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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. If you paid for the games before the bundle #2 games became available, you should be entitled to them. They should be downloadable indefinitely (I haven't even downloaded my Frozenbyte bundle games yet). Same goes for the two bonus games. Sounds like you have some sort of an error, you should message their support.


  2. I'm playing Raptor (from GOG.com) right now, so it was cool to hear a ReMix from the game. While I can't recall the source, the mix is pretty cool, with smooth groove and a well-woven soundscape. I especially like the way the vocals were used.

    I wasn't able to hear the bad notes Vig discussed in the judging thread, I guess that's a good thing for me, since they're usually a big turn-off for me. I guess they weren't that bad for me.


  3. Thanks to all participants for the album! I'm enjoying the album as a whole, and most of the tracks by themselves. Good hit rate! Also the album has a fairly consistent atmosphere from track to track - some of the transitions are very nice. Tracks flow into another, and other times the contrast one another. It's good when you're listening the whole thing through.


  4. Nice! Steel Storm was a nice add earlier, I'm probably looking forward to play it more than the original five games (although all are interesting). But getting the bundle #2 games too, that's pretty cool.

    Already bought it earlier for a bit more than the Linux average. I think I directed a bit over dollar to Child's Play and a bit over dollar as a tip to Wolfire, who put the bundles together, but don't have a game from themselves in this time around, so that's the only way they're getting any money (back) from this.

    Re: charity, I read the Wikipedia page earlier, and the bundles are about selling indie games, the charity thing is more of a nice opportunity to raise some money to them as well. It's definitely cool that you can give most or all the money to them though. I think the bundles together have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars already for the charities.


  5. Really fresh direction to take this track, that's always a joy to hear.

    Vocals need work, but that's pretty much covered. The timing on the rhythm guitar feels a little off at the beginning of the second verse, it's a little uncomfortable. Also as a possible fun addition, the bass could become more active during the outro fade rock-out, it sounds like there'd be room for it and it'd be quite natural. Good luck with the track, it's very promising!


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