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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Very close for me. I like the trippiness concept of it, suits the source, but you could have gone much further with effects. There were a few times where it just felt like a bunch of synths that were on the plain side, and applying some phasing, flanging, short delay, or other effects would have made it much more interesting. The lead synth and the loud mid-range synth that get used in the 0:22 and repetitions of that section are the big culprits - that section was especially weak as a result. In contrast, sections like 0:44 just sound a lot cooler, weirder, and better balanced. You've also got a lot of instruments crowding the low end and the drums could have gotten more space with some EQ usage and better balancing. The upright bass was an inspired addition, I'd like to point out. I think this is one more revision away from a pass. Sorry Cerrax. NO (resubmit)
  2. I always love seeing remixers branch out, so to see you do orchestral this respectably is great. I already thought the original sounded Elfman-esque before reading your description; you took it further in that direction, and the result is a pretty spot-on pastiche. The opening was somewhat shaky - the low-heavy piano blended in to the background and the sequencing on it was a little unrealistic, but from 1:34 onward this didn't miss a beat. Sure, there's articulations here and there that sound a tad off, but for the most part it sounds great. Happy to give this the ol' YES
  3. This is one those votes I hate to make, because I can't explain it that well. The arrangement is put together soundly, the production is mostly there, it combines multiple sources in a seamless way - there's a lot of positives about this track. Yet with the snare sounding weak and the lead guitar and synth tones so blended into the background, this has half the energy it should have. Clearly this isn't an opinion that OA and DA share, but to me it was a big deal. I wanted that lead guitar to bite more, to cut through. I wanted that snare to sound powerful. I wanted some distortion on that synth. When I break this down piece by piece, the faults seem minor, but they all hurt in the same way which adds up. Can't sign off on it, sorry Thomas. I still wish you luck in this passing. Who knows, maybe I'm nitpicking, but that's why we have a panel. If this does pass, the ending should fade out completely. NO (resubmit)
  4. Hey, I don't want to give up on this mix.. sorry if I'm bothering you. I sent this revision to Larry and haven't heard back on it. To be honest, I sent Larry a few revisions. I was finding it a little bit confusing as to what he said was missing. But the source usage in this version is constant, between the bells and the plucked "dulcimer" type sound.. All of that continues to the second half, but the bassline switches and the guitar solo of course. So it's an EXTREMELY conservative arrangement technically. I was surprised that you guys originally no'd it due to source, haha... anyway, here's the link: Like I said I am sorry for bothering you again! I just don't want to give up on this mix. I know if this gets NO'd and I can't fix it for you guys then I will never go back to it and nobody will hear it. Please tell me what I need to do if more changes need made. x_x Thanks! -----------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Getting a strong Porcelain vibe from this, I like it. The instrument you bring in at 1:21 has a great sound, slightly unsettling to contrast the pristine soundscape you've built so far. Some of the piano parts in the middle of the song got noodly, but I liked the solo. Unfortunately, the way you've produced the piano is not very good and IMO stops this track from being a pass. If you're gonna spotlight it, it needs to sound more natural. Tone down the highs on it, take off some of the compression, and you'll be in good shape. And take down the brightness of the strings while you're at it, those stick out much more than they need to. With those relatively easy fixes in place, this would be a pass. NO (resubmit)
  6. I was nearly positive it was when the goal happened, but in the replay it looked like he was onside. I was really pulling for the game to go to penalties too. Valiant effort from the Dutch.
  7. Yep, I can definitely go as well. Crossing my fingers that the lines won't be too bad.
  8. Remixer: Willrock Game Remixed: Pokemon Gold/Silver Source Remixed: Route 27 - Remix Name: Champions Horizon Comments: Its been a while since I subbed a track. 2 months, my first sub this year even. I bet you judges all think you got it easy. BUT YOUR WRONG, WILLROCK IS BACK IN BUSINESS AND READY TO INVADE YOUR INBOX WITH CRAPPY REMIXES. Anyway, this is another project track - yes a project track, make sure this goes in the project post queue - for the pokemon project. Vig rejoice. So, this remix has been in the works forever, from the time I did mountain of dreams and snowboardin sonic, mainly because when I started this I was a noob that couldn't play guitar, or record one anyway. So... I asked fishy, he said yeah, and I waited forever and it didn't happen, simply because fishy was too busy it seemed, which was a shame, because fishy rocks. So, I decded to record guitars myself. Hope you guys dig this one, its one of my more experimental tracks in terms of arrangement, has some of my most crazy soloing in any of my remixes, and has a cool pikachu segment at the end so.... source breakdown - 0.00 - 0.08 - intro 0.08 - 0:13 - Source Intro (source) 0.13 - 0:21 - Intro Solo 0:21 - 0:53 - source main melody (source) 0:53 - 1:10 - Source Link section (source) 1:10 - 1:15 - Transition to Synth Solo 1:15 - 1:40 - Synth Solo 1:40 - 2:10 - Source Main Melody (source) 2:10 - 2:27 - Source Link Section (source) 2:27 - 3:09 - Fast section and solos 3:09 - 3:18 - Transition to final chorus melody 3:18 - 3:50 - Source Melody chorus section (source) 3:50 - 4:06 - Solo over melody chords backing 4:06 - 4:21 - Piano variation melody (source) 4:21 - 4:48 - pika pi? Source amount (rough) = 148 seconds (2:28 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- My breakdown follows Will's except that the last piano variation part is a little loose. This sits on roughly 50% even without that, so I'm OK passing this. As far as the arrangement, it's very cool and I love the guitar playing. Screw that Fishy character you mention, just keep doing it yourself. The synth solo is also really cool, and overall, I just like the sound of the piece. Drums could be less plain - do I say that about every song of yours? YES
  9. Your ReMixer name - Mikeaudio Your real name - Mike Isel Your email address Your userid "19903" Name of game(s) arranged - Left4Dead, Devil May Cry 3 Name of individual song(s) arranged - Left4Dead(Main Theme), DevilMayCry 3 (Dantes office 7 Hells Battle) DevilMayCry3 music composed by Tetsuya Shibata, Kento hasegawa (PS2) Left4Dead music composed by Mike Morasky (Xbox360) Dantes office 7 Hells Battle link Couldn't find an mp3 download so here is the youtube link Remixing Left4Dead was a little tricky, since the melody is a bit subliminal in presence, also there is not much musical material so it would sound more on the repetitive side. I decided to mix 2 different themes together, so I chose Devil May Cry 3. Surprisingly, the main riff from Dantes office fit with the main melody of Left4Dead. After experimenting with ideas, I decided to do a mix with a Nu-Metal, dreamtheaterish feel with a hint of industrial roots. The name of the mix is "Zombie Crippler" Enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ,
  10. Your ReMixer name: loproedge Your real name: Adam Edgemont Your email address: aedgemont@gmail.com Name of game(s) arranged: Streets of Rage Name of individual song(s) arranged: My Little Baby (Good Ending) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. This is my interpretation of the Good Ending theme from Streets of Rage. I decide to take a more mellow jazzy approach when coming up with the ideas for this track. The drums are programmed be me using Superior Drummer 2.0, no loops or midi files are used. I program each hit and velocity separately. The piano is also programmed based on the chord progression from the original tune. The bass and guitar tracks are played by me. I wanted to take the synth lead and adapt it for more of a dark jazzy lead tone. Everything is recorded, mixed, and mastered with Sonar. I look forward to your comments. Thanks, Adam ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDjAvQ6M7tY
  11. DDR is pretty awesome for this, it inherently interests onlookers (moreso back in the early 2000's when it was newer). I'm alright at the game, but I remember having 25 people or so watch and cheer at times.
  12. different enough? - palp Avaris (new website is www.sonic-elements.com) Level 99 Lufia and the Fortress of Doom Source: Field Motif ReMix: Silent Traveller This remix is for a project please do not post until the project is released. Shaun's Comments: The focus of this mix was to make something that felt desolate and alone. Really wanted to make a bitchin synth lead to go through the main melody. Since the main melody is so tight I though making a "talking lead" would help to really bring it out. There was lots of live automation performed on the lead to get it to bend and shift. To highlight different lead sections I layered other leads about 19 semitones above the original to add some thicker harmonics through fourier transform principles. As always Stevo added some excellent guitar elements to really help the pacing and feel of the track. I always enjoy working with him as we gel musically extremely well. Thanks for listening! Stevo's Comments: I honestly can't remember when Shaun asked me to do some work for this. Just goes to show how much I work with the guy that all the work starts to blend together at times. Originally, I was asked to do some electric and acoustic guitars to this, following in the synth leads and pad chords. The acoustics were held off because of how cold and distant the mix sounded with just the electrics. While the acoustic guitars were warm and human, it broke the desolation that the rest of the mix was conveying. Guitars were recorded with my standard these days: Gibson SG faded through a Pod XT into Sonar 8.5. The processing was all done on Shaun's end. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Remixer Name: TheGuitahHeroe (or just TGH) Real Name: Jamison Email: jamisonrandall@gmail.com Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheGuitahHeroe Game arranged: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky (Nintendo DS) Song arranged: "Temporal Tower" (source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn6yNpgjfP8) Remix Name: "Temporal Despair" Sorry, but I can't find anywhere on the internet who the original composer(s) are/is. Anyway, I'd like to start off by asking a question: Why the HELL are there no remixes from this game on the site?! The music from this game is incredible, and I think there should be some remixes of it! That being said, this is my remix of the Temporal Tower theme from PMD2. I started this off as a fairly liberal dance-type arrangement, and I didn't really establish any kind of real lead until 00:48, which is when the original melody starts up on piano. I thought piano would really portray a calm feeling throughout the first half of the mix, which would later break down, then build back up again. In the second half I pictured sort of a "pump-em-up, calm-em-down" idea, and juxtaposed a fast "Boston-esque" organ solo with some sweet flutes. I also used the break at 1:32 to transition to a different rhythm, which is a lot closer to the original. . . then, just when you think it's gonna start being just a copy of the original, the organ solo pumps up and says, "Nope, don't think so." So anyway, there's really not that much else to say about it, other than I hope you enjoy it. Haha XD ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn6yNpgjfP8
  14. Contact Information Huepow00 Weston Ahern breezegale00@hotmail.com http://huepow00.yolasite.com/ Submission Information Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis) Title Theme/Jingle Got bored around 3am and had one of my typical "Oh, Great Idea!" moments. Decided to finally do some more Sonic the Hedgehog remix's because everyone is always bugging me to do them. The last one I did was for a Fangame, and I've been so busy over the many months working on my own projects I've just never really had the inspiration. This particular piece is in my genre of choice "Happy Hardcore" - and I chose to take the opening theme/jingle and flesh it out into a little dance tune. Slammed the whole thing together in FLStudio and finished it in about 3 hours or so. This is my first submission to OCR and I'm really rather happy with how it came out. I'll probably be making some more in the future. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwGKt481rNM
  15. Real Name: Alex Shtokalko Remixer Alias: HoboKa Sources: Red Brinstar & Green Brinstar Game: Super Metroid Remix Name: Jungle Hell Description: This is a sort of combo mix, employing various styles; it's also atmospheric to boot Hopefully you guys will dig this and it'll end up in the No, Resub - instead of the No, go hang yourself area ----------------------------------------------------------------- Brinstar Red Soil Swamp Yada Yada,
  16. Original decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26802 Contact Information Your ReMixer name : 8 Bit Instrumental Your email addres: 8bitvgm@gmail.com Your websit: 8bitinstrumental.com Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Super Dodge Ball Name of individual song(s) arranged: A Ultima Carimbada Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. This is our version to the End Credits from Super Dodge Ball for the Around The Wolrd Project. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14686 - 14 "End Credits"
  17. Hello OCRemix! Thanks for taking the time to listen to my remix. Here is a link: Contact Information: ReMixer Name: TrancErnest2010(i just go by Ernest Miller) Real Name: Ernest Miller Email: TrancErnest2010@gmail.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/rawritsernest http://www.youtube.com/user/TrancErnest2010 Userid: 32587 Submission Info: Game arranged: Kingdom Hearts Song arranged: "Dearly Beloved" Comments: I actually made this over a year ago, but never thought of sending it in until now. Made in FL Studio 8 as an attempt to restart my productions, as I hadn't made anything in months. Traditional/typical trance intro/outro, and breakdown. I really hope you like it. Sorry for the low bitrate, it wouldn't go under 8 MiB otherwise. Thanks so much! -Ernest Miller ----------------------------------------------------------------- No knock on the production or flow, both of which are solid apart from one synth that's a little too loud and distorted. I like the woodwind countermelody added to the Dearly Beloved breakdown. There should have been more going on, but as far as trance goes, this would have been easy to listen to with one or two more elements going on. The bigger problem is the almost complete lack of source. It gets used about 25% of the song, though the chords are used a good deal. Wasn't enough of a connection to me, so going no for that reason. NO
  18. My last submission was almost five years ago, and it was an orchestral remix of a Zelda tune. I decided to stick with what was familiar for this remix. When you reject it, please keep the link in the judges thread. Link: http://tindeck.com/listen/zhez Remixer Name: Zas Email Address: mikezaz@gmail.com Game: Super Mario 64 Song: Powerful Mario -----------------------------------------------------------------
  19. hello ocremix! here is my first submission to the site, and if approved, probably not the last. remixer: qualo game: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles track: Flying Battery Zone Act 2 website: don't have an own one, but this serves as a portfolio kind of-- http://8bitcollective.com/members/qualo/ if a few words about the remix are needed, it began as a song of my own composition... the bass and rotator-y lead guitar were in place when it ocurred to me that the gritty snappy bass was playing staccato notes that reminded me of flying battery. then i discarded everything but the instruments and started over with the remix in mind. whee! (then a friend suggested i send the song here) ----------------------------------------------------------------
  20. Parking in the park is a breeze, I've never seen them run out of spots. Since we're meeting in the main area (I believe it's the first parking lot you see as you enter the park) just put your car there and you should be good! BTW, updated the food list. Still not too late to get something off of there, anyone else who's coming. If it ends up being too hot for everyone, we can always roll to djp's house or mine early.
  21. As awful a director as Shyamalan is, I'm getting pretty tired of the jokes about his last name. More from a "everybody keeps making the same stupid joke" standpoint than a "hey let's make fun of how long and unpronounceable Indian last names are" standpoint, but I'm certainly feeling some of the latter too.
  22. Forgot to mention, here's what I'm buying: Hamburgers/buns Veggie burgers Hot dogs/buns Fixin stuff Potato salad - diotrans Chips - Arrow Corn - Kizyr Cookies - me Pie of some kind Drinks - djpretzel Strawberry lemonade - diotrans Plates - Arrow Napkins If you want to chip in, feel free to claim something and I can get the rest.
  23. ReMixer name: Jewbei Real name: James Joyner Email address: jjoyner17@yahoo.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/Jewbeii I'd like to dedicate this mix to a close friend/fan of mine. Thanks Lisa for being my first fan and a good friend this is for you! More about the mix: This is a remix to Wesker's theme from Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. The source is very limited it was a good challenge to remix this. Also I would like to give shoutouts to Halc, Zircon, bLiNd, Avaris, ABG, Global-Trance and Rozovian for giving me good feedback during the WIP phases. Source: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Diggin' the track from a compositional standpoint. No frills trance, but some great choices of synth sounds (e.g. 1:53), good flow, good mixing. The decision comes down to source usage and here's what I've got: 0:29-1:09 half of each repetition 1:09-1:36 2:47-3:41 That's about 33%, pretty low. I definitely might have missed something and I'd appreciate someone take a close listen and see if there's something I missed. The source is not that melodic or easy to get, but from what I could tell only had a couple melody parts, only one of which is used. If there is something I missed, I'd be happy to revisit. Until then... NO
  24. Remixer Name: Squint Real Name: Hai Game Arranged: Super Mario Galaxy for Wii Song Arranged: Wind Garden (Theme for "Gusty Garden Galaxy") Additional Information: Mahito Yokota, original composer. This is my first submission to the site. I've been a long time fan, have downloaded many a remix over the past several years, and have admired many remixers for their skills and creative works on some awesome game music. I've always been a fan of game music and arranging, but have only just now come into the ability to make something and send it to you guys electronically. This is a piano piece that I did shortly into my run with jazz piano lessons, so I tried incorporating some chords that I had never, ever used before in all my life as a classical musician. It's nothing crazy, by any means, but with the strict classical background that I've got, it was pretty different for me. It still probably has more of its roots in the classical realm, but it's a start. I pretty much followed the original piece one time through, using different chords here and there and adding melodic decorations in certain places. At about the 2:15 mark, I decided to switch it over to triple meter, a sort of jazz waltz style. Somewhere around the end, I also tried to sneak in a small nod to the original Mario theme. Anyway, I hope you guys like it, and if you have any suggestions at all, I'm very welcome to criticism. It should be noted that amongst other remixers, I think the person who has inspired me most is Klutz, who has done a variety of piano arrangements of some of my favorite videogame pieces. If you hear anything else from me, it will most likely be in a semi-jazzy piano style, as I'd like to try to build a collection of such pieces, sort of the way Klutz had done with his "in Piano" series. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gusty Garden Galaxy
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