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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. I listened to this song, then read the thread. Everything Skryp just said was pretty much how I felt about it and then some.
  2. You pick the worst time for these things, you know that? I have practice after school today. I don't know how long it'll last so I don't know if I'll make it.
  3. Maybe. If he goes, my friend can most likely go (only have to worry about cash, then) but if mom's boyfriend doesn't go, I'll be by myself.
  4. They already have an item like that. The very first Smash Bros. Dojo update, the Gooey Bomb. Whoah. I just looked at the Gooey Bomb page and the picture's been updated. Or added. I don't remember if it was there before, but the main image looks different than the gooey bombs in the other pictures.
  5. That alone would make the project worth downloading. Also, I just looked at your sig and realized that I need a bar sig that says "I just missed the UnMod Nukage" or something.
  6. So, one of my friends can't come for sure. Still waiting for info from my mom's boyfriend...it might end up being just me. Any room anywhere, just in case?
  7. Of course not! Why would I say that? Besides, I can't say it sucks if I don't listen. I was just...busy at the time. >.> I love you too, Anso. :3
  8. Hell, I have a whole playlist that plays every night that helps me sleep. As far as ReMixes go, the one that stands out in my mind is 'Kizukaseru' by Unipulator. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00903/ However, I find that most of the music in my playlist comes from various Cafe Del Mar albums I've found. Very relaxing stuff. Also, I have the .hack//Sign OST, Mindi Abair, Grover Washington Jr., some Candi Dulfer (I like saxophone music), and some music from an album I found using StumbleUpon (http://www.lunarmusic.net/).
  9. So yeah, I listened. Actually, I pretty much skipped the whole two hour cast to hear what they had to say about the song at the end...for some reason, that song sounds a lot better in podcast form.
  10. reminds me of my first remix when I was still using the FL demo...
  11. Anso has gained a level! Coolness raises by 2 points. Popularity increases by 4 points. General bitchin-ness increases by 23 points.
  12. I immediately thought of Snappleman. Also, you forgot your right parenthesis
  13. So you sound like a Swedish 5 year old that's hyped up on sports. nice.
  14. Hot diggity damn! Base Wars! God, I used to play that game all the time. I actually think I stole it from my Grandpa's house to play on my own NES at home because I loved it so much. I love you Nutritious.
  15. Damnit. Won't be able to make this one either. I have Region marching contest tonight. Hopefully next time EDIT: I MAY make it back in time to listen with you guys. Not making any promises though
  16. it sounds cool. I like the ethereal, eerie feel at the beginning with the muffled drums. One suggestion I have is to unmuffle the drums between the first part and the second during the transition. And give the second part more umph. Also, that muffled cymbal crash didn't sound right for some reason.
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