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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Close, nice! Thanks for the feedback, all! I think two things about my track: the leads are a little noodly, and I should a bit more effort to creating/emphasizing melodic hooks. Probably more so, I could afford to stretch the structure a bit more. The changes come quite quickly - the track is only under three minutes long, with the intro already taking a good part of the track. I could use a bit more of the source to fill things up when I make the track longer. I'll certainly keep working on this one!


  2. I heard some previews/stuff on Youtube, and enjoyed them, so I got this. Haven't had the chance to listen to it yet though. Like I've said previously, you've released an amazing amount of stuff lately. Don't burn yourself out! :???: I hope you'll be better soon!


  3. Awesome! Slight oops from my part - I thought MilkyTracker used .it format as well so I only mentioned that - ReNoise loads .xm:s too. Well, there's bound to be playback errors anyway if we don't use the same software. I guess the question is though, do you want to go back and forth with the file, or are you "abandoning" it to me? :) If the latter case, we could both use MilkyTracker, but if the former, I can just load the .it version in ReNoise and not worry about compatibility.

    edit: I'm not sure I've actually used MilkyTracker after all, hehe! Shouldn't be a problem though. Also, I should mention that I'm pretty short on time, so Ḯ'm not sure *when* I'll actually get around to doing something to the track. Hope this isn't a downer on enthusiasm. :)

    editedit: I see you included the .xms, so that's all good.


  4. Hey cool, you use Linux/trackers too? I use ReNoise, which has a Linux version out. I've used MilkyTracker (and Schism Tracker) too, but I'm not that comfortable with the Impulse Tracker style interface. I realize you used LMMS (which I hadn't even heard of before) for this version, but still - trackers! :nicework:

    I'll try to give the new version a listen later today. Hey - a crazy idea - would you like to collab on the previous version? If it's .it, I can load it up in ReNoise and see if I can, for instance, add some other SC2 source into the tune.


  5. I didn't manage to even listen to each of the tracks in time, but here's a little something about each track:

    Hoboka - Disputed Perspectives: Creative and interpretive, successful! Very nice slowdown. I also like the use of the fake sax.

    DjMokram - Spontaneous Combustion: Impressive variety of variations, and also very good, varied sound and production.

    Sir NutS - Agressive Parasite: Hard-hitting beat, and good sound throughout the track. Some of the rhythms of the keyboard part in just after the midpoint of the piece isn't as groovy as it could be, but it's a good idea and close! Overall it's a solid dance piece, with good additional lead writing.

    Trism - Lost Sight: Impressive PRC debut! Like many others in their votes, I too took notice of the ambient qualities this piece had and enjoyed it greatly. Those first place votes were not undeserved!

    Meccaneer - Temporal Perspective: I loved the beat! Overall it's a bit too long, and the piano sound gets a little grating. Good ideas in there in any case, could stands some editing!

    Obtuse - Hidden Identity: Nice piece of electronica, with an excellent sonic palette. The lead that enters has around 00:18 or so has a problem with its slow attack I think, which makes it sound messy rhythmically. The clap sound is a bit exposed, mixed a bit high and, I guess it's a bit cheap to carry the beat completely. The basic idea of the beat works however, I could stand to hear more variation and sophistication in the writing. The bird sounds fit in so well I didn't even notice them the first time I listened to it! I like also how it builds up, a little slowly, and it's a little long perhaps, but there are a lot of ideas.

    Mitochondrial Groove - Chickenwarlord: The faster pace does stand out. The "midi default" piano in the beginning is pretty stiff, but there's much more attention to sound overall. There are some interesting explorations especially in the middle. Though they don't fully fit together with the source in my opinion, they have enjoyable stuff in there and could fit better with some work.

    Parasitic Reave - sggod89: The guitar and rock/metal drums make this piece stand out. The synth compartment is also very well done, starting with the slightly distorted bell/electric piano in the beginning. Very moody! The tempo picks up in just the right moment. Really good change-up! The organ lead is also very fitting for the part. Good structure too.

    If I had made a track this round, I would probably called it Adjective Substantive. I mean seriously, look at all the track names of this round. :D

    edit: Oh, and looks like my vote - 1st: Dj Morkam, 2nd: Trism and 3rd: Hoboka - wouldn't have affected the outcome.


  6. That's been discussed a couple of times in the thread already, though I don't recall what Archangel thought. In my opinion a tribute to PC game music on OCR, the mix should be from a game that gets posted as a DOS or Windows game. That'd make sense (again IMO) if the game was first released on PC, or the soundtrack was distinct for the PC version.

    Not that posting on OCR always worked like that, there was a Prelude mix early on that got posted as a FF5 ReMix to get a first FF5 ReMix on the site, and recently a Fallout 3 ReMix was marked as a PS3 game to get a first PS3 ReMix.

    I personallt think ports should not count. There's a lot that I've played on PC that I'd like to remix some day (Pinball Dreams/Fantasies/Illusions, Zeliard, Slipheed) but are originally from Amiga or PC8001 or arcades or something. That wouldn't really feel like a tribute to PC games for me.


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