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Everything posted by Oni-91

  1. Over here, it's always the right pad that's better than the left, marginally... Anyway, failed PARANOiA Respect on the final death run. Which was rather annoying, considering I was at a full bar for much of the song. God, it's like a new Paranois survivor (I failed the death run on that upwards of 100 times before I cleared it, despite having a great perfemance on the rest of the chart).
  2. It has quite a few tracks, actually. I would like to hear an album of this that strays away from ska, yeah.
  3. Latest news from his page: "So this is Kujo's brother. he's stolen many songs from other artists. please forget about this and move on. everything is being deleted that can be deleted right now." So there we are.
  4. Dancing Stage Max, Revenge of Shinobi, Lylat Wars and any of the Metal Slug series.
  5. Even though we've been given not much in the brief, I'm actually already visualising the piece already! (Yes, I know visualising is a sight thingy, but shut up.) EDIT: Wait, that idea sucked. Aw, now I'm stuck on good ideas.
  6. It's Daedalus from Deus Ex. A brilliant game. Especially as throughout the game, you have no idea who Daedalus is, and whether he's working for you or against you, especially as the entire game focuses on whether you can trust it.
  7. Hell yes. Now this, I can do!
  8. "It's Roman night tonight. But you gotta bring a helmet. No helmet, no entry. There's gonna be wrestling and swordfights, and then we all cry 'I'm Spartacus!' Then there's more wrestling." - Effeminate bartender of the Salt Sea City bar in Big Mutha Truckers. "Yeah, right, like you have anything better to do." - When you try and quit in Wolfenstein. "Chickenshit, huh? Next time I'm at the mall, I'll bring ya back a spine!" - When you get a crap score in the original GTA. "He plans to collect all his savings to purchase a very large gold brick. Nobody knows why." - Someone's biography in Space Channel 5. "PARENTAL ADVISOLY WARNING" - Metal Slug 2 parental advisory screen,
  9. Hey, SnappleMan, remember me? The StepMix entry was well liked (it had a score of 4/5 for a while until some people ruined the party) and finished with a rating of 3.1/5. Sadly, it didn't get through to the final, but that was down to a few minor niggles in the steps.
  10. I connect music to videogaming like I'd connect vocals to music. Some games don't really need music, but with ones that do, sometimes a great soundtrack will save a bad game (Cheetahmen II...OK, I kid!), but a bad soundtrack really lowers my enjoyment of an otherwise good game.
  11. Dear God...why!? Let me guess, Carmageddon next.
  12. Ah! I know what you're looking for! There's an Asian percussion kit on Hammersound that has it, as well as some taiko hits, gongs, etc.
  13. Can't. Sorry, wouldn't work on my PAL PS2. I just want Subsistence, as I already have MGS1 and Substance.
  14. A-ha. Thanks. Now I just need to find a copy over here, where it's rarer than platinum turds.
  15. What was in the second disc? I know that Subsistence had 3 discs, but was Disc 2 the online multiplayer or the FMV?
  16. If used at more-or-less the right tempo of the original track, the quality isn't really affected. Also, as they are 700+kbps wave files, the original sound is at a great quality.
  17. Also, a question I have about IIDX remixes. You can get keysounded files for the songs (each sound/note is in a wave file by itself). Can you use these in a remix? And SymBiotiX, loving what you got so far.
  18. I thought that the Skateboarding was only in the PS2 version, and the Snake Tales were in all of them...looks like I was wrong. Anyway, I've played the Skateboarding, and you aren't missing much.
  19. Soulja Boy steals from Pop'n Music:
  20. Ah, that's going to be difficult, being at college and that. I'm not even awake at 11pm, let alone 1...if it was on 1am Saturday (6-9pm Friday over in US), I'll be able to take part, as well as people in the UK who don't have anything to do on the Friday.
  21. And in GMT, that is...?
  22. So, I've been trying to write some Latin-inspired music, but my main problem is that I don't have great sounding brass at all. Currently, I'm using a combination of Edirol Super Quartet and airfont 340 for percussion, nylon guitar, piano and acoustic bass, but the 340's brass fonts aren't as realistic as I'd like them to be. Do you have any (free if possible) soundfonts/VSTs that can provide decent brass? While I'm not asking for anywhere near perfection, I'm just looking for something that's competent to use in a solo.
  23. Link's excellent! Thank you!
  24. Seconded, as well as just Bemani in general. The problems about licensing and that are pretty much covered here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14076
  25. I've completely had to neglect this. Too much other work on my plate...
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