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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. could you enlighten me a bit on the analogue voltage eqing? I can not find the right google keywords I am really tired. The knobs on the guitar for tone are analogue EQs I am 100% assuming? And on those, is 5 the flatline or is 10 the flatline? I can't tell by listening as they are not as db drastic as a VST EQ which is easy to tell. Thankyou very much
  2. O sounds cool. I don't know how necessary but adds a cool touch. That probably explains how those youtubers were making vibrato by moving their hand around on the keys that were already pressed down.
  3. When an EQ plugin or effect is used, what is happening when it boosts or cuts frequencies. I know that it somehow makes certain freqs louder and softer but I want to know how it does it. I also want to know how the visual sound spectrum works that gives a visual interpretation of the different frequencies being used and their amplitudes. I think it boosts/cuts by ajusting phase but I am not sure and that still doesn't explain the sound spectrum thing. thanks - sorry if answer is obvious this is really plaguing me and I am tired of researching everywhere trying to find the math or explanation of an EQ.
  4. o sorry about that. I didn't even see that I had a pm
  5. I'll give it a shot!
  6. I am wondering the same. I have an M-audio 88. Not sure if it's an ES or not though. Ok mine is not an ES. It is the full weighted keys. I was wondering about those semi-weighted keyboards and non-weighted keyboards. Are they good? I know most of the metal bands prefers the non-weighted keytars, but Jordan Rudess seems to like full weighted. Anywho, I want a soft pedal too!.
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