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Everything posted by BigBoss

  1. Best Project Ever. Seriously. Ever since the Doom one, they'd been going downhill.
  2. My biggest qualm with Twilight Princess is the unfulfilled promises. Most importantly these three; 1. They said it took place after Ocarina of Time, but before Wind Waker. I was looking forward to seeing how it tied into Wind Waker (though I do have an interesting theory on that). 2. There was claims that Link would age from a young child to a man over the course of the game. Link stays the same teenager. 3. Obviously, the time issue. I really thought that it would be a seventy hour plus game excluding sidequests, but I'm on the last temple in less than thirty. Big dissapointment. But other than that, awesome game.
  3. I would like to contribute musically, but I'm not of the highest skill yet. But in writing, I'm pretty good, at the risk of sounding prideful.
  4. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01110/
  5. Neither are the two tracks being 'specially incorporated'.
  6. There is 140 pages to this thread - I'm not looking through all of that.
  7. Wait. Is nobody doing the credits from Revenge of MetaKnight? That would be a pretty epic failure.
  8. i like cookies. i've looked over unmod, it looks fun. Famous last words no srsly it ruined my life
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