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Everything posted by BigBoss

  1. Making the entity who gives Pit his bow Farore instead of Palutena would be as dumb as making the last boss of Metroid Prime 3 a giant red brain that isn't Mother Brain. wait
  2. he is an angel
  3. Teletraan I
  4. <NrgSpoon> yeah i'll just check it later <NrgSpoon> site is too overloaded <Vintage> it's funny to me <Vintage> because I imagine the site as a happy japanese man <Vintage> just opening a door all smiley <Vintage> then getting mauled by millions of people
  5. I will play I will play nine times
  6. god people that frickin boss ain't that hard
  7. Hmm...good point.
  8. Backstory is different from story.
  9. Exactly. Playing on Flat World or Poke Floats is no excuse.
  10. Yeah uh, Super Metroid was an awesome game and all, but the story wasn't a masterpiece. -Samus delivers Metroid. -Pirates steal Metroid. -Samus goes to kill pirates, succeeds. The End.
  11. I've got to agree with Joe; (spoilers) I was very, very dissapointed to see that the other hunters were quickly corrupted and killed. At the very least, I hoped you'd be able to save them from their corruption, so that the possibility of other hunters that AREN'T either dead or wanting to kill you for some reason could maybe arise in future games. Samus is badass as a loner, but having those other hunters to impede, aid, or just meddle her progress was a feature I, among many others, was very much looking forward to. The hints at a rivalry between Samus and Gandrayda (Sammy, rofl) was one of the biggest potential things, and they just kind of dumped it off. Dissapointing.
  12. Winner of the 'Various entrances that actually made me jump' Award: Spoiler:Ridley
  14. Opinion: No words for the awesome.
  15. yeah guys because prime 2 was not a carbon copy of it's predecessors than it must be absolutely terrible
  16. Awesome but only because more pics with Diddy.
  17. anyone who thinks that any of the DKC games sucked needs to fucking die anyways
  18. yep ok yep sure yeah
  19. Least suited person to state this outloud.
  20. That's just asinine. Everyone who cares what OCR is about either just downloads the mixes or hangs out in the parts of the forums dedicated to that. I hardly think some remixer one day said 'you know that board is so terrible I'm going to leave this board for fear of it consuming my soul and I'm going to spread the word that all of OCR is juvenile and bad because of some people that hang uot in a subforum of theirs'.
  21. You know, there actually weren't many fad threads and the UnMod community started to look down upon them in general about three months before it was blammed. Show's how much you ventured in.
  22. In other words, 'but they started it!'. The site is thriving. The forum isn't. 'hey look the judges got to go to [convention]' doesn't mean everyone on the boards is happy about everything.
  23. confirmation's a good thing
  24. the best update the very best
  25. motherfucking Dempsey Rolls
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