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  1. I'd like to ask permission to possibly use all or part of this remix in a custom New Super Mario Bros Wii project I am working on. We are making custom levels, music, backgrounds, and even custom tilesets. You would be credited in the notes that are released with the game, and even possibly in the game itself.
  2. how about OCR Hero!
  3. thanks for the feedback guys... I'm always happy to see what others think... that's why I posted it... it's a constant learning process for me
  4. If the argument can be made that almost all remixers with an Artist profile wouldn't care if the information is provided, would it not be OK to allow the remixers to ask that certain information not be given on the profile page? Surely a few omissions at the request of an individual will not be counterproductive to the website. For instance: Name: JasonP27 (Jason Patterson) Roles/Credits: Idiot (27) Aliases: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Birthdate: Information Omitted Upon Request Birthplace:Information Omitted Upon Request I found out my fiance's middle name early on in our friendship/relationship via the Internet... and she wondered how I knew it... and even when I told her she didn't remember putting her middle name online anywhere... and that it was publicly available just by searching. There are people that may try to keep their identity on OCRemix.org and YouTube or Facebook separate, and just because you are able to make the connection that the two users are one in the same does not mean that the user intended that. I think if you want to be able to give that information in an Artist Profile without the artist having a say, the only way is to put it in as part of the terms of an accepted submission. If an artist wishes their remix(es) to appear on OCRemix.org, that they must accept that certain information may be gathered and provided by the staff.
  5. thanks for the links, though when I tried to download the Squidfont one I ran into a dead end... but Googled it and found it elsewhere
  6. set the port (upper right) for Colossus to 1 for instance, then for each MIDI Out also set the port to 1 and also set the channel for the MIDI out to the corresponding channel in Colossus for the instrument you want it to be. Same thing can be done for other VSTi like Edirol Orchestral, but not all VSTi can load multiple instruments
  7. I just bought a Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme... but not the cheap one... I got the X-Fi XtremeMusic, cause it supports ASIO 2 for low latency and what not. The RRP (MSRP) for it was around $300 AUD ($240 USD) a few years ago, but I've found at some online shops from $160 AUD - $230 AUD. Anyhow, I got it off eBay for $90 AUD ($36 of that is just the shipping from USA). I won't be getting my MIDI keyboard controller (probably Oxygen 61) for months though
  8. it may be possible, at least I would think, but then again it would all depend on your controller too... which is?
  9. after I get my USB keyboard, I'll need a better sound card to reduce/eliminate latency... however, after I buy my USB keyboard I won't be able to afford much regarding a sound card... I won't need to record using the inputs, or need digital in/out, or MIDI ports or anything like that... I will just want the latency to be gone as best as possible for a cheaper card... will the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme accomplish that? would anyone recommend it?
  10. ok thanks, when I get it and hook it up I will report my findings here for others, and any solutions to any problems that I find and fix... was going to get it for my birthday (Aug 5th) but looks like Christmas or later is now the deal
  11. http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=251401&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60 you can find updated version of all 10 though a couple of them are supposedly "leaked" versions and are not guaranteed to be working for everyone (some people still get the loudness problem)... vstcafe has 4 out of the 10 released as stand-alone... they should be stable
  12. I am seriously considering purchasing the M-Audio Oxygen 61. I live in Australia, so getting it shipped here from the USA is not an option really, but thank goodness I found a decent online store based in Australia that sells these sorts of things. The cheapest I have found it though has been $279 AUD (about $219.96 USD) + $28.00 shipping at electricroom.com.au which is a bit more than zzounds.com sells it for ($169 USD w/free shipping) I have a Pentium D (2-core) processor with 1GB DDR2 RAM and Vista 32bit. The audio card that came with the PC is one of the Realtek High Definition Audio cards (on-board I think). Will I experience much latency using a USB MIDI controller such as the M-Audio Oxygen 61 with my current setup?
  13. thank you for you quick reply and for the example link
  14. After reading all 34 pages of this thread, I just have one question for the judges. Say a submission is only OK in production (EQ etc), and the instruments used could be a little better, but the song is very good musically and very creative. Is it possible for a song like this to still get a YES? Would it be more likely to get a NO (RESUBMIT) than a song with opposite problems? (i.e. good producing, great instruments, lacking musically) OK, that was two questions.
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