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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. First I'll repost what I wrote for the album thread:

    My Child has probably the best DragonAvenger vocals yet, and the piece is quite gorgeous as a result. The lyrics are hard to hear for me too, but I don't mind that with this sound and melody. To nitpick, I hear some slight weak points with some beginnings of phrases and some intervals, but overall it's a powerful performance. The rest of the arrangement is good, but when the vocal is so strong, I wish the arrangement would have concentrated more on supporting it. Towards the end, it even seems to compete with it for attention. I believe a stronger overall piece could have resulted, although what is here is very good and enjoyable.

    There have been some comments that the last "my child" line should have more stuff going on in it. I feel quite the reverse, the power of the vocal is in that it is so understated and is not overselling itself at any point. The emotion comes across the best that way, I think.

    I still feel that the arrangement is overpowering the vocals towards the end, around 1:30-1:55 or so. It sounds a bit busy perhaps, though I find it hard to be more precise than that. It might be a mixing issue with the levels or frequencies or stereo separation too. The vocals have some timing issues here and there too, which contributes to the slightly cluttered feeling.

    Overall though, this is a wonderfully serene, and really, really sad song. I enjoy it very much. The vocals are powerful and clear and emotive, the writing is overall good, the piece sounds good and everything overall comes together in a really nice way, and also in a way unique to OCR ReMixes so far, as far as I can tell.


  2. Yeah, this is a bit sad. I think PRC has brought the most new music out of me these past couple of years. Even though I can't participate nearly as much as I'd like, it's very important to me..

    The concept of the compo is at the same time exciting, and very challenging. DjMokram has good insight.

    Don't forget though, that the past season had one of the biggest rounds ever (unless I'm mistaken), UNATCO from Deus Ex. That was a load of fun.

    Extending this one over the holiday season sounds like nice idea. Even I should find the time to participate. Plus it's a free round, no one can complain they couldn't find anything to work on. :D Also, it's like a little break at the same time.


  3. Nase, I get what you mean. I can't guarantee our track will have those qualities, like an interpretation in a more appropriate genre for them would. I'm less concerned about that though, and I generally like when things are taken to a different direction. We'll probably have to strip down the track a lot. The qualities that I (at this point) think will be preserved would be those of relief, celebration.

    Perhaps it won't work for the album's flow as the final track, if that's so I hope it can fit in some other way, and someone else can do another version (since there are three claims for Phantom and a Rose, I take that's a possibility). I don't think we'll be able to make a substantial WIP very soon though.

    I'm quite excited about the mood/flow aspect of this album, each disc having a theme/mood etc. So I'd be happy to try to work the track(s) with that in mind.


  4. I've had an idea for a long time, that might fit in what you have in mind for the first disc. I'd might send you a WIP of that at some point, you can let me know if there's room then.

    I'll also see if we can do another collab with Pleiade - I think you've heard our Wild Arms track, do you think the style would be good for some specific disc?

    I don't have much musicking time, but the deadline seems like it'd be far off enough. :)


  5. It's not billed as a bundle, it's "The Humble Voxatron Debut".

    More importantly, Clubbing of Isaac, yessss! I was hoping it'd appear in a bundle (..or a.. debut) since I seem to be in the habit of getting what these guys put out (and why not, as you can pay as much or as little as you can or like).

    Now.. I just need to find the time to play any of these 20 or so games I've gotten from these deals.


  6. Any chance we'll be seeing a full album review from you, Eino? ;-)

    Not sure if I have the time. I've been listening to the album a couple of times though, and I enjoy how it has consistency, not only in quality, but also a consistent energy throughout. There's a couple of tracks that are a little more mellow, but even they don't really let go of the high energy vibe. Could be exhausting, but it works.

    I find the whole very listenable. Nice bonus tracks too.


  7. This is a joyful and pleasant track. I like the very beginning immediately - the synth playing the simple repeating figure sounds just great, and the percussive chirp in the other channel mimicking the rhythm is a terrific detail. The playful, jumpy drums and the solid but varied bass compliment each other very well. The sax/trumpet sample is the weak link, but forgivable - the melody itself, and rest of the lead instruments, sound good.

    Above all, this mix has character - I think the amibent/chill feel is uniquely contrasted by the lively, kind of angular drums and bass. I was playing a random selection of ReMixes, and when this came up, I didn't know which piece it was but I did recognize it, especially it's mood. Good stuff!


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