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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. what about these - http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/speakers_audio/home_pc_speakers/devices/249&cl=us,en ? Hey SM what kind of sound system do you have? It's very hard to shop online for monitors since I can't hear what they sound like so maybe you could tell me what you use. Thanks! edit: I have another question. I am looking at speakers and most of them have a response of 40hz to 22khz or something like that. Howcome my current $5 radioshack mixing headphones say they have a 20hz to 20khz response even though they have a huge bass falloff? edit: one more - what's the difference between buying pretty flat monitors and buying something more wavy but applying counterbalancing EQ?
  2. are these any good? http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/MAudio-Studiophile-AV20-Monitor-Speaker-Pair?sku=601029 It's christmas time so I get to buy something.
  3. just a little something i found very useful and wanted to share it
  4. And all these hours I thought recording to an automation clip was impossible. Right click on event editor window and convert to automation clip. Now it is much easier to see everything. woot woot woot.
  5. Just found this. Probably old and seen though, but not to me. http://www.rebirthmuseum.com/
  6. Ya sorry didnt know about the wip forum. I just checked it out and its awesome
  7. what choir and what bell is that? This is incredible! how do you do those snare rolls with so much reverb? Is it an automation clip or do you export the wav to audacity, add reverb, then add it back in? The bass needs to change to a D around 55 but it continues to play an Eb
  8. Yes I its a possibility Maybe have a torrent floating around. I know I downloaded some piano soundfonts from an ocremix torrent floating around here before. Possible legality issues?
  9. how did you do that effect at 2:00? The same drum beat over and over. I like it, but it needs a breakdown in the drums or something
  10. seems like there's only two drum patterns. Maybe add another tambourine roll variation. Sounds good I like it. Is that you playing the guitar? I like the strings and drums, what programs are they?
  11. nice job. I really like the piano velocities at the beginning.
  12. Your audacious cataclysmic methods seek nothing more than sangradient itoprophies.
  13. ok thanks T-S. I do find that the drums included in FL studio aren't much. I really like sytrus though, it's a good synth.
  14. Here it is. It is a little weak on the bass because I mixed with the bass boost on, but I can't do anything about that now. I already closed FL studio. Feedback would be appreciated. I am just a beginner so please note the mistakes that are blind to me. Thanks. EDIT: is ableton live any good? I just heard about it. I've tried fl, reason, and sonar. They are all good, but FL studio seems easier to use. Simple instruments and effects with auto clips. The only thing I don't like is when you record an automation, it records to channel automation in piano roll instead of a "seeable" automation clip. I do not like the wiring on the back of reason at all. Can't see what the hell is going on. I love sonar's ease of viewing everything though. It's nice. http://h1.ripway.com/max97230/995922-untitled.mp3
  15. I downloaded FLstudio demo and made this then exported to mp3. I worked on this for 5 hours straight. Lol I couldn't save anything!!! Well It turned out all right considering I am a newblar. where can I upload this beast lol? ed: http://h1.ripway.com/max97230/995922-untitled.mp3
  16. Learn both If you want to be good at music, study everything that has to do with music. Don't think of music theory as being a nerd buzz word either just because some hardcore rocker says things like "you don't need theory to play" or countless other badass variations.
  17. any bands with more than 1 drummer live lol? (besides orchestral)
  18. yes I remember doing multi outs with drum from hell. It's in the toolbar I think. Ok below plugin options (the electrical cord) there are extra options (arrow). Click this then click enable multiple outs/ process unused outs or something like that.
  19. maybe pick a good job and use music as a hobby. Lots of people have done that. Alfred Hitchcock (movies) and Herbie Hancock (Jazz Musician) started off in engineering. Maybe you could go be a music teacher at some school (might be annoying - I don't know). Definitely dedicated as much time as you can to music while having a backup plan.
  20. well I recorded a line in FL studio and bent the pitch wheel full each time (had it set to 2 semitones) and it the channel pitch window it did move two semitones each way, but it sure didn't sound like it.
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