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Thin Crust

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Posts posted by Thin Crust

  1. Engadget says otherwise unless you got a much better/reliable source of info...

    I don't. I saw three videos unveiling the ps3 slim (All released by sony) and I don't remember how I got that bit of info. It could have come from the comments or the video because I don't remember.

  2. Yea, I was having trouble with the vid too. Here's the specs.





    actual buttons

    Ps2 compatible

    36% less power consumption

    fingerprint proof (like ps2)

    Other than that, it's exactly the same. It's getting released next month.

  3. Does anyone have a monthly price for this game? I'm with Coop with the constant stream of money going into it. That being said, I've never done an MMO before but I will at least do this one for a couple months. Maybe more if it's cheap enough.

    But tell me something, why does an MMO take money out of my pocket every month when it's free for me to play Resistance 2 online for free? Why is it more expensive? There are patches all the time for the nonmonthly fee games, so why this one?

    I know I'm a n00b so don't call me out on it.

  4. Seymour from FFX, halfway through Mount. Gagazet literly took me ages to defeat. Personally alot of the FF-x battles were harder than most RPGs.

    Also Hades from Herc's Adventures. I remember doing countless Elis runs to get over 30 Gyros all wasted on Hades. Medusa was pretty hard aswell.

    If you havnt played Hercs adventures, get a mate and co-op that game naow.

    This guy beat him without the sphere grid.

    Seriously though, if you want to beat any boss, just get all your aeons to overdrive, and use them all.


    The thing I hated most about 00 was also in the second season. The first thing that got really annoying was the nonsense with Saji and Luise. They just wouldn't stop whining. People have already talked about this so I won't go into it any further.

    The second thing was the innovators themselves. They were so annoying and went on and on about how they were the superior beings whom all peoples should bow down to. Even though they were getting beaten left and right. And in addition, no matter how many times they got beaten, they just ejected and came back.

    But this is the thing that really got me. The innovators kept pulling supersuit after supersuit out of their arse. Where do they keep getting these superior mobile suits? If they keep getting better and better, why didn't they just use the more advanced models in the first place instead of waiting until the other ones were defeated?

    And the last thing that I didn't like was that it followed almost all the other gundam shows in the way that technology skyrocketed near the end. Let's look at Gundam Wing. At the beginning of the series, there were only Leos and Aires suits. Later the water models: Picies and Cancer were added. Before long, the mobile doll Taurus was invented, which required an upgrade to the gundams for them to be able to fight them. And finally, the Virgo suits were introduced as the ultimate fighting machine. These 4 suits comprised everything that the armies possessed. And the Leos were present during the last and final battle. Contrast this with 00 and see how everything just blew out of proportion. Even with respect to the advanced models in GW, there were only the 5ive gundams, the Tall Geese and the Tall Geese rebuilt, Epyon, and Wing 0. (I don't count the Mercurious and Vey8)(SP) But in 00, you just couldn't keep track of all the new suits that were released every episode. I don't like when they do that and it's what GW did very well.

    Now that I’m done with that, I want to bring up another popular gundam series called Code Geass. I don’t care what anyone says, it is a gundam show developed by the same people, having the standard 50 episode requirement, and having the required recap episodes that sums up everything in the series that occurs in every gundam show.

    I’ve got to ask, am I the only one who hated that show? The black knights never win. They always run away and somehow, their ranks grow despite that. I could go on a long rant about all the things that were wrong with that show, and how the author did some really weird things in order to manipulate the story to his liking. But I’d rather not go into all that.

  6. IMO' date=' Gundam Wing will always reign supreme as the best Gundam show ever. However, I would put the first season of Gundam 00 right behind it (and SEED close behind that).

    The second season, though...? I mean, I've only watched up to episode 13 so far...but it just all seems pointless so far. I think they honestly should've just ended Gundam 00 at 25 episodes. =\ I mean, episode 25 was the big epic OH SHI- battle they always have anyway, so it seemed a fitting spot for it to end.

    As for Destiny...I'd be understating my dissatisfaction with that series if I said I wanted to drive a large wooden stake through both of my eyes rather than watch it again.


    They had to continue. Every gundam series has always had 50 episodes.



    Or so I think. I have yet to see one that didn't.

  7. hmm kinda surprised nobody's posted in this.

    I love this game, I play on xbox live though.

    gamertag is Geeky Stoner

    I've loved the Soul Calibur series since 2 (probably still my fav)

    haven't played 1 on the dreamcast yet.

    This is like my favorite fighting series where's the soul cali love at.

    What about soul edge?

  8. So does anyone know if last remnant will ever come to ps3?

    And while I'm at it, when I was playing resistance 2, I had a level 18 spec ops, and when I logged on one day, it magically went up to level 21. The next time I logged on, it went to level 27. The next morning I decided to check it before I went to work and it went to max level 30. WTF? I actually wanted to level it up myself. A little while later, my soldier went from level 16 to level 21. It stopped after that, but has that happened to anyone else?

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