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Posts posted by Jaybell

  1. I am not the best criticizer but I had to comment on a Phoenix Wright remix.

    I like that you included a bunch of different sources towards the end, it made me smile.

    THAT SAID: this is kinda really repetitive. Also it sounds empty-ish?

    This is actually not bad for a first remix ever. But I don't think it would get on OCR as it is. Change up that pace! Fill up that soundscape! But don't clutter it too much! You're random references to other sources at the end means you can arrange those pieces sort of, so uh do more arranging of the main source!

    I guess!

  2. What I love about this game is that every character is usable. I'm maining R.O.B, but I actually like and can use to some degree of proficiency all the other characters, even Yoshi.

    Oh, except for Donkey Kong. I'll always hate you the most <3

    Yep! More often than not, I end up not being able to decide so I just hit random and hope for the best.


    It's so amazing oh my sweet lord but I assume you all know this so I'll talk about characters I like.

    Olimar is crazy if you use him right and manage those pikmin well, but that is tough! Especially his arials are great. But it's hard to micromanage like that. I like him still and will enjoy playing as him but it ain't easy, son!

    Lucas is good and plenty different from Ness, which makes me happy. Also, holy balls is his up smash ever powerful! It's almost unfair.

    Rob is so much fun to play as for some reason that I can't put my finger on. He's slowish but also strongish? And heavy? I don't know why I like him so much but I dang do. It's like the reason I liked G&W in melee, but I'm actually good-ish with him?

    Speaking of Game and Watch, I like what they changed about him. I'm still terrible with him, though, because he's so dang light and easy to knock around. I was however thoroughly satisfied by his introduction in Subspace. He's so adorable.

    Okay, I'm done.

  4. That stage is truly artistic. It's a small stage with leaves to stand on. They change color when you hit them, and little tadpoles bounce on them. Each touch makes a different bell-like sound, it's pretty neat if you like to experiment with sound.

    Sounds more like Electroplankton itself.

    it is yet another good game made into a terrible stage

    If I had to guess why, it'd be because of the small platforms, the inconvenient layout of them, and the plankton things that, from what I've seen, do damage. Am I right or am I completely wrong?

  5. I HATE new pork city for that very reason. It's way too zoomed out. Everytime it pops up i always read it as "new porn city" and that makes me lulz. I messed around with the level editor today and it made me appreciate the 3 premade ones that much more. my levels were pretty crap except for the awesome Sonic Adventure opening.

    Hey! We could just recreate New Pork City in the Stage Creator and we wouldn't have to contend with NOT KNOWING WHERE THE DANG PLATFORMS ARE, because the background wouldn't be in the way.

    I just thought of this and got all excited but someone else has probably already done it.

  6. I see your Spear Pillar and raise you a New Pork City.

    You know what? New Pork City's layout is alright; I have no problem with it being giant. The problem is that, when it gets too big, it's impossible to tell WHERE the platforms are because they blend in with the background.

    On a big giant super tv, you might be able to figure it out (the platforms have flashing lights on them, I noticed). And when we were close together and not spread out across the screen, it was good times. But then one jerk runs off and it ruins it.

    Other than that, I haven't played a whole lot of other stages (just played it at a friends house), but I haven't hated any of them yet. Warioware is hella fun (but the "rewards" are really random and kind of unfair). I haven't played Spear Pillar yet either (he hasn't unlocked it yet). And Rumble Falls, though I didn't play it, compared to Icicle Mountain, doesn't look that bad. At least they warn you when it's speeding up. Still looks annoying, though.

    Also, Olimar has terrible recovery.

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