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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. There's a field called "encoded with" which you seem to have interpreted as "encoded by". Maybe it's called encoder in other software. Seems like it's for the mp3 encoder, not the artist converting it to mp3. Rabbit Joint Cover has OCR# in the Video Description tag, the others don't. All 15 tracks work in iTunes on mac. Some of them I don't recognize from before, I assume those are fixed somehow from previous versions that iTunes couldn't import.
  2. Actually, this is being worked on. Liontamer is working on the inconsistencies, album art is being approved by djp, and Zune zucks. There's a helpful little thing called playlists that lots of ppl use. Just fyi.
  3. 24yo, I can hear 14k but not 15k. Also tested this in Logic with a pure sine wave. 14200 ok, 15000 nothing. On speakers anyway.
  4. Hi and welcome. Upload site suggestions can be found here. Tindeck, box, and mediafire are my personal favorites from a downloader/listener's pov.
  5. Piano roll tends to be more useful in crafting and editing a performance, since you've got control of exact timing and velocity. Whatever you use is of course up to you, but bear in mind that unless you only use your DAW for writing scores for playing live and/or hearing how your writing sounds you will need the piano roll. Just fyi. Yes they can. Not up to me to say if they are tho. It's probably been said before but try whatever demos you can get your hands on, see what you're most comfortable wirking with. Remember that it will take a few days to familiarize yourself with any advanced enough program/interface. Maybe FL is a terrible choice for you. Maybe it's awesome. That's up to you to find out - preferably before you spend anything on getting it. Despite their similarities, it took me weeks to adapt to Logic after using GarageBand. Same with switching from trackers to a simple DAW like GB. I also have a handicapped version of Live, and it looks daunting. Tried Reason for a few minutes at a friend's place, I didn't know how to do anything in it. At all. It takes a while to learn a new instrument. Or a new DAW.
  6. My favorite 80s artist was born in 1990.
  7. By posting so many of the tracks, you're basically spamming the feedback forum. Either post it as an album kind of thing with just one thread, or post just a few of the tracks - the ones you're most interested in feedback on. Hard to give any good feedback on laptop speakers, but I don't need good speakers to tell that SLyGeN's right about the midi rip thing. While you can remix them any way you want, you'd have to do some creative arranging if you want to submit them to ocremix. Aside from Club del Toro, listen and compare remixes of other songs you know and see how different they are. They're longer, might have different rhythm, might use the melodies differently, etc.. That's what ocremix is all about. Welcome to ocr tho, it's a great place to hone your skills and share your music.
  8. Not sure what kind of themes we've got besides the title of light and darkness. Gonna have to think about that some more. I'll pm you tomorrow. If you have any ideas, either themes or how to implement the light and darkness theme we've got, just pm me.
  9. Yeah, looks that way. We'd leave by plane tomorrow, but it doesn't look like they think it's safe enough to fly. And Keiiii... that's a quick pic? Whoa.
  10. We have a really impressive artist on the project now. Which is awesome. Less awesome is that I'm probably stuck in England now.
  11. No recommendations besides checking out the factory content too. There's some nice stuff in there, as well as in the other Komplete instruments.
  12. Inspiration. Everybody uses melodies and rhythms. You can get inspired by the weirdest stuff. I almost got a rhythm from a paper copier, I've gotten sound design ideas from batroom water pipes, an idea of melodic soundscaping from a ventilation system... Listening to, say, bluegrass might get you some idea of how you can handle melodies in fast-paced tracks. Listening to a lead woodwind in an orchestral track might get you ideas for a monophonic lead. Listening to jazz can easily give you bassline ideas. That's just three genres, two of which are really wide. Besides, expanding your range of genres you kind'a understand means you can use those styles more. If you need something to be more groovy, more majestic, more quirky, whstever, you can draw on your other influences instead of trying to mimic what ppl already have done in your style/genre. You'll develop listening and writing skills you might not otherwise have, and can utilize them in the styles you work in. I think jazz is cool but don't listen much to it. Yet I find myself drawing on what little I do know. I once tried writing an electronic waltz. I wrote a song with a non-stop 16th notes rhythm on snare. Just snare, with different velocities. I wrote a three-part semi-monophonic synth thing using the same synth patch with subtle changes between the parts. I wrote some kind of prog synth metal thing that's currently on the boss themes project. I'm drawing on so many things and have been experimenting with all kinds of weird styles and ideas. That's how I've learned. edit: vagrant ninja beat me to it by 10 minutes
  13. Even if we'd only use comments from writeups and reviews someone would still have to go through them all, either add everything or ok/reject submitted taglines. It's a lot of work, but if there's someone the staff sees fit to do it it's a good idea.
  14. Please keep your filthy mouth off of video game music remix review threads. Wow, thanks for ruining a good review thread on the site, I could have gone my whole life without reading crap comments in the crappiest block of text I have ever seen. The vocabulary sounds like you are trying to make yourself sound mainstream. It doesn't sound remotely like an original opinion. Save crap like that for the mainstream.
  15. Bass and drums are being pushed down by the lead synth, compression issues. It's ok up until the lead comes in. You could probably carve some room for the bass and drums by cutting lows from the lead.
  16. It'd help if you could tell us exactly what the problem is. Is the recorded stuff lagging behind, is the rhythm off, are they different tempo...? Do you have a beat or a loud enough metronome to play the melody to? If you're gonna have drums, you should put the basic beat down before recording anything, it should make it easier to play in sync. I think I had a bit of the same problem with a recent project mix. I'm not good at playing, I'm better at writing stuff, so I had drums and stuff down before I took on the melodies I wanted to play. Once I had them recorded, I had to go in and edit the timing anyway. Dunno how much is just latency and how much is just me being terrible at playing. Drums first. And you may have to edit some timing anyway.
  17. Downloaded some soundfonts, tried to replicate your problem. No result. Tho not all soundfonts would actually play, some were mute when i selected them in the menu, and not all of them appeared in that menu anyway. What soundfonts, specifically, did you use, where did you install them (user library or main library banks folder), are you using GB '08 or another version?
  18. Welcome to ocr, we don't rank remixes. Everything that makes it onto the site is already good (and/or old) and you should listen to everything. And then tell whoever made it how awesome you think it is, or isn't, here. For starters, tell zircon what you think here.
  19. Just saw it. Really impressive stuff. And fun. You should watch it too.
  20. Can't answer, because of my favorite rule.
  21. I once combined a flute sample with a woodwind-like synth. They were similar enough that they still felt like the same instrument when panning them opposite each other (not hardpanning, but maybe half way there). I guess you could combine any two similar synths to make it appear like one big phat synth sound. As for drums, Logic's drum synth has three parts to it, for kicks I usually use a sample (3rd part, in order) and when necessary add some click using a short filtered burst from a noise generator (2nd part). Most of my bass drums are two-parters except those based on presets that use the uppermost (first part) oscillator. I guess this counts as layering despite that it all happens within the same plugin.
  22. I promise nothing, but I'm definitely interested. Just can't say, atm.
  23. Usa's busy but he's still with us. I'm officially the boss now tho. For better or worse. First post restored and shortened. One month until next wip date, and a lot of the tracks could be done by then if we get off our collective lazy and/or busy asses and finish our wips. Which I think we should do so I know which remixers I can trust and which ones just like sitting on sources and wips and not actually finishing them. Yes, we will finish this project. Finally. btw, I like wavs more than wips. Gimme wavs. Completed wavs. kthx
  24. Google. Seriously, use it. Might be a good idea to read up on compression too, so you know what you're doing. The difference between lossy and lossless compression is important, and knowing at what point quality starts becoming an issue is another. We need more information to help you. Is this a recording you want to put up on the net as an mp3 for ppl to listen to, something to send to someone else to mix, or for storage?
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