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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Contact Information: ReMixer name: Twitch Name: Rickard Svanström Email: thehero94@hotmail.com User ID: 32939 Submission Information: Game Arranged: MapleStory Song Arranged: Kerning City Link to original: Additional Info: Made in FL Studio 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Contact Information Blue Magic Damon Campbell bluemagic1984@hotmail.com http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/bluemagic/ User ID: 4656 (i think) Submission Information Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Ice Cap Zone and Lava Reef Zone Ok, I know I said I was not planning on submitting this in my WIP thread, but I figured, "what the hell, might as well give it a shot." So, here it is. I do realize that many of the samples I use in my mixes are not as great as the ones used by others, but I keep tweaking and using them to prove a point to some of the newer, aspiring remixers that come along. And that point is, "The sample quality does not matter, its how you use them." Even though I have pretty decent samples in my library, I rarely use them. Almost all of the samples I use are free. Now, about the mix. This is in my usual "chill" style. I tried to make this mix without relying too heavily on the original songs, so you wont find alot of the original sources in there, yet you can tell that they are present. I'm sure thats gonna be a turn-off to some, but this is how I wanted it to sound. Not trying to be an ass, but I hope you all understand what I mean. The mix is posted up on my site. Thanks to all of you, and enjoy. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ,
  3. Wow, that really sucks, Doug. Hopefully it'll be safer for you out in Kansas. It was great seeing you and everyone else yesterday!
  4. Sounds like there will be an OCR panel there again this year. Stay tuned for details!
  5. I liked the production here, but the same riff is just used too many times. And apart from that riff, this is entirely original. It sounds good for sure, but arranging such a short source tune is always a tough sell for our standards. In this case, too much of the tune is original, and the rest overuses the familiar riff. I did like the melody alterations; it's clear you're trying to meet our standards, but I just didn't think this was able to do it. NO
  6. 26/50. I missed a bunch of easy ones, though I still can't believe Nintendogs sold 23 million copies! How many titles are listed after the first 50? I got 5 of those.
  7. Remixer name: Guifrog Real name: Guilherme Arcoverde Website: www.myspace.com/guifrog Country: Brazil ----- Game arranged: Kingdom Hearts 2 Song arranged: Rowdy Rumble (source link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGsLkQ0vRgc) Additional input: España Cañi by Pascual Marquina (source link: )Remix name: Espacio Cañi (mix link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yn2zzjtnbnj) Ribbit! These days I went so spectacularly amazed with a spectacular song - España Cañi - that I decided to pay homage to it in a video game remix! I know that's quite a famous song, but I've never listened to the complete thing. As for "Espacio" Cañi, I wanted to make the title represent the mix kinda "spacial" tune by playing with the words. Here's a breakdown: 0:00-0:05 -> Intro - Marquina's registered mark. 0:11-0:30 -> Rowdy Rumble's main melody, with a spanish-sounding guitar. 0:33-0:54 -> Chorus, with a very minor take on the source. The marimba plays a variation of RR's intro. 0:58-1:04 -> Trumpet recalls a part of the main melody. 1:05-1:25 -> So it comes again in its entirety, played by synths and rearranged with an electronica vibe. Yet, I tried to make it in a way so the song never loses it's way (=P). 1:27-1:49 -> Chorus comes with some variation, as the song's gained an electronica feel. 1:50-2:00 -> Here I tried to put RR's intro without variations, and played by the spanish guitar, along with original melody from trumpets. It didn't turn out as good as I planned, coz the trumpets catch more attention, but I think the guitar's audible enough. I worked on the EQ as I could =P 2:11-2:40 -> Song turns quiet for the instruments' solo. They'll play another melody line from RR. Marimba comes first, stick on the source. Guitar makes a few variations, and the synths call RR's remix 'pre'-finale. 2:45-3:06 -> Now, I love this part! The pitch turns up a bit, and the trumpets complete the source usage. 3:08-3:42 -> 34 secs of Marquina's España Cañi. I used the same instruments played during the entire remix in order to substitute the original song ones, so I could be loyal to everything that happened. Besides, it ain't really nice to copy everything from such a cool song. I think this is my favorite production so far, and I'm quite satisfied with the way I managed to solve some issues (y'know, the trumpets gave me a headache until I could make them work well enough). Entonces, does it deserve un lugar on OCRemix? ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGsLkQ0vRgc
  8. Howdy. This is Hunter "Rubix" Short, better known on the internet as nintendude794. I know my past submissions were not up to snuff, and am deeply sorry y'all had to listen to that garbage. lol I'm confident y'all will like this piano remix of two themes from Super Mario 64 (on the Nintendo 64, of course), "Bowser's Road" and "Jolly Roger Bay/Dire, Dire Docks". I call it "Jolly Bowser's Road", and this is version 1.0. As for the inspiration behind it... Well, Jolly Roger Bay is ultimately one of my favorite video game themes to play on the piano. So recently I've began tinkering with it, changing the pace, chords, melodies, all that. Even a famous Japanese-sounding riff, I put on perfect fourths in Jolly Roger Bay's key and tried laying it over the theme. It sounded amazing, the way it fit. So instead of the original's "dingggg" with that D/G chord, it moves around with a somewhat oriental flair, creating a new theme in the piece's motif; although you'll notice that sometimes I included segments with just that one chord to be nice to the original theme. In the weeks that followed, I began tinkering with Bowser's Road, complicating the underlying bass chords with patterns and variating the rhythmic style of the melody. When I was tinkering with it, and got to it's fourth chord in the progression as the melody was about to shift into the next verse, I realized I'd just ended on Jolly Roger's opening chord. So I started my Bowser's Road variant over again and led the part that I'd discovered this into Jolly Roger. "WOAH. That sounds great." So I've been developing this remix for weeks, and I'm actually capable of tying in several other popular themes into this remix - Legend of Zelda's Main Theme, from the second verse of Jolly Roger; Halo 2's Unforgotten, via a variation of Jolly Roger's chord structure; one of Halo 3: ODST's piano riffs, via a concert F at the end of Unforgotten; even The Pink Panther's theme from a chord in that ODST snippet - however for the sake of time, clarity, and the remix's focus, this version I send to you has only two themes from Super Mario 64; it's funny that every time I sit down at a piano and play this piece, it comes out a little differently - I essentially improv my remix with my known variations every time. I was supposed to perform this - or something like it, hahaha - in my high school's talent show last night, but I've been getting sick over the past week and have missed the past three days of school, therefore I was unable to perform my act; essentially, the teachers responsible for the show were gonna cut me off once I'd been playing for three minutes, so my goal was to improv a good closing. I'm somewhat glad I didn't have to worry about it, being sick and all. This recording was produced in Apple's GarageBand: I sat down and threw together this remix I've been developing for weeks. Therefore, naturally, this version is also somewhat improvisation, so there might be a few kinda odd moments - hopefully you might view them as enjoyable quirks, some natural imperfections. I hope you like it and look forward to your response. nintendude794 P.S.: If y'all like what I've done to the piece but don't like this particular improvisation, feel free to tell me so, specifically what elements screwed up this version. Then, I might try again with another piano version or possibly a techno version... I suppose I await your judging comments. Thanks. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ,
  9. Hello Again!... ..., so much to tell: ---------------------------- I'm Jorge Mira, alias commandcom, userid: 26178. Original Track Name / Composer: 'Stage 1' / Motoaki Furukawa ReMix Track Name: End of The Adventure This is my third submission, so I will skip the personal details already stated in my first one, if you may. This is the final "Push Space Key (A Konami Tribute) (EP)" track. I first made a list of 6, then cut it to 4, now closing it with this 3rd one. So I can 'close' the project and, maybe, with time, open a "Push...2". Ok, the track, the game, and why this one: --------------------------------------------------------------- King Kong 2 on the MSX2 platform was an enigmatic game to me, as it was on Japanese by the time I played it and it was a sort of RPG. You played the son of Kong, trying to rescue your mum (not dad) who has been captured. The fact is that, as I couldn't (can't) read japanese, (same happened with 'SD Snatcher' and 'Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake' but (some) 'key words' were in english) so I didn't actually advance much in the game. BUT I kept trying MAINLY because of THE MUSIC!! And, those were the days of 'key codes' to save your game, so it was not the ideal scenario (japanese and kanji codes to save your progress...mmmm) so, the fact is that I was very exposed to the tune of the first stage over and over (as I didn't save that much), which, I think, is a killer one! (and kept me coming back to the game). To me, it resounded like Adventure, Mystery and some Drama (basically, the three 'segments' of the song, in that order.) Also, It has a chord progression wich I am also making tribute with this mix! (So it is a double tribute!) The chord progression of the 1st segment (the 'Adventure' one) is one of my all-time-favourite chord progression. You can find it in Salamander's Stage 5 ('Burn the wind') or in Galactic Attack's Stage 1 (Taito, Saturn, Arcade) When I'm on a deadline (and that happens quite often) that chord progression is, for me, a winner. Be it a documentary or a short movie or anything, it always works!! The remix: ---------------- My first intention was to make it 'a la Indiana Jones', a simple March, as it leads to. Then, I changed my mind to a 'Western', kinda 'Sunset Raiders' which could also work. The trouble of both is that (at least for me) they were quite 'lineal and obvious' and won't have fun doing them. SO I tried something else and stopped by 'Pirtates of the Caribbean'. THAT was fun!! (And it worked) Then, the feeling of 'Adventure' came by an 'End Credits' arrangement in which you put the final touch to a big, enjoyable, adventure movie. So, that was the idea!! Bring some pirates in, keep the Adventure feeling in an 'End' situation. So It can be straight to the point, and it can be elaborate and be as barroque as I wanted to!! I focused on 2 of the 3 parts of the song: The 'Adventure' (1st) and the 'Drama' (3rd). What did I use? - Cubase 5 - EastWest Symphonic Orchestra - StormDrum2 Arranged and mixed in C5, mastering in Ozone2 / Wavelab (light one, preserving dynamics) Hope you enjoy it, Jorge Mira Diseñador de Sistemas | www.asvideo.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://judges.vgdj.net/mp3s/sources/KingKong2 - Stage1.mp3
  10. As the other guys have said, too overcompressed, you lose a lot of sound quality this way. The actual arrangement plays as more of a high power sound upgrade, at least for the first section. It sounds awesome, don't get me wrong, but close enough to the original that it's hard for us to accept on this site. The chord changes to the second section were very cool, and I'd love to see that level of interpretation brought to the whole piece. In fact, if you can fix those issues, this would definitely have a shot at the front page. NO (resubmit)
  11. I liked the vibe from this, even a lot of the expansion, but the execution was off. The song sounds constrained and tiny rather than open. I would have liked bigger drums, less SFX (especially crackling). As has been said, the groove holds way too long - even taking out the guitar for a little bit would have been welcome, and a B section would have been fabulous. I think this is a great candidate for resubmit; there's a lot of cool stuff going on in there that could be molded into a more solid arrangement. NO (resubmit)
  12. I'm skeptical whenever anyone says technology will never be able to do something, but I have complete confidence this technology will exist, probably well within our lifetimes given that prototypes are already there. And if anything, I think this technology will result in a less traumatizing experience for people because it'll be able to sense when something has become too scary or too stressful for someone and react accordingly. Whereas now, a game has no way of knowing the effect it's having on its players.
  13. Very cool to see Jimmy finally laying down a vocal/guitars mix for the site, after hearing him do songs live at meetups. I can't help but wish for a less auto-tuney sound for the chorus, but that was a minor part of a powerful, moving mix. The vocal delivery was still good, and the mix of guitars and synths was excellent. Also, happy birthday, dude!
  14. Might want to be a little more discreet about the stuff you're buying...
  15. What about my "OCR's hottest judge" award?
  16. That's fair, and I can try to lay out my thoughts for the haters. This part of your write-up pretty much sums it up for me: "I think it'd be perfectly fair to call this mix juvenile, but then again, that label isn't mutually exclusive with solid arrangement & production." In terms of meeting this site's criteria, the lyrics are only an issue if they don't serve the song. Laziness is the only criticism that to me makes sense to level at this song, but given some of the clever rhymes and vocal delivery of the verses, I didn't feel it was very lazy. Performance wasn't superb, but definitely fit the song, and it was above the bar. Production and source usage were on par with other posted tracks. I can understand if people don't like the song because of the vulgarity, but that shouldn't be a criteria for us rejecting this, just as we shouldn't be rejecting a song because we don't like its genre. It's not like this is too out there, anyhow - you get the same lyrical content in every third Ludacris song. Maybe the direct post aspect is throwing people off? Direct posts aren't necessarily reserved for the highest quality songs we have; rather, they are used when a song clearly meets all site criteria, like this song did.
  17. I stand by marking this as direct post. Technically djpretzel is the one that direct posts anything, it's always his call whether a mix goes up or not in the end. He's just calling me out because he wanted some comments to pull. I'm pretty confident that this would have passed the panel had it gone that route because of the strength of the production and arrangement. Performances are... loose, but it fits the vibe of the song.
  18. Really liking the arrangement, great combination of several different styles to create something atmospheric, powerful, unique. (Little, yellow, different.) I think I will need some help on the breakdown before voting on this, I'm finding it hard to get my head around how the source was used. I can tell each iteration of 0:42-1:01 follows the melody, but then the second half of the melody (1:01-1:13) sounds new. Then you've got 2:31, which sounds similar to the arpeggios in the B-section of the source, but is only used some of the time. Honestly, right now, it's looking like this is too liberal, but I'd like a more detailed, section-by-section breakdown before voting. Wanna give me one, OA?
  19. I feel like lately I've been NOing everything that people are passing, maybe I'm getting too old for this. There were a few problems I saw, the biggest of which was the lack of arrangement. It did feel more like a transcription for piano, like Deia said. Apart from a run here or there, it was almost entirely direct source. Dynamics helped push it more in favor of a pass, but it still missed that mark for me. Less of a concern was the production of the piano, which could have used some sparkle. It also sounds like it's slightly distorted in the low-end in the loudest sections (check out 2:25-2:27). Overall, even though the track is enjoyable, I'm not able to say YES to this. NO (resubmit)
  20. Hello, ReMixer Name: Jojipo Real Name: Oskar Räisänen Email: leisahtag@hotmail.com User ID: 29163 Name of game: Final Fantasy III Individual song arranged: Last Boss Name of my composition: She's from the void Genre: Drum 'n Bassish Comments: Absolutely one of the best final boss themes in the series. I've been working on this for quite a while and just recently decided to pretty much remake it and finish for good. Probably needless to say but I had really fun while making this one. Well, I'm afraid I don't have much to say. Hope you enjoy! Sincerely, Oskar "Jojipo" Räisänen ----------------------------------------------------------------
  21. needs a title - palp Your ReMixer name Djbjra Your real name Brett Jones Your email address Your website bjra.newgrounds.com Your userid 29653 =========== Submission Information =========== Name of game arranged Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Name of individual song(s) arranged Jazz Castle Link to the original soundtrack here is a youtube video to the original song Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. This is my second submission to OCRemix. It has been about 6 months since I submitted my first song. Although that song is not up yet, it has been approved, so I decided to go ahead and work on a new video game remix to submit. This is a remix from a game I played in my childhood and have those fond nostalgia memories of. I think i really captured the feel of my favorite song of the game in this remake. I downloaded the game, listened to the first song, felt inspired, opened my program and a few hours later I had this. Enjoy it! =========== The song is attached to this email. Please let me know if the attachment does not work and I will upload the song to a file sharing site and/or resend the file -----------------------------------------------------------------
  22. LOVE the title - palp Contact Information Alexander Bornstein Alexander Bornstein myspace.com/alexanderbornstein #32755 Submission Information Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty "Solid Snake's Cigarette Break" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Gear_Solid_2:_Sons_of_Liberty_Original_Soundtrack The theme from the first two Metal Gear games have long held a special musical place for me. Hearing the original HGW arrangement for the first time took the credibility of the game to a new level. It's a very expressive idea, and was versatile in conveying the heroism and emotive qualities of the Metal Gear games which themselves were very large in an emotional scope. Jazz is also amazingly versatile in expression, and hearing the minor keyed quality of the theme with the unique synergy of a piano trio and distinctly Jazz influenced harmonies (like those used by Bill Evans, Herbie Hancock, or McCoy Tyner) seemed like a curious experiment. I was really excited to hear the results, and hope you enjoy this take on such a well known theme. The piano, bass, and drums were performed by myself. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECjDfQd8QVc
  23. Ho boy, I tried out the facial hair thing in college. Not a good look for me. OTOH, maybe I should cosplay as Stevo's beard.
  24. I just put the last YES vote on it, so yeah, you should be hearing it soon. Pretty sick track as well.
  25. Yeah this is pretty awesome, a perfect execution of Wu-Tang style rap. In fact, I sort of wish you'd gotten other people to take guest verses on this, but that's beyond quibbling, especially when you performed this so well. I wasn't hearing any Bathroom Rap in this, but about half the song uses a modified horn part from Cooking Chicken or a harmony of it, and the bass kind of sounds like it too. Honestly I thought this was gonna be contentious, and I actually wasn't sure which way to go on it when I first heard it, but it looks like this is a solid pass. YES
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