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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. so is protools better than FL studio? and does anyone know why this piano cuts out some of my notes while I am playing. It's not popping or underrun clicking. It is just not playing all of the notes that I am hitting and I set the polyphony on 64
  2. it seems to work good except that I have to put the asio buffers up to 83ms of latency to give it enough time to render in real time. I can see using this in a project though. At the last minute make the switch to this piano then render it to an mp3 and see how it sounds. Ok i got it to open in FL studio by reinstalling to the VST plugins folder. Is there a way to set additional vst folders in FL studio because I thought I did but apparently I didn't. THIS IS AWESOME NICE PIANO SOUND. ok i found it. only one vst folder in fl multiple browser though BIG BIG PROBLEM Ok it was working great and all of a sudden I decide to play mario bros on the piano as if it were a real piano (a fast song with lots of notes at the same time) Well not all of the notes are coming out. I think it's a problem with the polyphony but I can't find how to change it in the plugin. Any help would be extremely hot. We are talking burned water hot, not boiled, burned.
  3. I love the hyped up descriptions of software lol. Choice words include industry-leading, dynamic, comprehensive toolsets, compelling, streamlined accessibility, powerful manipulation and rendering, and flexible open architecture. I love these descriptions. Makes you think you have to have everything... DOWNLOADING NOW
  4. where did you learn the shift click trick and is there a manual with all the hotkeys somewhere? You can also throw the tick accuracy up to 960 ticks per quarter note which makes it as close as it gets to perfect timing. Thanks Miku! In short - options -> project general settings set PPQ (pulses per quarter) as high as it goes. Or if you are doing only quintuplets without septuplets, pick a number that is divisible by 5 as well as divisible by 2, 4, 8 and whatever rhythms you are using. Meh just pick the highest one, the ear won't notice. Not recommended - Now you can either manually edit note durations by double clicking and using a calculator to find out how many ticks/pulses the note should last and round them to nearest whole note Recommended - or you can make 6 notes right next to each other, select all, hold shift and drag last one to start of beat. Double click on it to ensure its start tick/pulse is 00. Note that the computer will still round the ticks off so use a high ppq or a no remainder divisible ppq. (use high ppq lol)
  5. I just figured out how to do it the miku way. I'll make a quick vid hehe. I guess the confusing part was you said to make 6 notes not 5, but really all you do is put 5 notes next to each other and shift drag them. Where did you learn about that shift trick? Is there a manual with all the untold hotkeys of FL studio?? THX
  6. whoa i just found an awesome way to do it. It's pretty much the same way as before, but way more accurate. go to options and set the PPQ up as high as it goes. It makes more ticks per measure.
  7. Make sure they rhythm guitar is at a different EQ than the solo one. If there's an option to lower by an octave, do that and record a bass line playing the rhythm roots an octave lower. If not, audacity has an option to lower by an octave included with it. You can also get vst plugins for audacity. It seems like the rhythm part is off an on. I can hear it clearly sometimes and then sometimes I can't hear what it is doing. I dk though I am terrible at the guitar I am still learning how to sweep edit: cut the treble a bunch. You can hear a lot of white noisish stuff going on up there. Nice slides off the notes in the lead. I think I am going to make a little ear training mp3 file for myself with my guitar to practice telling the difference between one note, 5th, an octave, and power chord, because I cannot do it when there is distortion on. Like in your song, I cannot tell if the guitar is playing just one note, a 5th, an octave, or a power chord. I dk it's just really hard. I'll just do the David Lucas Burge unlocking drill I guess with a lot of distortion. So the song all together has three parts? The lead, the long powerchords/ distorted note, and the rhythm guitar going up and down. Maybe you played the up and down part and the long powerchords together i dk. I'M OFF TO MY GUITAR TO EAR TRAIN WOO
  8. I am posting a video shortly on how to do this <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXPPYQe2UW4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXPPYQe2UW4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> edit ok go here http://youtube.com/watch?v=TXPPYQe2UW4
  9. what would be the advantage of that soundcard over my cheesy realtek one? Mine seems to work pretty well, but maybe you know something I don't. I get about 11ms latency when running asio drivers with synths and 7ms when running samples.
  10. Maybe I can just play the quintuplets by hand then move them around with copy and paste to where I want them. I want the bass drum to be playing 16th notes while the lead is playing alternating septuplets / quintuplets on this solo line.
  11. Is there any way to use a chopping tool or something to cut a beat into 5 equal parts instead of four? Or is there any way to get the grid to have 5 sections per beat? Thanks hehe
  12. what do the symbols mean? I know bd and sd, but what are hd, oh, and everything else? thanks. Hey were those pictures made in guitar pro?
  13. omg I can't believe I didn't see that. Thanks so much
  14. In the free plugin VST Synth Crystal, I am playing a live part with pitch wheel usage. When I bend it up, it says it bends up 200 cents but it is noticeably above 200. When I bend it down, it says it bends down 200 cents but it is noticeably below 200. In other words it's bending up in between a minor 3rd and Major 2nd, but it's bending down in between a Major 2nd and minor 2nd. I also emailed the creator of Crystal a few weeks ago, but he never got back. I think it might have to do something with crystal inversely interpreting cents as hertz because 200 hz up isn't the same pitch change in cents as 200 hz down, but I really don't know. On a side note, ELECTRONIC MUSIC ROCKS!!! I just got into this a feek weeks ago and I'm loving it!! Hopefully I'll get my first remix up soon.
  15. I can't figure out how to make my pitch wheel bend a minor 3rd up and minor 3rd down. It seems to be only able to do major 2nd up and major 2nd down or less. Is there anyway I can link the channel pitch to the bend wheel and have it max out on m3 both ways? Sorry for asking numerous questions recently but I running out of time to figure out these things by messing around (which works fine, but it tends to take longer)
  16. awesome thanks edit : just figured out another way. Go to the left side view window and look through the upper folders. In one of them is going to be synth 1 and all it's effects are listed there.
  17. I am trying to make an automation clip with one of the sliders but it won't let me right click while synth 1 is open. It won't let me link to controller or anything. Is this just the nature of synth1? Every other VST I've worked with can be right clicked upon and you can set automation clips. An automation clip is something that adjusts a knob or slider or something while the song is playing. Thanks!
  18. So is this a reason only type thing. I recently took a look and reason and saw that everything is like virtual hardware where you can flip it around and connect wires. Looked pretty cool. FL studio still working great for me though.
  19. I put linux on my dad's computer and tried it but I really miss my VSTs. They have linux VSTs too but not as many. For free though, it is pretty excellent and fully capable of making something awesome.
  20. Yea blast beats have a really tight rhythm that repeats every beat instead of every 4 or 8 beats like normal. Like 1e&a on kicks, 1& snares, ea hihats. There are many variations.
  21. I understand completely but that only works assuming that the two humps when inverted form another hump which to my understanding they don't. They form a sharp lip. Correct me if I am wrong
  22. That depends; cutting and boosting is not that different. If you have an EQ and boost everything - well, that should be theoretically the same as just cranking the volume up. If you just boost the high frequencies, it's the same as just cutting the low ones and again cranking the volume up. That doesn't make sense to me and here is why. I am posting a picture.
  23. I read it on this site giving a 3-d analogy to mixing. Fading front and back, EQ up and down, and panning left and right
  24. I also read something about left / right panning, up / down eqing, and fader leveling front/back. What is a fader level?
  25. darn. I was hoping I could get some insight on how the voltage eq worked.
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