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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. That's a good deal. A friend of mine complained that one game is hardly a "bundle", and although I had a thought like that too, I still wouldn't really complain with a deal this good. So I'll be getting this one.

    I'm really looking forward to playing this game, I'm very interested by the "simultaneous turns" aspect, and I've been thinking to check the game out. And then this turns up, really nice. A couple of friends (the one mentioned above) got this already (or are getting it), so there's people to play it with too. (:

    I already have the Frozenbyte bundle from before, and I doubt there's going to be spectacular bonuses later on (getting the soundtrack is nice of course, haven't heard it yet).


  2. I'm very happy to see this revision get posted! A great track, as it was on the album. The arrangement is excellent, as before. The mixing is clearer than before, and I feel this makes the synth/organ/metal fusion work together much much better. In the old version the guitars sound a bit like they were recorded in a barrel. Here they have a slightly lo-fi "texture" I enjoy. And like I said, the guitars and organ/synth mesh together better. Overall the good stuff is more available to the ear, so to speak.

    On the negative side, there is a somewhat uncomfortable "pumping" effect between bass drum and bass, which bothered me greatly on the first listen - it was physically uncomfortable to listen to on headphones. I guess it's there to let the bass drum punch through? On further listens, I'm getting used to it, but I still don't enjoy it. To go on with the negative, around 1:45-2:05 the timing of the rhythm guitars is noticeably off to me, but that's more of a nitpick, and overall the level of playing sounds good to me.

    Great track - and also quite unique. I'm happy to hear this revised edition!


  3. You know, reading the first few pages of the thread now, this album has come a long way! It's on the cusp of completion after almost 2 years of effort and the right mental approach to leading. I can't wait as a listener to hear what great goodies everyone has in store for us in this album, it should be pretty kickass :D!

    I did the same (read through some of the first pages), and I have to agree. It was fun to read the bits where it started to come together at a rapid pace, and that was just September 2009!

    I just submitted our arrangement to the panel. Pretty excited to see how that turns out.


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