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Shining Mirage

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Elendia, Rihelm Province, Riviera

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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Synthesis & Sound Design

Shining Mirage's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Watching that made me think of how grateful that I have my hair. You're actually right. Playing against a boss long enough will provide you with enough time to learn patterns of bosses (and yell a bit at your T.V.) But nonetheless, every boss is beatable. Another one for me to add would be Parodius 2. The Cemetery stage. I don't recall ever beating that game because of that stage. The music fits the situation that dude's in.
  2. It's still too bad that he takes 800+ of damage with either armor on.
  3. Yeah, kinda got the same message, from the same user I think. Something regarding "lolcunts"? Whatever-the-hell... Anyways, thanks.
  4. Happy boithday, B!
  5. Drac from Rondo. I have grey hairs from fighting that SOB. *nods* Yeah, he too can go back to fuckin' hell.
  6. My co-worker from Boston was cracking jokes on me while I was spacing out one morning. I was staring at one of my Yu-gi-oh decks (Angel / Majestic Mechs or whatever they're called) while I had The Northern Exposure Vol. 3 album blaring in my ears. Then she just blurted out, "Well, I guess the 'Angelic Sound Factory' is doing well this morning? How's the hangover?" That name was originally supposed to be for my music project that I was working on, but that has to be put on hold until further notice. With both school and work, I don't have time for much. Hell, it's been 2 weeks since I've seen my PSP. I know that I didn't lose it, it's just I forgot where in the house it is. Bleh. I just recently got around to changing my OCR handle to what everything I own has on it. *shrugs*
  7. Funny, because I'm still looking for that one along some series called "Bokusatsu Tenshi" (Dokuro-Chan). I only hard of the latter from my twisted friends and they referred to it as a "quick laugh". Googling it barely did me any justice.
  8. Cleaning deh house and listening to some Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean stuff. Oh yeah, Happy New Years to you all.
  9. Love the game overall, but having a bit of trouble with the last mission on Veteran mode. 20-30 dudes in 1 minute? Damn.
  10. New York. Born and raised in the Bronx. I kinda stray out to Boston, Mass. from time to time, but I'd love to just visit out there when my second job isn't harassing me.
  11. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (In which I kinda decimated in two days...) Clothes Sparkly-looking lint
  12. Merry Christmas, folks. Hope y'all got what ya wanted.
  13. Happy Birthday, Darke.
  14. Live... action... DBZ...? This just has to be a joke. I pray that it is.
  15. New headphones and the return of my sanity.
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