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Everything posted by BigBoss

  1. is this as glitchy and unorganized as stepmania is
  2. Just because it could doesn't mean everyone should feel awful about it. By that logic, everyone should feel terrible and afraid every second of every day simply because they may get cancer someday.
  3. Pretty much.
  4. Than you are no less a monster than he is.
  5. 'Nuff said.
  6. He said 'he'd love to do more if they asked.'
  7. I just really hope that whatever the 'Final Destination' map of this game is, it ha a much better song playing for BGM.
  8. of the closet
  9. how about the pow block you throw is and everything dies
  10. I would go if it was in August.
  11. hey guys this thread is OLD AND HAS A LOT OF PAGES AM I COOL YET
  12. Final Fantasy would work IF, instead of appeasing to the thousands of faggots and putting in characters from FF7 onwards, they instead made characters out of the old lovable classes. Having Cloud or Squall or [insert faggot here] in would be gay as hell, but having a Warrior with shiny red armour or a good old Black Mage would be awesome.
  13. hey you're a faggot
  14. everyone will be gone to vgmix
  15. The only people who don't like Snake are fanboys who think his spot is better deserved by some other gay character who probably wears black and is calm and stoic or something. Anyways, pretty sure Ness is getting replaced by Lucas this time.
  16. there ya go bud
  17. rofl where the hell are you reading some freewebs site also gamefaqs reviews do not count
  18. hey guys i broke my gamecube but i want the best for my money hurhurhur
  19. what a failure you are
  20. Army Of Darkness was watchable. It just wasn't very good.
  21. Because we all know how bad UnMod was. It made people cry in real life! Was a pretty bad movie.
  22. rofl I'm not even going to tell you what is wrong with that
  23. if you haven't played tp you need to get off the fucking internet and head down to a game shop right now there is NO reason to not have played it yet NONE at all
  24. Things that are supposed to be bad usually succeed in being bad. And contrary to hipster belief, bad isn't actually a good thing.
  25. A remix of the song Parlor Tricks from Death Jr.
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