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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Hey everybody, I'm buying stuff on Saturday for the BBQ and I'm assuming all the people who said they are going are still going. If you're a maybe, let me know if you're going before Saturday so I can buy the right amount of food. Also, I realized Burke Lake Park is kind of big so let's try to meet at the main parking lot with the ice cream parlor and carousel.
  2. Hi Here is my second attempt at a remix and this time I think it will cut it out At any rate, here are the infos : Remixer's name : Gabidoo My name : Gabriel Cyr My Email : Peacefull76@hotmail.com The song I remixed is Daryll's tomb from Final Fantasy VI. I did a somewhat classical / Ravel's Bolero-ish version a year ago that didn't make it and since it's one of my favorite song from FFIV, I wanted to give it another go so here goes a totally different version from what I did back then. It has a electronic/lounge feel to it with some pseudo dance beat to it later on with a soft piano ending that plays as you will notice, the second part of the original tune. What I mean by that will easily be understood by listening to it. Was done with reason and Cubase for the composition part and Protools for the mixing/mastering part of it. Well, I hope you like it ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Epitaph
  3. I didn't listen to this carefully enough to provide a vote, but I just wanted to add that I loved the style and concept of this track while initially assessing it. Very unique combination of influences. Please make the fixes the others asked for, Dominic!
  4. Indeed, I use T-Racks 3 and Sonik Synth 2. T-Racks is pretty nice, not a huge fan of Sonik Synth but it has some decent stuff. Was that all you wanted to know?

  5. Feeling the groove bias pulling me in the direction of irrational YES... must fight.... Nah, this is great stuff, rationally! Lots of fun little details thrown in, glued together with some massive compression. I really liked the weird transition to 6/8, didn't sound awkward to me, or maybe I mean that it sounded fine in the context of this song. Maybe could have used one more change-up of lead for variety, but I thought this was excellent. YESsSsSs
  6. Arrangement is interesting. Even though it's almost all culled (or all culled?) from the two sources, it has a new spin to it because of the way the sources are combined and the different instruments used. It was slightly repetitive within a given section - I heard a lot of the same patterns getting used four times in a row - but on a macro level, lots of variety. From the intro onward, I heard things that could have been done to improve the production. Deia noted the mechanicalness though I thought it was a much bigger deal. That piano always sounds fake, especially because of how dry it is - this is a must fix to me. The pads were too loud and competed with the foreground instruments, the snare was too dry and lacked thump that would have rounded out the soundscape better. With some of these fixes in place, this would have a shot at getting my YES, though some additional details in the writing or production would really make this one shine. NO (resubmit)
  7. Heh, D&B means that probably some of the stuff mentioned here isn't that important. The sequencing tends to be straightforward, it's more the samples, production, and effects that'll make it work. For D&B, I tend to throw some loop in the background and layer some snares and kicks (usually something boomy with something with a nice high-end sound) so that they hit hard. It's not too difficult to sequence everything either, if you go that route. And like Arcana said, it should be pretty easy to find a demo where you can look into the nuts and bolts.
  8. Hmm, a close call. I like the arrangement, it's pretty intelligently written. The plays on the source are creative, it maintains the somber mood of the original and expounds on it. I was not fond of the overuse of the sustain pedal - it sounded like you held it down the whole time, and the bleeding of chords every time was distracting. Rubato was a little overused at times too, but towards the end, you went for the power and played it close to the original, which was a good idea. The recording quality could have been better, this didn't sound as full as it could have. Honestly, I could go either way on it, and I like to lean for a pass in those instances unless something really sounds off. There could have been some slight improvements here, but none which strongly hurt the song individually. Hope to see more, Crimson. YES (borderline)
  9. I will say that DA and OA (or DOA, for short) got my hopes up. The intro was promising, a textured take on the source. This is one of your best pieces so far, but it still has IMO sizable problems from a writing perspective. There was only one section where I thought the writing sounded weird timing-wise, which is a problem I usually find with your subs (that section is 2:07 btw), so that's a step up. But this really noodled around, and even for arranging an unmelodic source, should have had a more clear direction. The fadeout before the beat came back and the abrupt ending were good examples of an unclear direction, I felt like there was little-to-no continuity from section to section. I also didn't hear any source from 0:30-2:36 which is a very large span to not reference the source, though maybe I missed something there. Some production issues as well. The snare didn't sound like a good sample or it was treated in a way that made it ill-suited for the track. The choir sample was exposed too. Sorry Alex, this isn't gonna be the one that does it for me. NO
  10. I can pretty much copy/paste the last two votes. Arrangement is excellent, samples could be stronger, kick should definitely be more hard-hitting, but because of the strength of the arrangement, I'm fine with passing this. There's a lot of small details in this that really captured my attention, but it's still well-written from a broader scope too. Glad to see this fine game getting some love on the site. YES
  11. Rozovian covered the many aspects that go into this, and unfortunately, having any one of those be off can ruin drums. The style you're aiming for will also drastically change what you need to do. It'd be best if you can post an example of what you're roughly going for, and what you've made. One of the best ways to learn this stuff is looking at demos that come with your DAW and seeing how the drums are put together.
  12. Sure, bring the corn or anything else you guys like. In fact, mention in the thread what you're bringing if you're bringing something so that I know what I don't need to buy. BTW, it costs $8 a car to get into the park unless you're a Fairfax County resident. So obv carpool if you can, or if you're coming to the area by yourself, Amy and I can take a few people to the park if you can meet us at our place ahead of time.
  13. This is the way to use a decent-to-bad guitar sample. It's produced and sequenced well, and the fake quality is pretty masked. It barely matters that it's not a real guitar. I really liked how gentle and minimal this song is, and while it might not be everyone's cup of tea, it suits the original very well. The reverb settings are nigh perfect, the trails you get on everything are realistic and lush and fill out the empty space beautifully. Snare was the weakest point, but still not much of one - in a song like this, the percussion should stay out of the way. Let's go with it. YES
  14. Not much debate about the musicality of this piece. This has got some great performances, and I love the intimacy of the instruments. Sounds like I'm sitting three feet away, preferably sipping a hot cocoa. The parts that do incorporate "Eyes on Me" are creative, but c'mon guys. We're talking about 2/3 of the song being completely original, doesn't use the chords, nothing. "Hot Pink of Blues" used the chords at least. I can't pass off on this. NO
  15. The bad news: Burke Lake Park is all booked on grills on July 4th. The good news: djpretzel has offered his place for us to barbeque at, and chill that evening. That actually makes the whole food issue a lot easier anyway, we don't have to drag it to the park. I'll be buying food and drinks (burgers, dogs, Coke, some side stuff) based on the number of people that are coming, but feel free to bring other food or drinks. Dave also wanted me to mention that he has a lot of Jack Daniels leftover from his wedding, so there's that too. We'll still meet at the park in the afternoon (figured 2:00 PM is good), but transition at some point to djp's.
  16. Ben's Seiken Densetsu 3 mix was a pet mix of mine even though it didn't pass the panel - I'm really a fan of his style. This mix is even more creative and better executed than that one. The blend of the willowy, organic textures and the chippy, electronic stuff is wonderful. The melody is not pronounced yet this is still a very spirited, lifting song. As far as ways to improve, the flow could be better, but no transition is ever jarring. I also might have brought the beat out a little more, but that's it. Source seems to check out, I also heard that quote of the main Zelda theme that Larry did. Definitely a YES, glad to pass this song. YES
  17. I'll definitely buy that Edirol PCR-800 from you, I was looking to buy a MIDI controller and that looks pretty solid. Based on how much the shipping is, and whether you're moving to this area, I might just pick it up from you rather than get it shipped.
  18. Remixer Name: Verdegrand Forum UserID: 31241 Name of Games arranged: Castlevania: The Adventure (Game Boy) Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES) Name of Songs arranged: "Death Fair" from Castlevania: The Adventure (this would be the primary title of my choice) "Beginning" from Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Composers and Originals are already listed on the respective pages. Remix Name: "Primal Fair" Comments: This arrangement is actually a fragment of a larger Castlevania Piano Medley, but I felt that the combination of these two pieces could stand well on its own. I have always thought that the music of the handheld Castlevania games was underappreciated, and Death Fair was always my favorite track from the early ones. I start off calmly only to escalate at a second loop and relieve the built-up tension with 'Beginning' from Castlevania III. So, 'Death Fair' serves as kind of a 'Prayer', if you like ('Prayer' and 'Beginning' were combined at the beginning of Castlevania III). I had originally planned to make more of a transition between the pieces, but I found that 'Beginning' fits perfectly at the climax of 'Death Fair' without any meddling, and that any attempt to create a more complex junction would end up artificially ruining that perfect moment. Many greetings ---------------------------------------------------------------- ,
  19. My vote is the same as last time. As a background/mood piece it works great, and I definitely like the varied percussion added this go-round. I'm not sure I understand Jesse's "imagine this song without drums" criticism. It's a simple song and without the drums it wouldn't be much, but you can level that criticism at any number of songs. The melodies are simple but the song holds my interest, and that's good enough for me. YES
  20. Not feeling this one much, except for the piano sections, which bring some much needed brightness to the song. It's pretty focused on the lows and the production is cloudy as a result. A lot of the melody variations are labored and come across like attempts to make something different at the expense of melody. Also like Larry, I disliked the intro, and the breakbeats there weren't that well-incorporated. Come to think of it, since I'm nearly copying his vote, why did he vote YES? I will grant that the background writing is solid and the song has good detail and variation. With a clean, more-rounded production OR some melodic alterations that don't sound as contrived (or ideally both), I would pass this. The fixes probably aren't that hard to make, but should be made. NO (resubmit)
  21. Whats up DJP and judgers? I noticed it's been about 5 years since I last submitted a remix so I figured I'd grace the panel with some hip hop musics. And, to keep things fresh, I've decided to make the first OCR Parappa the Rapper remix. I know, you're thinking, how do you remix a hip hop soundtrack in a hip hop style? Well, here's the answer. This track remixes: 'chop chop master onion's rap' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eZcV1UuUzI) 'cheap cheap the cooking chicken's rap' ( )'bathroom rap' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrYPf4qqaU) They've been mashed together in an old wu tang/RZA style, heavy bass and grimy dark drums. Stark contrast to the poppy sound of the actual ost. To be specific, the melody is a slight variation on the main horn riff from 'cooking chicken', the bassline is derived from 'bathroom rap' - most specifically during the breakdown at 1:57. Certain aspects of the actual rap in 'chop chop' have been appropriated to the lyrical content. Hopefully, it fits the arrangement standard of the site. If not, it won't hurt my feelings. Lyrically, the song is built around the rise and fall of a rap star/culinary expert. I won't try and explicate it for you, but it seems to be appropriate in the context of the game (rap) and the track (cooking). Good to submit content back to the old stomping grounds! probably won't be the last! Look forward to seeing what you have to say on this one. ps: wasn't planning to hype my own shit, but i'm gonna. i've been releasing new hip hop under the stage name navi lately. just released an album you can grab here if interested (http://swamisound.bandcamp.com/album/grayscale). Enjoy! navid (lyrics) at a young age cooking with kerosene pan fried apple green, recipes in magazines top chef, before home ec developed his own tech to keep the dough fresh and keep the flow wet, keep the stove running deliver hot wraps, had to preheat the oven word got around, other chefs were summoned, but someone stole the whole book and left the kid with nothing he got jaded fast, first showcase might have be the last, forecast icy, fire's not pretty if it leads to meltdown in the chocolate city but it's all in your mind, chop that beat, make em hit rewind fry those rhymes, sautee that spinach it's all in your mind, souflee these critics cause it's all in your mind, chop that beat, make em hit rewind fry those rhymes, sautee that spinach it's all in your mind, souflee these critics rematch, they all went livid back on the scene, no props or gimmicks or obnoxious microwaved toxic dinners it's the wholefood certified slop apprentice lines so sweet they could drop a dentist homebrew king when he topped the guinness, whoa, stop a minute, he's skipping through his life in that old kitchen p-p-pushing to the limit he let that perculate, made a new track, wasn't worth the plate behind his back, new beef increased steaks hotshot foes saw time to hate caught him at a demo of a ginsu blade waylaid, assault and pepper sprayed took the bread made, plus the grade A green that he grew with his hands and the money he saved kick, punch, they found him bleeding stewing in the kitchen, boiling pot steaming hand on a whetstone, blade tip gleaming hurt me, I'm gonna cold turkey these demons seething, not seeing clearly, nearly poisoned a fan with his hands so filthy bad boy of the culinary sciences went trashed all his appliances it went south, lost all the hype numbness and gout and the stove won't light plus he can't taste now so he rots in waste took his name off the menus top slot disgraced, Moved for a change of pace, ditched the rhymebook Didn't even try it as an amatuer line cook Ten years drank beer sank into misery Bake out, takeout, shawshank imagery Till one day when he's old and gray scar on his tongue's long faded away so he tries to spray, surprise when it sizzles Like kid I missed you cause it's all in your mind, air out the fridge and the light will shine, maybe one more time he can spin those tables another homebrew fable ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap, , Bathroom Rap
  22. not sure this has much a chance, but felt it needed to get paneled - palp Contact Information ReMixer Name: SonicTrilogyTeam E-Mail Adress: alex_2k88@yahoo.com Submission Information Game: Sonic & Knuckles Original Track: "Flying Battery Zone" - Act 2 Name Of The ReMix: High Altitude -------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. My remixer name is ValiantLeon E-mail address is naustin1234@hotmail.com User ID is 32346 __________________________________________________ Submission info: Game: Megaman 2 Song I'm remixing: Airman's Theme Info: Gameboy version. Made with Reason 3. Midi of the original song: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/Gb2air.mid (Couldn't find the MP3. Sorry guys) Made a long time ago when I was first learning the ropes of making music. I submitted a really cruddy remix of a Silent Hill (which was actually more of a tribute than a remix) to you guys once before, not really sure how tough the judging was. This one is WAAAY better than that because it's actually a remix. Not many people get into remixing gameboy songs so I hope this does well. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I'm pretty close to borderline on this, but I can't help feeling like more could have been done to alleviate the repetition. The second half should have had some additional elements to progress the song, and those drums shouldn't be playing the same thing every time. It's a pretty song, and a simple but effective arrangement. Just needs to go that extra mile. NO (resubmit)
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