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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. Hmmm...It is a bit much timpani. I don't think it sounds unrealistic, just too much. I mean, hey, it's possible to play if you have that many timpanis and can play them all >.>. Same prob in this one too, btw. Not enough melody. That brass actually doesn't sound that bad imo. Just out of tune. If you could fine tune each note (annoying, I know...) it wouldn't sound bad. I think the main thing you need to take back in the percussion (in the version in the first post) is the snare. But only a tiny bit. And def bring out the melody a lot more.
  2. Alright! This is more like it. A hell of a lot less MIDIish. Right off the bat, I'd take the percussion back and bring out the melody a little more. It's too quiet through the whole song. Ew...ok that harp or whatever at 2:28 is just gross. Waaay too sharp. Other than that it sounds really good though. HUGE improvement. Keep it up!
  3. http://ton.escariot.net/FortuneCookie.mp3 Boredome + random subject + one hour's work = this ok. Don't take this too seriously lol. Don't worry about any technical stuff, just tell me what you think from a listeners standpoint.
  4. why did you make two of the same topic? >.>
  5. It's nice, but waaaay too much cymbal/hihat. It ruins the song imo. I also didn't hear much of the original. 1:44 - 1:58 is all I heard and it was really quiet.
  6. Alright, so I finished it. Well not really. I had some problems w/ FL so this is as much as it's going to be...sorry. Let me know if I should submit it.
  7. well, I like it from a musical standpoint. It's laidback and jazzy, no doubt. I'm having trouble picking out what's wrong w/ it...It might be the lack of dynamic contrast in the vibes/bells/whatever those are. Maybe it's just the sound of them in general. Bah! whatever. I'd like to hear the finished product so keep it up!
  8. ok. Not bad. Needs some work. It doesn't seem to go anywhere. I would make the chorus a bit louder, like, make a big impact and let people KNOW it's the chorus. Vocals lack a bit of pitch control imo. It's not bad but could use some work. There's also not much dynamic range in the vocals...er...not much range period. lol I like the part about the gun and the game being child friendly. Looking forward to the next update
  9. It's nice. Not much for originality, but I like listening to it. I'd say about the same thing avaris did about the composition. Maybe add some *very* light hand percussion. Little things would go a long way in this, imo.
  10. Dafydd: I get a sql error when I click on the mp3 page.
  11. Much better imo. I like how it gets to the point a little quicker. It'll probably keep a lot of people from turning it off before it gets good (Unfortunately,I know a lot of people who would do that). Still a nice beat but I can actually hear everything too, towards the end. So yeah, big improvement
  12. Hey. I've been listening here at OCR for years now, and I just started getting into the community so you may not know me. However, I do consider myself to have musical talent to a degree. I'm not sure how to go about doing a project or anything, but I would like to try and contribute I have made some remixes in the past, all which cut short because of FL6 mishaps. Haven't contributed anything worthwhile yet, though. I'll post some links to them below so you will know a bit of what I'm capable of. Let me know if you want me on the project or need any more information or anything. Wii Sports - Wiitastic http://ton.escariot.net/Wiitastic.mp3 Zelda: OoT - Bolero of Fire http://ton.escariot.net/Bolero_of_Fire.mp3 (also have another but it's not worth mentioning...) Thanks! ToN
  13. yeah, I've had the most trouble w/ the trumpets...anyone know of any good(free) trumpet samples?
  14. So, after reading a request for a pasodoble remix of this tune, I couldn't resist attempting it. It may not be pasodoble but it definitely has a spanish/latin feel to it. http://ton.escariot.net/Bolero_of_Fire.mp3 Tell me what you think! Thanks! ToN
  15. Hey there. I play saxophone so this thread caught my attention. It's ok. Sax sounds very midi-ish but the flute's fine imo. Try and get a better sax sample.I think it would be a little easier to hear if the drums and background sounds were taken back a bit. About half of the notes sounded kind of offkey. Overall, if you work on those things, it could be much better. Keep it up! ToN
  16. Personally I use Mediafire just for that reason: It's free. And it's not bad either.
  17. The easiest way is to use some kind of file hosting (e.g: putfile, mediafire, soundclick) and just post a link to the download page. Actually, I can't think of any other logical way of posting a song in the forums off the top of my head...
  18. lol yeah. I'm kinda broke atm so I can't afford the full version. I've been very lucky that I've even gotten this far w/ demo FL. But I can't NOT write/compose/mix/generally make music just because I can't save projects. It's like trying to play FFVII w/o a memory card. It's difficult, but possible
  19. I think it would be cool to join a project and all but there are a few things holding me back atm. First: I'm only using the demo version of FL6 as I don't have enough money to buy a full version yet. Meaning that I can't save project files so I can't start a new project w/o finishing the one I'm already working on. And I'm working on something atm. (excuse the run-on explanations) Second: I don't know if I'd be up to par. I just started remixing, submitted one I wish I could redo (can't because the flp wasn't saved...goes back to the first reason) and finished another (It still needs some work), But as you can see, I'm lacking in the experience department. Third: I don't know the music for any of the avaliable bosses up there. But we may be able to work things out, if you want me on it. Here's some links to my work. FFXI - New Adventurer(The one I wish I could redo): http://www.mediafire.com/?dzkzd4t1omv Wii Sports - Wiitastic(completed, still needs some work): http://www.mediafire.com/?dy0zwmbwjmm Zelda 64: OoT - Bolero of Fire(no good name yet, Current wip): http://www.mediafire.com/?8ymlyd2azaz Hopefully, all these links are updated. Like I said, still an amateur, but pm me if you like for more information or whatever it is you need. Thanks! ToN
  20. Not much I can say about this...Beginning got a bit monotonous after about 7 seconds, but my waiting paid off around 0:15 when the drums came in. Most of the tune was great (love the funkiness). At the end there are some parts that sound like they get drowned out for a couple beats here and there, but overall, I like it.
  21. It doesn't sound much better than MIDI quality. The instruments and especially the drums just sound too fake. As I've never heard the original, I can't say much about the originality, but imo, if you want to even stand a chance, you need more realistic sounding instruments.
  22. It sounds...empty... I like it, don't get me wrong, it just sounds like there could be more there.
  23. IMO, the biggest issue here is balance. A lot of it just sounds like white noise. Everything else seems to be drowned out. Also, it's too unoriginal. I don't hear anything that's not from the original song. Add some variation and originality, balance out the song, take out a lot of the noise, and lower the overall volume and this MIGHT have a chance at making it. Honestly, I wouldn't know exactly what it'll take to make it, but I'm pretty sure that if you submit that as is, those are the main points the judges will make (if it even makes it to the judges). Don't mean to sound too harsh, but it'll help in the long run.
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