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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Ah. Yes, I do remember that. Very unfortunate. I'll be looking forward to hear what everyone has that's all I can say =D.
  2. Well, I hope you haven't been assumin this whole time that you would win by default. That statement really didn't make any sense as you can't know for sure if a person is gonna turn in a mix unless they tell you otherwise or you find out when it comes listening time =P. And PH, I will only drop out if the circumstances that prevent me from submitting a track are out of my control .
  3. I just skimmed through the votes, it looks like BB and Prophecy is pretty close @_@. And lookin forward to hearin this weeks entries!
  4. It's the very first percussive sound. I can't really make out what exactly it is doing, could someone help me out asapppp?
  5. Nope, it's done lol. As disappointing as it may sound, I wasn't really feeling this around as much as I thought I was. The themes are awesome, but I had a thousand ideas swirling in my head, so I just did more of a "stream of consciousness" style of composing and arranging, and this is what stuck out of all of the ideas I had. It's definitely done though, all I'll probably do to this is turn up the bass a little bit, and look forward to the next round seeing as how I got another bye.
  6. Happy born day fellas!
  7. No mix from urdailywater ;_;? Ooorrr Mr. Snake for that matter? I'm gettin off too easily lol, but bigger than that, two mixes that won't be heard... Unfortunate, but it is what it is, we can't control all variables yet, if there's a such thing as "all"... Also right now is actually the first time listening to my mix on my studio monitors, I could've brought up the bass a little bit guess I'll go and do that...
  8. Hopefully I can vote before time is up though I'll be in Chicago for the rest of the week so I don't know how that'll go. I subbed my entry already as well. It's a finished piece so treat it as such.
  9. Man, I will say that this Frost Walrus theme is starting to grow on me and I've been totally into these slower moody interpretations lately @_@, they're also rather conservative too .
  10. Man I have some crazy themes to mix. But I guess this wouldn't be much of a compo if it wasn't challenging. Workin on my mix nooowww, I have an idea but getting there is what's gonna be hard.
  11. I'm just waiting to hear the Zero bracket mixes @_@...
  12. So is there like, two parts to frost walrus' stage?
  13. Glad you enjoyed the little bit that I had. Don't worry though, it's a wip so that's not the final product, I just have it on hold right now as I juggle other things in life. I was actually really hesitant on going from hype to chill but what I heard in my head was leaning towards making something more slow and emotional and I trusted myself to go along with it which it worked out. I definitely like what I put out there but I gotta make sure not to let myself get caught up in my personal opinions of it which tends to happen quite a bit... Also, lookin forward to the matchups of the next x bracket!
  14. Great job on the mixes everyone! If there's ever any time for you guys to polish em and re-present them, definitely do it!
  15. Just came here to say, I love it! The switch to a more happy sound towards the middle was different but I welcomed it. Awesome stuff man =D.
  16. Happy born day Mokram!
  17. You've still got the whole week, don't give yet! Also, Devastus has encouraged me to work on the song with his help on my music fundamentals and trying to better incorporate the two themes that I had first round. And thanks Bahamut for the feedback. I'll definitely be considering those things when I continue sculpting this block.
  18. Yeah, totally diggin Prophecy's track. Please finish it, please. Also: LOL at Gario's vote.
  19. Darke, I sent you another version, the version that I was wanting to send the first time.
  20. Ehhh?! Why do I always fudge up the timezone differences lol. Crap, well let me render what I have @_@.
  21. Working on finishing mine up now. I will be subbing something whether or not I finish this. Oh man, busy work schedule, and two songs that were hard to mix together makes for a tough week! Either way, I'm diggin what I put down which is alright by me haha.
  22. Loved it when you first showed it to me a while back. And love it now. Awesome piece James!!
  23. Good luck to everyone, hopefully life doesn't affect us too much and we can dish out some cool mixes. I'll be lookin forward to hearin what people have =D.
  24. I'm gettin some ideas from this. Beautiful...
  25. When using a sub, is it ideal to use the sub of the same brand or is it ok to use one from a different brand?
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