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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Not much for RTS', last one I played was C&C Red Alert. Anyone from my team wanna take this round xD?
  2. Well, close relative to the top three lol.
  3. I forgot to mention it, but the song I remixed was the Ocean Palace from Chrono Trigger. Sorry yall.
  4. Awesome entries this round yall, nice work!
  5. Good. Then it would appear that I have about one more opportunity to make something decent.
  6. I know its been said before, but im too lazy to look through the thread; how long is this, or how many rounds i should instead ask?
  7. I've...never had so much fun with the 3xosc O_o!
  8. I'd say go for it. If you like video game music and you want to remix. Don't let a website discourage you. There's plenty of music out there that doesn't cater to OCR's standards whether it's cover music or interpreted music similar to what you may find here. You can always show stuff here and get feedback whether it's just general feedback or feedback specific to getting a song posted here. Hope that helps.
  9. I'm checkin this out right now. I'll give my thoughts later, if I remember. And thanks for not asking for my email lol.
  10. I was gonna start a group here on ocr, but it would seem that im unable to do so
  11. Ooo, you must have something in mind =D.
  12. I did the survey with answers as honest as I can put in the dialogue boxes. I'm looking forward to the thesis of your phd of video game music and how you plan to assess the data from the many surveys that you get.
  13. May the force be with you dude! Mr. Nuts, I'll still be around so we can work on this thing!
  14. Oh man, rough week @_@. I'm really sorry for not getting anything done. I'm confused as to what happens now, are we out?
  15. I can go first. And I think I added you to google, I think lol xD.
  16. Hmm. So, by chance I get Mr Nuts and Law of N, pretty cool. How do you guys want to communicate and whatnot? I'll download whatever I have to.
  17. I am definitely diggin this track dude! Love that drum work, and the soundscape is awesome!
  18. Hmmm, interesting. To join or not to join, that is the question... Even if I don't, I'll try to keep up with this and see where it goes.
  19. I really appreciate the gesture. I had a few songs on their website, I don't know about getting signed, I never heard anything about it, heh. I actually forgot that I didn't have the song on their. I'll upload it the next chance I get to sit down at the comp and mess around with my tools! Keep at it dude, I'm always excited to hear new stuff that you have =)!

  20. I'll be sure to keep in mind what to bribe the joojs with when I need a song evaluated and judged right away.
  21. All I'll say is, this is awesome!
  22. Why yes. Yes you are doing it right!!
  23. Signed up for both.
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