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Everything posted by BigBoss

  1. Best Project Ever. Seriously. Ever since the Doom one, they'd been going downhill.
  2. Wii - 4976 3165 2583 4220
  3. My biggest qualm with Twilight Princess is the unfulfilled promises. Most importantly these three; 1. They said it took place after Ocarina of Time, but before Wind Waker. I was looking forward to seeing how it tied into Wind Waker (though I do have an interesting theory on that). 2. There was claims that Link would age from a young child to a man over the course of the game. Link stays the same teenager. 3. Obviously, the time issue. I really thought that it would be a seventy hour plus game excluding sidequests, but I'm on the last temple in less than thirty. Big dissapointment. But other than that, awesome game.
  4. I would like to contribute musically, but I'm not of the highest skill yet. But in writing, I'm pretty good, at the risk of sounding prideful.
  5. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01110/
  6. Time constraints? Do you have a time limit on this?
  7. That was quick and is awesome, thank you.
  8. I request something that has to do with Big Boss.
  9. Neither are the two tracks being 'specially incorporated'.
  10. There is 140 pages to this thread - I'm not looking through all of that.
  11. Wait. Is nobody doing the credits from Revenge of MetaKnight? That would be a pretty epic failure.
  12. i like cookies. i've looked over unmod, it looks fun. Famous last words no srsly it ruined my life
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