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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Happy reminder you're not young forever day, dude! Also, Coop ftw.
  2. Someone made another thread about this? Oh well... Part of the problem comes from the video games' tendency to repeat themselves. "Oh you found a crystal. Go find 2 more." "Oh you defeated a robot master, go defeat 7 more." "Oh you killed all the monsters in X. Now go to Y and do the same thing." All the things you need to gather/defeat/do obviously don't fit into a movie. At best, they'd work as challenges in the same dungeon, like a test of character for the protagonist on his quest. Mega Man, Mario, Zelda, Sonic, most RPGs, Halo, and games like them have a plethora of iconic enough locations and characters that the inclusion of one means you must include the others as well. Just consider the inclusion of Gorons. Then you need a Zoras. Then you need a forest people. And Gerudo, and Sheikah, and Stalfos, and Lizalfos, and Moblins and Poes, and... Well, yeah. Metroid on the other hand could easily be condensed into movie length (as could Bioshock and other games like that), unfortunately they'd screw up the character by dwelling too much on the backstory. And worse. "Hey, she has a backstory. Let's use that. What else does she have? Shooting aliens? We'll have to mix that up a bit. She needs oneliners and sidekick and a sexy new design. And a hot male enemy, maybe her father. Yeah, that'll be a cool twist. Let's say it's an homage to the first game's ending." WALL-E is an exception to the Hollywood rule of blah-blah plus bang-bang. Good thing Hollywood is losing grounds to indie productions all over the world, too bad those are just as likely to screw stuff up. Just not the same way. Nah, games are best kept as games, and game movies, with the exceptional shining examples of how to do a mediocre job at not sucking, should be kept as dreams of ours. Those dreams are a lot better. At least mine are. Also, if I get to make a Metroid movie, I'd do it properly. Unlike YOU! Alien planet. Samus and only Samus. Jumping and shooting and blowing things up. And barely making it out alive. Everything else is superfluous and can just be hinted at.
  3. Nah, the vgm community is pretty international. Dunno how it is in the US, but outside the english-speaking countries, it's not a problem. I recruited a friend of mine to sing for a remix, he could easily cover Swedish, Finnish, and German, plus probably do a passable Norwegian and maybe Estonian. Other languages vgm fans from the nordic countries might know would be French, Russian, and a couple of middle east languages. And Iceleandic. And Danish, if it's really a language. And that's just the northernmost of Europe.
  4. Probably the quickest mix I've done so far. As in, the fastest I've worked. Minor touches left on the production side and then I'm calling it done, ocr-quality or not.
  5. Guys, do a collab with someone. Write the thing, and hand it over to them. You should have a track on, too. Also, I think my arrangement is done. Still mixing and tweaking and stuff, but... yeah.
  6. This guy was looking for a mentor... and with some strange expectations. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=33206
  7. Also, put the reverb on a bus so you can eq it separately.
  8. From what research I managed to do (google), his name is Leif Taylor. Found references to three more tracks of his but no working links. Seems like they were played on VGF tho, you could ask Liontamer.
  9. I think an extra k made its way into that post. 8 000 000 Hz? Really?
  10. Apparently, it's on vgmusic. There goes my last excuse other than that annoying little sane voice in my head saying I should do more important things. Will experiment with the source a bit until I know what style or genre I'm going for. If I can get something worth finishing started.
  11. Not sure why you're thinking about eq and stuff, a lot of this is probably just performance. Very soft performance. You you post an example of how close you've gotten so far for comparison, otherwise nobody here is gonna be able to help you unless they have EQPG themselves. Other settings you're using would help, too, like reverb and eq.
  12. You forgot waltz. Actually, this is interesting. Simple source, a lot could be done with it, you just gotta transcribe it before you can do anything tho. Must resist... joining... more... projects....
  13. Welcome back. Fixed link for Larry's/whoever's convenience: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=11659
  14. Most are on the torrents, and you'll save ocr a lot of bandwidth by taking all you can from the torrents. You should get all but the last 100 or so with the torrents. As for the quicktime thing, you should right-click and select save x as/download x instead of left-clicking (when selecting a mirror to dl from). There may be a faster way (in safari, on mac, you can alt-click the mirror and it downloads, your browser may have a similar shortcut) but right-click afaik works in all browsers on all computers.
  15. This album is amazing ,but it would have been better if they at least do a less shrill version for each shrill track the shrill frequencies really did piss me off I myself am not a fan of shrill music bu who knows if they had thought of adding this option things may have been alot better and they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it. It might just be my earbuds and the lack of bass from the music while in the bus, but it seems half the tracks are mixed really shrill. Something felt wrong on my mixing headphones too, but haven't listened enough on those to know for sure. So far, I've enjoyed bustatunez' tracks the most, but Tensei's is pretty awesome too. And flickerfall and sixto and djp and wise and... yeah. Lots.
  16. Update. Bump. HEY, LISTEN! Added deadline, minor edits to tracklist. Now that DKC2-SMB is out, maybe we can get some work done here, too? I know I think I hope you will.
  17. Nah, the mod matrix will just sit there until you do something with it. I ignored the ES2 mod matrix, but once I initialized the synth (set all parameters to 0 or off or sine or whatever) and tried it once, I realized how easy it actually was to control the sound with it. Same with FreeAlpha, it looked intimidating even after I learned the ES2's twice as complicated system, but once it's blank and you can add one thing at a time, you realize how easy it is to use. That's what I said before, easy-to-use. I've never used Synth1, but screenshots reveal the interface is ugly and cluttered. I still say FreeAlpha is among the best synths for a newb, mainly because of its clean interface, and despite the mod matrix.
  18. Superstitious much?

  19. Well, he does make remixes and plaid music, at least he's listed as a plaid muffins contributor.
  20. As explained by someone in one of the last pages of that thread, Larry's the one doing it, and he has his own standards for what passes as a good avatar and what doesn't. Go back to around page 80 there (20 pages back from the newest post) and you'll see blue LT comments on the posts. Haven't been any of that in a while tho. Thing is, avatars aren't really a priority. Bring this discussion to the avatar thread if you wanna keep at it, let's leave this threads for newbie introductions and first questions and stuff.
  21. You can't do custom. And our avatar guy is busy with other things and not following the thread where we've posted the ones we've made and doing anything with the plethora of avatars there. Or so it seems. Larry?
  22. He's on the project. You didn't know he'd made remixes and plaid music? Was that an overclocked plaid muffins reference or just a regular unintensional spelling error?
  23. Silver Skree, don't forget to post reviews too, artists love hearing about their work. mak, we've got feedback boards for people at all levels of remixing. Post your stuff, read what people think, learn from it. Not a Number, Liontamer can merge your previous accounts if you want to. RPQ, there's more to do here than just request and remix. Review remixes, artists love hearing about their work; discuss games and gaming, take part in the non-music competitions, comment on people's works on the feedback boards... Everyone, welcome.
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