long, but you need to do good enough to unlock the later missions. I haven't checked out selvaria's add on but it can't be as bad as the other one.

  2. So I tried to start up the store today but it said that it wasn't available in my country/reigon. But I've always been able to log on to it. Even after I got the system update, it still had the same message. Anyone else get this problem?

  3. Download PS3 Media Server. It decodes mkv.

    Anyway, I just got into the Uncharted 2 demo, and I LOVE it, but I really need people to play with. Co-op matches are a disaster for me. Most of the people I play with don't know how to play the game, once I ended a game with 40 kills total and the other two people got 1 kill each. I also have to deal with a lot of people disconnecting about 10 minutes in... There goes my experience. Anyway, if you want to play, please add me. Plastikbag is my PSN name. If you don't play, I recommend trying it out. It's a lot of fun.

    I sent you a friend request once but I don't think you accepted it. Anyway, I checked out the game and it was great. But I'd rather wait and buy the whole thing than wear out the experience on the demo.
  4. It's because summons are looooooooooooooo...




    Also, very funny video. I highly approve, and can't wait for more episodes.

    Well I guess they should have used a different summon like Bahamut Zero or Knights of the round. But I still liked the video. Great job.

  5. I'm with you. I can't seem to get into the older games as well. I started with the ps1 and my first two games was Crash Bandicoot 2 and Army Men: Air Attack. I tried to play the older games emulated, but I don't get into them at all. It took all my might to finish ff6 (GBA) and I only got through it one and a half times. I played the ps1 emulation of chrono trigger but I never finished it at all. I only got to the "shala and the queen" chapter and got to the boss where there are two of them... I can't remember their names. I really enjoy the newer games. I can't seem to put down Resistance 2 or Final Fantasy XII. And I'm really excited about Uncharted 2 and Darksiders.

    And I've always hated zelda. LET THE HATE BEGIN

  6. Guys, if you want to get through 8 very fast with no leveling up at all, this is what you have to do. First, make sure you know which bosses have GF that you can draw. Make sure all of your characters have the ability to junction magic to their HP and Strength. Use Siren's Life magic refine ability to refine 10 curagas from one tent and junction it to your health. Then refine diablo's card using Quetzcotal(SP)'s ability to turn it into 100 black holes which are great for refining into demi spells. (One black hole refines into 30 demi spells) Now junction Demi to your strength and you will do about 6x the damage that you should be doing at that point in the game. Next, equip diablo's "Enc-none" abiliity so you never get into random encounters. Since the enemies level up as you do, you can very easily beat the game at a low level, expecially if you know how to use the junction system like I do. I'm thinking about using this stragety to beat the game again in a little while. Though my psp come's in the mail today so I don't know when I'll do it.

  7. why

    the psp has three (four if you count the Go) iterations now and the psp thread has been fine

    Just the news of the slim with the price cut needs to get out. If I didn't already have one, I would jump all over this.

  8. are you buying through the PS3 PSN or the PSP's own PSN

    if you're going through the PS3's then 1. you buy the game 2. you download the game 3. you hook up your psp with a usb cable 4. you choose the game from the PS3's xmb and it installs

    cool huh

    if you're doing it through the PSP's then it's completely self explanatory

    also are you planning on hacking the thing

    what model is it

    The bundle has the 3000 series. And I'll be doing it through the ps3 psn. I tried downloading a psp demo just to see how it would work, but then I could actually install it on my ps3 HD. Obviously it wouldn't play, but I wonder what good it would do to install it. Anyway, before attempting to install it, I press triangle, select copy, select the psp memory stick as the destination? Do I actually install it on the ps3 or not before copying it? And when selecting a download file from the network, is there a difference between wanting to play it on the psp or the ps3? That would probably answer everything. Thanks.

    And I don't plan on hacking it.

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