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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. This is the thing I'm willing to grant her the most. Her songs are catchy but aren't very remarkable as far as pop songs go. (Except maybe that one part in "Bad Romance", you know the one.) So why the hell does everyone keep talking about her, especially in places like OCR which aren't that pop-centric? Because she knows exactly how to capture the public's attention, even people who don't care about her music, and that in itself is somewhat awe-inspiring. Being able to do that well makes you a star, and definitely translates to more fame/sales than you would have had otherwise, regardless of talent.
  2. Good morning. i've remixed some of the most well known games on c64/Atari I thought you'd maybe intereseted. The games are Ace 2 (Robot mix) Commando (Hall of fame part) Delta Goldrunner Thanatos Best. And Oc remix really rocks. moonove ---------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Submission: Zelda: Twilight Princess - Midnight Rush. It's attached - sorry, didn't want to risk my hosting being down when you try to access it. Contact Info ReMixer name: Rellik Real name: Adam Lederer E-mail address: Rellyk@gmail.com Website: http://www.adamlederer.com (this is newer, please update my profile) User id: 3289 Submission Info ReMix title: Midnight Rush Name of game: Zelda: Twilight Princess Name of tune from game: Midna's Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQhAmtVWpZ0 Comments This was my entry for Magfest DoD. I'd actually been dreaming up this arrangement for over a year, inspired by Yoko Kanno's Cowboy Bebop soundtrack... but I didn't have the chops at the time. Still don't, but closer now, having been motivated by Shnababula's work. Anyway, it's not really too great a mix (14th place), but I thought I'd sub it cuz you know like whatever. Being a DoD entry, it's mostly played live via MIDI controller, and was done over the course of about 8 hours one night. For a lot of it I didn't use a click track, which has its bonuses but makes things really awkward sometimes =P. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Midna's Theme
  4. link#1: link#2: Video version: Contact Information Your ReMixer name: Dj Mystix Your real name Mansoor Nazar Your email address snake9677@yahoo.com Your userid 11757 (DjMystix) Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged Konami Wai Wai World 1988 / Getsufuu Maden 1987 Name of individual song(s) arranged Lament of a Warrior Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) Composeer : Kenichi Mastsubara System : NES Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) Original/Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZbhk7am-wM (Track 2 and 7) (Track 5) Comments: Wai Wai world was one of my favorite games from NES back then. It was like super smash bros. only not a fighter. It was a combination of various Konami games. Although the sound track is great but this particular track got my attention and it was many years later when I found out that the character Fuuma has his own game called Getsufuu Maden which was never released outside Japan. I remixed this song about 10 years ago with not so good equipment. Last week, I decided to give it another try. I never really stick to the rules of the music genre I attempt. I've tried to surprise the listener with a very slow, acoustic ballad style intro and then change things to a completely different direction. I hope you like this. The song also ends in the same way. This is my first attempt at disco music. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/music/nsf/getsufuu-maden.html Tracks 02, 07
  5. Contact Information ReMixer name: tschiefer Your website: www.myspace.com/thiagoschiefer Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Cross Name of individual song(s) arranged: Time's Scar Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.:This is a rock/metal arrangement to Chrono Cross' most known track, and one of my favorites. It's also my second try at OCRemix, after some years trying to correct the fails from my first submission (mainly mix-wise). I'm looking forward to get a nice review over this arrangement and I'm hope it's good enough to be accepted -- Thiago B. Schiefer Myspace: www.myspace.com/thiagoschiefer ---------------------------------------------------------------- Time's Scar
  6. ReMixer name: Xenocidebot Real name: Richard Wolff Email address: xenocidebot@hotmail.com Website: http://xenocidebot.wordpress.com/ Userid: 19860 Name of game arranged: Cybernator Name of individual song(s) arranged: Track 3 (alternatively listed as 1-5)- "We've Gotta Do it" Additional info pertaining to the game: -Sys: SNES, Title: Cybernator, Year: 1993, Composer(s): Masanao Akahori. Orignal soundtrack: http://snesmusic.org/v2/profile.php?profile=set&selected=624 Comments: Righto, fixed up based on what the rejection email said and some input from other musicians. To quote myself quoting the rejection email in your workshop forums: "...it apparently needed 'a stronger, more varied beat', 'some fuller instruments' and for me to 'fix up the production some' before resubmitting it. There was also the big bold 'sound quality (e.g. sample quality, sequencing, mixing, processing, recording) is poor.'" I tried to make the percussion a bit more punchy and a wee bit more varied. For "fuller instruments", I EQ'ed most of the instruments differently, with the most drastic changes being the pads and bass. They are also now layered affairs (I had previously done them all in Omniphere, now there's an Alien 303 and Sylenth backup, respectively.) I also put a bit more treble into several of the instruments (most of my fellow producers seemed to feel it needed more after the re-equalization) and played with the drums a bit more before I wrapped it up and got ready to resub. So...that's that, really. --------------------------------------------------------------- We've Gotta Do It
  7. Hi guys, Dhsu here, with my latest track. It's an arrangement of "Prologue" from the original Castlevania that I did for The Bad Dudes' "Jingle All the Way" EP. "You Gon' Get Whipped" is somewhat of a personal milestone, as it's the first time I've produced a track entirely on my own. Normally I only record the MIDI data and have to ask someone to actually add a piano sample and render it for me, but this time I decided to take Reaper for a spin and do it myself. Granted, it was more out of necessity due to putting it off until the night before the deadline (big thanks to SnappleMan for telling me how to use reverb plugins at 3:00am), but it's nice to be a little more independent. I have to give The Bad Dudes a lot of credit for my musical development in general -- each track I've done for them has given me a chance to experiment with something new. Multi-track recording, punching in, and sequencing entire arrangements were all firsts for me while working with these guys. It's definitely an honor and a privilege to be in the company of such talented and downright awesome individuals despite my comparative lack of musical know-how. I can only hope I reach their level some day. Hope you enjoy the track. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Prologue 0:00-0:08 )Great to see dhsu starting to put together tracks entirely on his own (and sounding just as good as his other tracks on this site), and also great to see another remix from Jingle All the Way that meets the site standards. Listening to the source, I was pretty baffled how someone could turn this into a full-fledged song, but this keeps the source going almost the entire time, with some chord/note tweaks to give the song a direction. Very nice ramp-up into a chorus of sorts halfway through - it's excellent to see so much done with so little. YES
  8. Contact Information Kylethedarkn Kyle Condon kylethedarkn@gmail.com N/A 31553 Submission Information The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Hidden Village Already on Site Already on Site This started out as a remix of a remix I had done of Hidden Village a long time ago. However, I couldn't find the project file of my old remix, so I started completely from scratch with this one. I think it incorporates almost everything I've learned while making music in Fruity Loops, and is also quite catchy in my opinion. Originally I was not going to submit this to OCRemix because of the caliber of songs they accepted I thought were out of my league, but after seeing how well it turned out and several nudges from friends both in real life and online I've decided to submit it. This is my first submission and if accepted would be one of only two songs remixed from Twilight Princess. The Rest Of The Info Is In The ID3 Tags, -------------------------------------------------------------- Hidden Village
  9. My mom likes a lot of music from the site and has even lurked the forums a couple times. (Maybe she's reading this ) She also bought a shirt from the site.
  10. Darn, gonna be out of town that weekend. I had a great time seeing you all play last year; everyone else in the area who is free should go see this.
  11. So much petty fighting in this thread. As a wise man once said: Even though it's a struggle, love is all we got So we gonna keep keep climbing to the mountain top
  12. Thanks for having us on, guys! I really feel like playing Crossfire now. My fault for not specifying, but there's a MIDI version and a CD quality version of "Hayseed" from the Incredible Machine 2, and I really want someone to remix the CD version. The addition of vocals takes the song to a whole other level:
  13. I dunno, Mattias, I understand your enthusiasm but I'm not really feeling this for the reasons that have already been stated. The arrangement is quite nice, but the weak samples and unrealistic treatment really don't give it its due. In a piece with more going on, I could overlook this, but this could and should be produced better. Sorry, Kenneth. NO (resubmit)
  14. K, Will (and Rozovian?) remastered the master track, so this is the final version, no conditional on this. OA's post links to the new version.
  15. Donated my annual donation. Let's keep it going!
  16. Weekends can get a little crowded there and I usually like taking a day off to go on a weekday instead, but OCR meetup + Six Flags = I'm willing to go whatever day is good for people.
  17. Happy birthday and congratulations once again on being the prophet of more than just mephisto.
  18. Definitely not bad, Luke. Even though the arrangement was conservative, there were some interesting things like the key change and the arpeggios at 1:20. With some solo bits and more change-ups in drums, this would be there, I'd say. I thought the mixing was pretty good, though the lead tone could be less brittle, more full. The playing needs to be a little more even though, there's no way around that. Good candidate for resubmit, 80-90% of the way there? NO (resubmit)
  19. I tell everyone this, but you learn a ton by trying to recreate songs. It's not even that important to make things sound exactly the same (although that helps hone production skill), but as you try it, you'll notice that this instrument fills this frequency range, this other instrument adds percussiveness, etc. And heck, since you're a deadmau5 fan, you've got the perfect opportunity to see how he makes songs since he's got a demo in FL! I'd strongly recommend opening that track up, soloing every track to hear what it sounds like on its own, and try to trace the path of the sound's creation in whatever plug-in was used. Mess with the parameters on the plug-ins to see how the sound changes. Turn off the effects one at a time to see how that changes things. I've learned some pretty neat tricks from the FL demo songs, it's great way to see how songs are put together.
  20. If you select part of the song and make an automation clip, it'll just be the length of that part of the song. I use that technique often.
  21. Mixer Name: Bludraze Mix Name: "Frappe Blend" Song Source: MarioKart 64 Song Mixed: "Frappe Snowland" Made with Mixcraft 4 **************************************** Comments: I used a very busy and syncopated beat full of shakers and congas to carry the song through transitions, ethnic background instruments like a mandolin and a salsa-sounding piano, and steel drums to create a mess of interlacing notes with the steel drums in the forefront supplying the main melody. I especially love the sax solo around 1:00. This mix took about 2 hours over 2 days, and is the first mix I've submitted. **************************************** Thank You! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Frappe Snowland
  22. ReMixer name: ProtoDome Real name: Blake Troise Email address: protodome@hotmail.co.uk Userid: 25246 Name of game arranged: Scribblenauts Name of song arranged: Main Menu Original Composer: David J Franco Original Sound Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Ugoq0J0ic Ah, thought I’d go halc and try something other than Nintendo (mainly Pokemanz) for a change, although I really can’t escape from my IV, iv chord resolutions. Man, I am so unoriginal. The Scribblenauts soundtrack (if you’ve ever listened) sounds like it wants to go all glitch in various places so I thought I’d extend on that. Hope u liek Chiptune... OH! PS! Props to WILLROCK for the awesome song title. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Ugoq0J0ic
  23. remixer name - posu yan game - Darius Twin Stage Select music This was for the Bad Dudes project Jingle All The Way http://baddudesmusic.com/jingle.html BTW what happened to my Animal Crossing track? po --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/profile.php?selected=14202 03 "Stage Select"
  24. I think it would just be going forward, to catch your attention for the latest mix, not for posted mixes. Either Dave or Larry is already coming up with these for FB, so if there was a place to put them on the site, it seems like a cool idea. The tricky thing would be finding that place...
  25. Man, you are full of helpful FL tips! I'll have to start using that shortcut, thanks.
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