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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. The production is awesome, the effortless gliding between styles and instruments! Excellent usage of sax, unexpected but a great sound. Regardless of whether this is kosher with OCR standards, the song is just a joy to listen to. After 1:28, the arrangement is liberal in how the source is handled. The riffs become the basis of what is pretty much an entirely new track, but this is not the first remix to pull a trick like this. By timestamp, this is just over 50% by my count. In addition, it sounds sufficiently Bramble-y to me. With both of those conditions met, I'm happy to pass this. YES
  2. He auditioned for the role of one of the good guys but was turned down for not being Caucasian enough.
  3. I think that's the primary feature of it, yeah. It also has some features like morphing between two different sounds or presets, step sequencer, and velocity layers but I haven't ever used those. The sample library is all over the place and is fairly big. It has some good stuff, but also some not so good. Comes with some FX as well. It also comes with a little hardware controller only designed for controlling it that I haven't found useful at all. According to this, the free player comes with a smaller sample library and can't be used to organize sounds outside of Kore, which is most of the appeal for me. But it'll probably give you a sense of the interface.
  4. Hmm, hard to say. I'll mention that I've written a short story about people who get trapped in an elevator and eventually figure out they're in some kind of purgatory and they're being judged, not too far off your idea or Devil. I've also written a novel that had several specific details in common with an episode of Angel I hadn't seen at the time. Good ideas tend to get independently thought up because they're good ideas (notice the little pat-on-the-back I'm giving myself?). I wouldn't assume you've been ripped off unless the specifics match too. But I also wouldn't rule out that maybe the germ of your idea traveled by word of mouth to the screenwriter. Do any of your college friends know this guy, or someone who knows him? If so, it seems a lot more likely your idea was used for this.
  5. I don't think this would be an issue, to have a couple previously posted tracks be on an album.
  6. Jake is gonna send us a new version. Linked here and in first post.
  7. Forgot to mention that this arrangement also uses this source in the middle, though I doubt that changes any votes: This wasn't a very elaborate source and the consistency of the arrangement kind of reflects that, but I did like the melodic touches thrown in, and the dynamics between the heavier and lighter sections. I was cool with this arrangement-wise. The rhythm guitars could have been pushed back and they're a little messy, covering the other instruments at times. Could have used some more EQ there. The piano was also mechanical and dry. Actually the whole song was a little dry, but the piano is the most noticeable. It's pretty much a toss-up whether to go NO or YES (conditional) on this, but some of that production needs to change. I'll e-mail Jake and see if he can send us a new version, rather than letting this continue to split when we mostly want the same fixes. EDIT (9/23): New version is an improvement on both the production and arrangement. There's a little more variety in how the source is handled, and the mixing is better. The piano is less mechanical but it still comes off as stiff. The delay on it at least gives it some depth and incorporates it into the soundscape better. This is enough to push me to YES, good luck with the others' votes. YES
  8. First off, definitely an improvement over the last version. The Prelude/Crystal World riff is pushed back now and the usage sounds much better now. Sequencing is better, and thank you for changing that guitar sample to a more synthy guitar sample. The number of swells and pauses in the second half is a little awkward, though certainly no dealbreaker. However, I still can't say I'm totally feeling this. There's a problem with the mixing though I can't articulate it well. The lows are somewhat crowded with swells and rumbles, and many instruments don't have a lot of high-end, which sometimes results in parts being hard to hear. The leads might have too much fatness now, certainly a contributing factor to that. But above all, I think the choice of sounds is still not sitting right with me. The bell synth at 2:03 - that's just not a strong sound, it's pretty low and round, doesn't really cut through the mix. Same with the lead at 2:33. With some different EQ, these are probably usable but I think you could find better sounds. The drums brought in at 2:54 aren't that powerful because the low end is already eaten up. These probably come across as nitpicks, but they all hamper the song in the same way, which adds up. It's a close call vote, but I don't think it's quite up to the quality of other songs on the site. Best of luck to you on the rest of this vote. If it doesn't swing your way, please give it another try! NO (resubmit)
  9. Arrangement is not bad, there's a couple sections that play off the original pretty effectively. But the overall instrumentation is still pretty close to the original and it comes across as somewhat conservative. I also wish the drums had evolved more in this, breaking into a full beat w/snare at some time, instead of sticking to the same speed. There's a few separate production problems that overall are really hurting this. The sequencing is very square and for a funky song, it's pretty strange to hear. The sample quality of the piano is not very good, and the song is cluttered by the lack of separation of these instruments. There's some things you got right in this, but a lot you could improve. Maybe come back to this after working on your general production skills a bit. NO
  10. To elaborate on what Deia said, the decision was made so that OCR staff could have more involvement in the projects the site officially supports. The one-thread projects are very hard to moderate and have the project evaluators assist with, and had a tendency to get started then abandoned. With the new model of using private project forums, we reward people for trying to work with us to make a project acceptable for OCR, and it's easier to make sure the project is moving along.
  11. Glad to hear good things about this, I loved Black Halo and many songs off Ghost Opera. They are fantastic live, as well - it's a shame they had to cancel their tour for the album. I will be checking this album out soon.
  12. Yeah, I was gonna say that. But it is the 25th anniversary of the game that cemented him as an icon.
  13. Can we get at least one more YES vote on this? I notice none of the NO votes from last time have voted on this besides Jesse...
  14. Harjawaldar, Vidar, Ludvig - Mads Smebakk - madsmeb@hotmail.com - http://www.myspace.com/harjawaldar - 30387 - Zelda: A link to the past - Sanctuary theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUaP-tm1buI Comments: This is a black metal version of the Sanctuary theme from Zelda: A link to the past. While it is black metal, this remix is going for a particular style of the genre. We were here aiming for the sound of the early 90's black metal scene of Norway, inspired by bands like Darkthrone and Burzum. In order to achieve this I simplified the main melody of the theme and turned it into a classic old school black metal riff. The repetative structure of the song is typical of the genre and creates a certain atmosphere. The production of the song is also adjusted to imitate the particular style. Thin guitars and grim vocals. The acoustic ending was created to add another dimension to the mood of the song, and also some variation. This sort of acoustic playing was also present in the 90's scene, and the band Ulver was most famous for it. The song was used in Dwelling of duels april 2009 and got fifth place, some hated it and some loved it. And I really do think that is the thing about this genre, especially the early 90's norwegian style. The Vocals were done by a friend of mine, Vidar, who's not a part of the vg remixing community. And the same goes for the drums which were done live by Ludvig, in his little drum studio. I wrote the lyrics which are basically a lyrical cliche of what was usual back then. The name "I den Svarte Skogen" means "In the black forest", and its about a dark and sinister place in a dark forest. The lyrics are written in new norwegian, which statistically is a minority language in Norway. As a long time fan of black metal music, I was really happy with the fact that I had managed to successfully mix a theme from my favorite vg soundtrack with this genre. I think this is something new to the vg remix community, and something that hasn't been done properly yet. And I can't think of a more fitting theme for this fusion than the Sanctuary theme. (Will provide lyrics if wanted) ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUaP-tm1buI
  15. Hello, Remix Friends. Please to be making acceptant of for submission to my party van. Naked more than five inches! Her say WOW! Contact Information Your ReMixer name: Shael Riley and Suzumebachi as Shael Riley and the Double Ice Backfire Your real name: Shael Riley again, also Ty Guenly. Your email address: shael.riley@gmail.com Your website: www.shaelriley.com Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=333 Submission Information Name of game: Mega Man 3 Name of individual song: Magnet Man Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. That is a real NES. I dun programmed it myself. Link URL: -----------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Real Name - Taylor Swann Remixer name - Swann email - taylor.s.swann@gmail.com Remix - "Overcast" So. My first sub to OCR... I've arranged a classic theme from Ocarina of Time, the Song of Storms/Windmill Hut (also Zelda's Lullaby), for solo piano. Gave it an jazzy/blues-ish feel. Enjoy! Written and rendered in Finale. source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-ZPpGdt1xQ quick breakdown: 0:00-0:11 Intro/exposition. 0:11-0:30 Source + extra 0:31-1:00 Secondary melody based on the source. 1:00-1:05 Modulation to F major 1:14-1:25 Source (major) 1:27-1:40 Zelda's Lullaby 1:40-2:00 Messing around with the Lullaby 2:02-2:05 Sun's Song/Hyrule Field "sunrise" 2:05-2:22 Going nuts 2:22-2:32 Source 2:42-end Zelda's Lullaby + Song of Storms ----------------------------------------------------------------- Windmill Hut, Zelda's Theme
  17. How do you have all the time to do what you do, and still have a birthday? Color me puzzled. Have a good one, Justin.
  18. one for Mattias - palp Your ReMixer name - nobel 11 Your real name - Walter John Hunt Your email address - walterjohnhunt@gmail.com Your website - http://walterjhunt.blogspot.com/ Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile - 33644 Name of game(s) arranged - Kaleidoscope Name of individual song(s) arranged - Home (Main Theme of Kaleidoscope) Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) - NA Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) - NA Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. - When I first heard Mattias' beautiful title song, the first feeling I had was (as much as I hate to admit it) jealousy. It's a perfect piece of music. But then, rather than simply accepting that, I took it as a challenge. Mattias had set the new standard that I would hold myslef to. ----------------------------------------------------------------- J-hosted source
  19. Contact Information ReMixer name: HALO_ZERO Real name: Cody Walton Email address: walton.cody@gmail.com Website: http://codywalton.com OCR forum user id: 25433 Name of game(s) arranged: Batman (NES, 1989) Name of individual song(s) arranged: Level 1-1. Additional information about game including composer, system, etc.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_(Nintendo_Entertainment_System) http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/data/587117.html Composer: Nobuyuki Kun, Kodaka San 1989, NES Your own comments about the mix: While flipping though cable channels one day happened to land on one of the early 20th century Zorro films. It got me thinking about the similarities and connection between Zorro and Batman. This of course reminded me of my favorite Batman game, the 1989 Sunsoft NES version, which had great music. And so the idea for a Latin Batman OCRemix was born. I'm not gonna lie to you Marge, I made liberal use of Apple GarageBand loops for this track. I felt it was more important to capture the correct atmosphere than to create original performance. I'm afraid my skills as a musician just wouldn't have been up to the task. But in the end I'm happy with the combination of loops and midi. Hope you enjoy it! Cody Walton HALO_ZERO -----------------------------------------------------------------
  20. Contact Information Remixer Name: Synthetic Synesthesia Real Name: Dave Reece Email Address: dv.reece@gmail.com User ID: 31080 Submission Information Game: Mass Effect Song: Love Theme Platform: Xbox 360 Composers: Jack Wall, Sam Hulick Soundtrack Links: No official link. It seems Bioware have removed the soundtrack from their store. Remix Title: Consequence Comments: This song was written in FL Studio. It was started in FL Studio 7, ignored for about a year, and eventually finished in FL Studio 9. The vocals and some of the ambient samples were captured from the game while playing it, and the main piano theme was reconstructed by ear in the program. The original song occurs directly after an emotional moment in the game, forcing the player to make a difficult decision. I felt that this moment was one of the high points of what I considered to be a terrific game, and the music helped hammer the consequences of your actions home. With the remix, I attempted to keep the melancholy feel of the original, while moving it into the downtempo genre and also adding a little 'space' theme with some of the background pads and arps. The vocal samples are from a different section of the game, but were part of one of the best exchanges in the game, and helped with the moody feel of the track. Overall, this is my attempt to recreate my experience of playing Mass Effect in a song. As for me, I've been tinkering with music for a while. I have no formal training, but have learned from years of listening to and playing with music. I'm a big fan of OC Remix, and my regular listening frequently includes songs from this site. This is my first OC Remix submission. I hope I haven't strayed from the source too much, and I hope you like it. Thanks, Dave -----------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Your ReMixer name: Brandon Strader Your real name: Brandon E. Strader Your email address: oinkness@gmail.com Your website: http://brandon.rainwound.com/ Your userid: 3123 Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy X Name of individual song(s) arranged: Otherworld Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Flag: This is a Project Track Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: I was looking for an excuse to make some death metal, so I hopped on the BadAss Boss themes project and produced Dreams of Death, a heavier remix of 'Otherworld'. Most people recognize it from the beginning of the game during the opening blitzball cinematic, but it is also the *spoiler alert* boss theme for Jecht near the end of the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OONqel6f_8M
  22. Contact Information ReMixer Name(s): TheKrow, Hylian Lemon Real Name(s): Jordan Dromi, Ben Hoffman Submission Information Game ReMixed: Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Track Remixed: Rolling Ridge / Goron Mountain Original Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trAx44p0Bl8 ReMix: http://www.mediafire.com/?mkezwtnolqn (I also included an attachment if for some reason the link becomes broken.) This is a fun track Ben and myself both enjoyed working together on for the unofficial ReMix project, Essence of Lime. We originally didn't really have any definite direction to as what we wanted this to sound like, but we came up with something and just rolled (lol) with it. A lot of time was spent trying to find the right instruments to fit together, hence the interesting combination of synths, ethnic instruments, or otherwise. In the end we were quite pleased with how it turned out. Also Ben writes: "We is pretty tite." ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trAx44p0Bl8
  23. Dear djp and judges of OCR, Game Over are happy to present this brand new Mega Man remix, a reinterpretation of the Cut Man theme. I started working on this arrangement in 2007 when I went on a US roadtrip together with Mr. MAGFest. I think I even showed my notebook to djp when we had lunch at Fuddruckers which I, after a long roadtrip rated as the best burger place (I don't even know if he remembers this, hehe). The guitars were recorded with a miced up Marshall Valvestate at my summerhouse. Due to the loud volume I had to run out during the takes, close the door to the cabin and sit on a rotted bench that even fell apart during one take. Getting the guitars right for this song was a bitch. At first it may sound like a standard rock song but the syncopation in this one is crazy. To make things even harder, we just had to do it so that there are two rhythm guitar parts playing simultaneously - one doing the riff and one playing the chords. Both are syncopated differently. This was of course quite challenging for the drummer as well. We never thought good old Cut Man would give us this much trouble. Even the lyrics were pretty hard to write because of the awkward rhythm. They were by the way inspired by Metallica's Disposable Heroes where soldiers are puppets and viewed as completely useless when injured. The soldier in this case is of course Mega Man who's being used as a tool by Dr. Light (hence the apostrophe in the title). In this song he cries out his disappointment over the betrayal of his creator. I don't know why it came out so dark in the end but I guess that's just Game Over in a nutshell. All members except for myself were replaced during the making of this song. The most significant change may be the new vocalist, Juggler. Light's Out also marks the debut of bassist Dasaten. The current line-up consists of: Vocals - Juggler (Marcus Carlén) Guitar - Wire (Elisabeth Pezouvanis) Bass - Dasaten (Dustin Shomer) Drums - Egg (Mårten) We have attached some new promo pics to this email - one of Juggler and one band pic. I think our info page on OCR still has the old line-up. I don't know if you need this info but our Youtube channel is at: http://www.youtube.com/user/nintendometal and our Facebook page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Game-Over/110232115672074?ref=mf ReMix info: Your ReMixer name: Game Over Your email address: gameover@nintendometal.com Your website: http://www.nintendometal.com Your userid (number, not name) on our forums: 747 Dasaten's userid: 20094 Name of game arranged: Mega Man Name of individual song arranged: Cut Man Here are the lyrics: In my hour of distress I suffer in my lonliness I'm Hanging on by a thread Not a sound but the blood pounding in my head You left me without a trace Treated me like a disgrace My life Is slowly fading away As it flashes before my eyes I feel betrayed Chorus: Kill Go to war Fight 'til you can't fight no more That's what it's all about When the veils of darkness surround you Light's Out!   We fought the battle side by side Against creations you denied Left Was just an army of one Indoctrinated machine was what I had become A servant at your beck and call Loyal, always standing tall A pawn Bred to lay down my soul Lacerated and wasted, left out in the cold Chorus Chorus 2: Kill Go to war Fight 'til you can't fight no more Death's what it's all about I feel the veils of darkness around me The image of you as the enemy Light's out I bid my farewell to the world /Game Over through Wire. -----------------------------------------------------------------
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