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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Jill forgot to mention diotrans, who did the Ice Cap and Terra solo piano ones. zircon made a new export of one of the tracks that screwed up, so there's a track you guys would be missing. I have all the mixes including the new one in a zip, 132 mixes in total, 193 MB. If someone can host it, I'll send it to them.
  2. I can attest that DS was our go-between with the development teams in India, so he knows what he's talking about. I don't even speak Indian!
  3. The Remixanator will have support for any game by 2015, which should beat the release of any current album project by several years.
  4. You should be able to download the songs, that's really the whole point. Your browser may be streaming them rather than letting you save them, try right-clicking and doing a Save As. We understand your frustration, but please bear in mind that the three songs offered here comprise 95% of remixed VGM. We can't cater to the minority just yet.
  5. This rocks! You might not want to tell people that you used the ReMixanator to create this, there's still a lot of hate out there for it. (Though in a double-blind A/B comparison test, it was proven that VGM industry professionals can't tell the difference between the ReMixanator and zircon.)
  6. It works as designed. Terra is so popular on the site (the #1 most remixed song) that the ReMixanator has calculated that most users, do indeed, want some Terra in their Schala. Personally I can't wait until we get Brinstar Red Soil going (Q2 2011). BTW, I can't tell you how glad I am to get the monkey of judging duties off my back.
  7. Definitely too quiet, you could make this a lot louder. I also thought this took a little long to get going. But as mentioned, the major problem is that this could be more way more expansive. It feels very simple, I feel like I've heard it all once the beat comes in. The production was somewhat thin, but it was definitely a lesser concern next to the arrangement. This is worth spending more time on, so I hope you do! NO (resubmit)
  8. Great concept here, I could see this turning out really fun. Also, I'm in favor of having smaller, more manageable projects like this one alongside the epic ones.
  9. Hey! You can reach me at this email anytime (nick.perrin@hotmail.com) The submission is available for download at a permanent location linked here: Your ReMixer name Nick Perrin Your real name Nick Perrin Your email address nick.perrin@hotmail.com Your website http://www.freewebs.com/nickperrin/ Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile 24126 Name of game(s) arranged Contra Force (NES) Name of individual song(s) arranged Level 2 (Shipyard?) Title of Submission: "Power Trip" Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) I can't find any info online on the composer(s), but these 3 are credited as such in the end of the game under "SOUND": Matsubara Manno Tomita Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) N/A Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. Upon discovering the Contra Force games in my search for more and more 8-bit music (and Contra titles), I knew there should be some solid tunes afoot. Even though the game was technically not part of the series at first kind of like Mario 2, the music still kicks butt. I've remade the first level tune but this submission is the 2nd level, the shipyard. Upon hearing these tunes they instantly became 8-bit favourites and just begged to be remade, MAINLY because no one has ever touched this game's music before. In fact, there are still so many 8-bit games out there with great music that because of their lack of market popularity are painfully un-remixed to this day, and it's basically a VGM lover's duty to bring this stuff back. So, please enjoy the track - I hope to capture the feel of the original rather than change it completely, while also expanding upon it. -Nick Perrin --------------------------------------------------------------- Damn, I love what you did with this. On the surface, it comes across as a slower, slinkier version on the original, funky even, but there's all sorts of excellent details to this, like the harmonic riffing on the end of some phrases, and the string stabs. I found myself air drumming to some of those great drum breaks. I might have toned down the synth lead some - it overpowers what is already a pretty stuffed track - and the mixing could be a little cleaner, but that's no reason to reject this. Awesome work, please send us more, Nick! YES
  10. Hi Guys Here is the new version of the second part of Plumber's Bane. I originally submitted it on April 19, 2009, but due to a non-video game source which Larry found fault with, I pulled the submission before it reached the judges. Here is a new version with a new ending, inspired by "New Super Mario Bros. WII". Remixer: Random Hero Song Title: Plumber’s Bane: II. Beyond the Point of No Return! Game Sources: -0:46-1:00 - Super Mario World - Bowser Battle -1:01-2:06 - New Super Mario Bros. - Final Bowser Battle -2:06-2:55 - Super Mario RPG - Smithy Battle -2:14-2:29 - Super Mario World - Valley of Bowser -2:30-4:22 - New Super Mario Bros. - Final Bowser Battle -4:23-5:11 - New Super Mario Bros. WII - World End Castle Theme. Other sources: -0:00-0:38 - Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers (Sound effects from the scene where Faramir sees a vision of he's dead brother, Boromir, lying in a boat as it flows down the river. Not actually music, though I did add some strings and timpani's over these effects) Sequencer: FL Studio Instruments: EWQLSO PRO XP Gold, Symphonic Choirs & QL Colossus. Part way through the remix called "Don't Look Back!" which is the first part of a (so fat) 2 part song called Plumber's Bane (already submitted and on the site!), someone suggested I also try and remix the Final Bowser Battle music from New SMB. So part way through one remix, I started this one. “Beyond the Point of No Return!” concerns Mario’s battle with Bowser. Sort of like a climactic battle at the end of the movie, starting with Mario entering Bowser's chamber, the initial attack, battle and subsequent inevitable defeat of Bowser. But unlike in the game, the camera would remain focused on Bowser as he crawls out of the lava after his defeat, swearing revenge on Mario and the Princess (the last part of the song). The plan is to continue the Plumber's Bane series, drawing on Koji Kondo's darker Mario related themes. Something I plan on doing is expanding the ideas put forward at the end of this song, and mixing in parts of the Castle Theme from SMW, which if you listen closely, you will see that the two theme are related. This second part of Plumber's Bane is very different from the first. I used an actual standard type drum kit along with electric guitars, along with all the standard orchestral instruments I usually use. But like the first part, this song also includes bits of songs from outside New Super Mario Bros. including SMW, SMRPG, AND the new NEW SUPER MARIO BROS. WII. This is still to be considered a NSMB remix. See you next submission! Ryan ----------------------------------------------------------------- SMW Bowser Battle, NSMB Final Battle, , SMW Valley of Bowser,
  11. Remixer name: ink Submission title: Ice Beam Games arranged: Sonic 3, Super Metroid Songs arranged: Icecap, Brinstar Red Soil Area I know these are two of the most over-remixed tracks there are, but when I noticed I could makes them fit together pretty well, I had to see it through to completion. So, this piece was created. The Icecap tune is the dominant one in the intro, but Brinstar comes in on flute at about 18 seconds, and is established properly around 33 seconds. After that the two trade back and forth, and parts of each play simultaneously. The bass and drum lines are supposed to be grainy/rough; I know it's not usually an intentional thing but it's an aesthetic I tend to prefer (chalk it up to listening to a lot of experimental music where people use distortion and filters on absolutely everything). Hope the piece is, overall, to people's liking, and my apologies for not being able to host the file. --------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Cap Zone, I was expecting worse given the concept and the weak intro, but once the bass and beat came in, I started digging the atmosphere. I think the major problem with this is that it doesn't really go anywhere. You introduce new parts as the song goes on, but it never feels like it builds, it maintained the simplicity throughout and some of the new layers didn't sound that inspired. There are songs that can stay in one gear and do it well, but this didn't have enough detail to keep it interesting. With some additional variation and direction, and some reverb on the drier synths, this could really spin. (Sorry.) NO (resubmit)
  12. Remixer: Dr. Manhattan Submission information: Game: Sunset Riders Song: Gunfight at the Sunset Corral (Town Stage 1) and Face With Courage (Town Stage 2) I used the same brass samples as in Hidrocitiy's Nightclub... but dont be mad at me guys! Hahaha! Thanks! --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ssrd 04 "Stage 1", 08 "Stage 3" Love the name of this song, and I think we have some rule on the books that any song with a reference to the Mexican Hat Dance is an auto-pass. The brass samples... well, he knows. They aren't used that much on their own, it was fine with me. The song also runs fairly conservative but you've got an original intro, a solo section, and the second half throws in some new guitar parts. And the drums are a mix of new and old. Adds up to a pass in my book. Sounds like you just had a lot of fun making this. I had fun listening to it. YES
  13. Well that's cool, Richard is one of my favorite characters. Regardless of how this season is going, I'm in it for the long haul and I do expect to enjoy the ending that they claim to have known about since the beginning. I just feel like they've gotten lazy about the meat of each episode: the flash sideways stories and the dialogue. They're probably too focused on the endgame to spend a lot of time polishing that stuff.
  14. Hey, I got what you were going for, I've played the game dozens of times. But I think there was a way you could have worked it in so that it ended less abruptly, which was the big complaint (though not from me).
  15. Have you guys thought about cleaning that stuff up and releasing a new version? I for one would love to hear it. Thought the arrangement was great, but the mixing does hamper my enjoyment somewhat.
  16. I'm gonna e-mail this guy, no use letting this split between conditionals and NOs.
  17. First of all, Cantonese, and second, you wish it was my fault. I have a log to dig through when I get home.
  18. Then ask that question in the first place, rather than insulting 1.3 billion Mandarin speakers by calling it a moon language. I should remember this, but I think diotrans went with the Mandarin because it seemed to fit the song better than English. Hopefully she can chime in later.
  19. Yeah I think this has been hands-down the worst season. Not only are they barely explaining anything (the norm), but the stories and dialogue are really subpar, and the character motivations have stopped making sense entirely. I'm remembering that moment from Tuesday's episode where Kate and Sawyer see each other again and we get another glimpse that (omg) they still have feelings. But Sawyer looks so tired saying the same damn "hello yourself", and who can blame him? The characters have split and met up so many times, and now in the final stretch I'm getting the sense that there never was a purpose to all that. There's this dissonant percussion-y music they play whenever it happens, heavy-handed is exactly the word for it. I think that bit WILL get explained, but who knows if the payoff will be worth it.
  20. Oh awesome! This is actually not one of my favorites from the Phoenix album but I love what you did with it. It's a lot more dynamic and spacey. Cool stuff.
  21. I'm reposting my decision comments since I liked them and they weren't used in the write-up:
  22. Musically, I think I prefer the first one, but DKC2 is definitely a better game. There's more variety of gameplay, more difference between the two characters you control, more for completionists.
  23. Don't worry, we've got your sub, but we're about four months behind right now. I need to update the places where it says to contact us after two months. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2819 is the best place to check where we are in the inbox, and what has been put on the panel.
  24. Sorry to hear it, but good to know. I've contemplated switching to 64-bit, but knowing I'll need to get a new interface on top of the upgrade... I'll pass for now.
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