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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. I thought clipping was when the wave gets chopped and isn't allowed to go higher in amplitude. Isn't that what a limiter does? Or isn't that what a 999:1 compressor does?
  2. magnus choir is good for ooh ahh whoaa
  3. Plug cable from guitar straight into sound card for a $5 1/8 to 1/4 converter at radioshack. Guitar gives off pretty low current/voltage. Mine doesn't have battery powered pickups so maybe you shouldn't do this if you have "active" pickups or whatever they are called.
  4. it is like a real time EQ to the frequencies that your voice contains. Sort of like sweeping a filter can create a "Wah sound". All our language sounds like "Cat" "dog" ect have different frequency patterns. But the fundamental of the wave stays the same since you are modifying partials (same note, but now with a voice)
  5. yea I guess that's true. I am so used to hearing music through these things that I mix my music like that. Barely audible bass. I've heard my music through my friend's crappy speakers and it sounds fine to me. If I were really serious though, I'd definitely get a pair of monitors.
  6. eh I don't know. That whole frequency response thing is a marketing hype. For one thing, everyone's ears have a different frequency response so what sounds good for you may not sound good for me. Just make some compromises and output a decent mix. Unless you are at the professional level, there's no point in buying flatline monitors. Story short, it is not a huge difference. I mean the grados sound perfect, but it's not like the radioshacks sound bad.
  7. just get a 1/4 to 1/8 mono to mono jack. It's not like a guitar outputs stereo anyways. (Or at least the ones I've seen/have don't)
  8. don't buy a keyboard if you don't play one. Use mouse and piano roll; it works fine. Don't get headphones right away. If it sounds good on $5 radioshack headphones, it will sound fine on a top of the line sound system. FL and reason can do anything cubase can do. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems like all the DAW does is host the vsts. You can host kontakt through cubase or fl and get the same exact sounds. There is a free daw called reaper, and it is VST capable. I really like FL studio for its intuitive workflow, and the reason demo came with cool synths. I think a lot of professionals like Sonar so you might look into that.
  9. for some reason my guitar doesn't sustain very well through the computer. It's like the preamp isn't that good. Anyways, use audacity noise filter works like a charm for my integrated SndCrd.
  10. bands like children of bodom or sonata arctica - how do they get their lead tones. It sounds like a "poofy" square or saw wave with distortion, but I cannot quite get it. Anyone know how to mimic the sound? http://www.sonataarctica.info/site07/gallery.php?id=15&s=20&l=uk here is an example. Solo is about halfway into it.
  11. yay it has physically modelled strings. thanks
  12. Wondering if there is something that sounds like plucked, but more versatile? I really like the sound plucked gives off. Is there anything like it? O I am talking about plucked! the FL studio plugin. Thanks
  13. there's a free giga studio piano vst floating around in one of these threads. It's good Some kid thought I had a grand piano in my dorm room lol.
  14. It's kind of boring, but I just wanted to do a little sampled beatbox practice in preparation for my farting beatbox song. Tell me what you think lol. http://boomp3.com/m/936106bcf881
  15. sorry for double post but I figured it out. You have to load it into sampler instead of audio clip. The sampler lets you ajust ADSR settings. saaawweeeest.
  16. This fart song is going to be awesome. An enriching experience with innovative new timbres and hidden fundamentals. I am changing the pitch every 4th octave (m3) in audacity kontakt 2 style. Maybe I can sell my fart library to native instruments.
  17. wow. reinstall it maybe? edit: LOL WAITING FOR INPUT
  18. yea I got it now. Love ewql. I want their english horn library featuring over 800 samples on every note and velocity. I wish heehee.
  19. I recorded myself farting now I want to play a song with it by sampling it to different keys. When I am playing short notes in the piano roll, the sample continues to play past the note length. Also when the sample is playing higher notes, the note doesn't last as long. How do I get around these two hurdles? Right now I am just using an audio clip insert. Is there a better way to do this? edit: like pitch stretch the note instead of time stretching it.
  20. hey you can download in direct wave too!!
  21. what do you mean rebuilt my database? I have all the nki and stuff sitting in one folder called storm drum library or something like that. OHHHH THERE IS A REBUILD DATABASE BBBUTTTON. OK GOT IT
  22. if this had a clear snare and kick drum going with a bass it would sound good I think?
  23. Well I see the nki file on the left side but then I select it and it has individual options. Like I am trying to load scottish wardrums but instead I can only load warloop1, warloop2, bongo1, ect. Then it plays on every key like it is being stretched up and down. In the standalone there are only like 4 keys you can use and each one has a different loop or sample on it.
  24. Ok I got kontakt 2 and storm drum. When I am in kontakt 2, how do I load a sample to each key like in the storm drum stand alone program? edit: it has waves or something to choose on the left. Then i drag them and it plays them over each key, but they are stretched. How do I drag a sample per key?
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