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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. So, you're saying that because he said a few negative things about your song in a constructive way, you're going to ignore it? Zircon knows his shit, dude. Even if he wasn't judge, project coordinator, mod, all that, his feedback is still worth every word.
  2. I don't know...it doesn't really add any flow to the transition. If anything, I think it's worse because of the humongous style change and how sudden it is. At least the other one was a little closer stylistically. Also, if it's going to be a song that's played on the dance floor, it should probably have a little shorter intro (if you're using the piano intro) or you're more than likely going to have about a minute of dead time or something. If it was me (which it's not. Your decision), I'd stick with the other intro but add your own elements gradually in the intro like we were talking about to make it flow a little better.
  3. yeah, I see what Seph's saying. The intro seems a little out of place because it doesn't really flow very well with your stuff when it comes in. Like he said, try adding your own elements on top of the source, like at the first tempo change. Then add something else at the second tempo change to add a little cohesion there. Not really any other complaints. The part that was swung reminded me of Burning Heat. I haven't heard that much swung trance
  4. I can't remember if I've updated since the last version...I'm pretty sure I have because the last updated file in my filehouse is from May 5th so... ...updated link in first post
  5. Well, seeing as I just graduated high school, I'm obviously not part of the industry, but I'm hoping after I graduate college I can make music for games. I don't really think I need to worry about it that much right now, seeing as I have 4-5 years of college to go through first, but to those of you who do that, what would be the best way to go about getting that sort of job?
  6. Awesome. I'm kinda excited about this. I want to be on this project but seeing that the only track left was China's theme...I would be like "alright, let's do this." Listen to the track a few times, fiddle around in FL, and... nothing. It sucks. I hate that song.
  7. So, it's about that time now when all the seniors are thinking of things to do. I'm a part of three senior pranks. 1) Top secret. No one knows about it except the guy I'm doing it with. We're going to do the pacman chase 2) tomorrow night, some of us are going to switch two teachers' rooms around. Room A will look like Room B and vice versa. Also taking all the desks from two classrooms and piling them in the office. 3) Me and a few of the band seniors just got done setting this up a couple hours ago. We messed with our band director's office and put sticky notes everywhere, arranged some of the chairs into a big 08, and let go of a helium balloon that said "class of 08" and the string cut really short into the 20 ft high band room. Pictures: http://ton.escariot.net/pictures/mine/prank/ I'm the one in the maroon shirt
  8. http://olremix.org/remixes/42
  9. I remember someone on IRC was asking about this too. I pointed him in the direction of OCRemoved and pointed out that same song but he said it wasn't it...
  10. If you wanted, you could broaden your topic to the remixing community as a whole and include sites like http://remix.thasauce.net/ and http://www.vgmix.com/. You'll find a lot of songs you there that you can't find here.
  11. - intro is way too long. - not enough melodic content in the background (imo) - a lot of the background content is too staticy. Probably due to reverb. - I like the lead melody and how you changed up the rythms a bit. All I really notice at the time, but I'm not going to go in depth since it doesn't really seem like you're at the point that lots of feedback would help. Seems to me like you're in the stage where you put down an idea and are currently building on that.
  12. Updated link in first post. Still needs some work, but length-wise it's complete ..unless I decide to change something. EDIT: Wouldn't you know it...I decided to change something.
  13. HOLY SHIT! Ok, so I finally started my first new remix in months and I'm really excited at how awesome it's sounding (in my opinion). I haven't had an idea that just flowed out like this since my first two mixes. But when that happens, you get in a hurry and miss little things and become biased to certain sounds that probably don't sound good...so I could use some feedback http://ton.escariot.net/songs/remixes/MajesticShenanigans.mp3
  14. well, uh...is it too late to join this? I'm in if it's not
  15. My senior class did that last year, except with marbles. When they shook his hand, they slipped it to him. Both his jacket pockets were bulging with marbles by the time they were done. And at the speech he gave to the senior class at the beginning of the year, he said "...and if anyone gives me a marble at graduation, I'll find where you live."
  16. I remember about this time last year, we had a similar thread. It's my senior year in high school this time and I want a great senior prank to remember. Any ideas?
  17. I just realized how close to the deadline we are and all I have a really short wip. I'm going to try my hardest to find time to finish it but unfortunately, I've been REALLY busy lately. I got cast in a school play soon after I signed up for this and we have rehearsal after school every day. Not to mention concert band region contest this weekend and getting prepared for the last month...really sorry, but I might not finish. SiMV on the other hand, already told me he's lost interest after his project file disappeared a few days ago. He says he really wanted to do this but doesn't feel like starting from scratch again.
  18. Found source. Lock me in, good sir. I'll let you know as soon as SiMV makes his decision
  19. I doesn't seem that all the sources are posted on ThaWiki. I can't find my source on there. (Final Fantasy IX: Freya's theme)
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