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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. There's this, two clicks away. Add clicking/tabbing to the right field, typing, and searching, that's a few clicks too many to be convenient when it could be integrated into the quicksearch instead.
  2. Was trying to just look up ppl's forum profiles, send PMs. Took me a few failed attempts at using different search methods before I found the memberlist's search function. Way too long. I want a cleaner, faster, easier forum member search. Used to work by just typing a forum name in the quicksearch. Would be cool if that functionality could be brought back.
  3. Is the kick just the weak high frequency click as in the first part or does it include the bass that joins later? In any case, it lacks punch. The click part isn't strong enough to serve as a kick on its own. Works as an intro, but not for the whole track, even when combined. Some mids would be good. The bass part is slow. Dunno what the ideal length is, but I like my kicks at around 200ms (sometimes including the release tail). That's enough for punch, which is usually a frequency in the 50-200Hz band, something that varies depending on the frequencies present in the sound. If you're just having click plus one low frequency, you might be missing the pounch part, which I reckon is an octave above the low bass you've got. Additionally, kicks tend to pitch down. The simplest bass drum sample I ever saw was just a sine wave quickly pitched down, and I've since done a few of those myself. Physically, it's probably something with how the drum skins work; theoretically wave diffusion or resistance in the material, idunno. Practically, it's like an old classic laser gun sound effect, just shorter and made to level out at an appropriate bass/subbass frequency. Some food for thought about your kick. Cool track.
  4. Me four. Or even a top view with outlines or something, but nooooo... Dunno what bothered me most, that the controls were relative to the screen, that it felt like the block was rotating the wrong way, or that I kept confusing rotate for drop all the time. Headache/motionsickness-inducer? Not for me. Annoying? YEAH.
  5. Looks like somebody likes that weird greenish tint... or doesn't have photoshop. Frost is awesome. Cool use of depth of field, tho at that distance you don't have much choice. The ice and the grate is more interesting that the dirty snow below, a different angle and more grate would have been... uh, great.
  6. So you just another whole year? Grattis!
  7. Mods can merge the threads when they feel like it. I get what Meteo's saying about this being a good thing in that it's an attempt to appeal to the popular music audience (the "serious" music industry in the "real world"), unfortunately that wasn't done far earlier in the process, as with a song written specifically for the game. Bardic already touched on this. It's akin to making a game about a viking exploring Europe and North America, but to appeal to the african-american population they re-skin and re-voice the protagonist. While funny and a possibly satirical take on certain tendencies in Hollywood (if done for that reason), I hope supposedly serious games would stay away from this kind of cheap marketing schemes. We are gonna be seeing a lot more like this tho. At least with the big titles.
  8. Updated the tracklist. Added some tracks that have been in the grey zone between taken and free. If I added your track to the list of free tracks, just come and complain to me and let me know you're still on the project and will finish in time, and I'll take it off. Tho there's no harm in having more than one track of some sources, I want to make sure we have at least one of each. So let me know. From what I hear from ppl on the project, there's wips incoming. Already got some. 'Tis progress, me likey.
  9. Well, you _can_ torrent the entire database of remixes. For individual remixes, alt-click the mirror link, and the download should start. Don't know why you can't right/control-click the link and save target/file as (unless you first left-click to open the mp3 in FF - just go back and right-click the link). In Safari, you can also alt-return the url in the address bar to start downloading a page/file. Doesn't seem to work in FF tho.
  10. Came across chronodestiny on ng, he's still there. Just... a reminder or something.
  11. Sounds good guys. btw Will, the deadline is a wip deadline, but I appreciate your attitude. I like it. I hope it's contagious.
  12. PlayerPro can't do it. Had a mod I wanted to convert a while back, had to go via dosbox to do it. Fastest is probably to ask someone to do it for you. Someone with modplug.
  13. Done waiting on the music, I got their wavs. Where are you, other remixers?
  14. Pitch Black. Dunno if it counts as obscure, but I haven't found it in any of the stores I've been to. Gotta get it online then. But me be scared with handing out of credit card number.
  15. Ekaj's last mix kicked ass. Stupid high expectations, that's the only reason this one disappoints. I mean, it kicks ass too, just... It kicks ass and shouldn't disappoint. There. Man I envy the hard, aggressive sound. This is so going on my list of tracks I ought to learn from.
  16. Isn't this like Bahamut's 10th project or something? Might grab a track for this tho, but need to finish a few other things first.
  17. ..and the Ridley battles, and a couple of other bosses in SM. It's not unique to Ridley, he's just the most notable (and mobile) character with that music, so they used it for him when he appears in the Prime games.
  18. This should be up there as one of the BEST ALBUM NAME EVER albums. Haven't downloaded it yet. Am just about to.
  19. Hence the word 'if'. If it was written for ocr, it'd need to use the source more dominantly, now it's more in the general vibe of a zelda overworld track (well done recreating that, btw) with a later section directly using source. I could be wrong, could be more source in there, but that's the impression I got when I listened before. If you did play this, you're probably good enough, you just gotta learn to play more dynamically (or set the instruments to be more velocity-sensitive) (and if you've quantized everything to 16th notes and the same velocity - stop it ) and possibly record/edit expression and modulation channel stuff after the initial recording. Would be interesting to see what you'd write based on a Seiken Densetsu 3 track, actually. Dunno if you can get production up to the level I want for the project (yes, I'm recruiting in your thread ), but I'd enjoy hearing the composition (and if it suits the project you can give the midi to someone with the production skills to get it to where we want it). Actually, same goes for everybody else reading this thread, including you James. Considering the drama your last thread had concerning sample quality, I don't remember what level of composer you are. (click my sig pics for the project thread and available tracks) /shameless recruiting
  20. It's a nice composition, I enjoyed it. Hard to crit this without talking about the sample quality (considering ocr's orchestral remix selection as the reference), but a more human-sounding "performance" wouldn't hurt. To me it sounds like it could be a midi dropped onto a preset midi instrument bank with no regard to the dynamics of the individual instruments or any illusion of performance. If you're planning on remixing something for ocr, you're gonna have to do better than that. Samples are not the least bit convincing. I can't hear anything human in it, sounds like a robot playing, not an orchestra, not a person on a keyboard... The emotional landscape comes from the harmony and sound choices, nothing from a "performance". James' opinion concerning ease of use is in no way invalid, but ease of use doesn't translate into superior end result. This composition, properly humanized and rendered with VSL or QLSO would be far more convincing than what you can do with the Fantom (if I'm reading its specs right). (...and dude, a "lighter" feel doesn't come half as much from sound complexity as it does from frequency balance, and choice of midi over audio is generally a technical concern more than an aesthetic one.) Let me end on the note that it's not convincing, but still enjoyable. Just saw this. "Sampled" has many meanings, stretching from live recordings (sampled to digital format) to GM samples on a soundcard. Most orchestral tracks on ocr use sampled notes played with midi. There's no inherent contradiction between sampled and and realistic. You can create a realistic track from good note samples and the right composition and production, just as you ca create an unrealistic "orchestral" recording by playing/recording/producing it the wrong way. My point is - with iirc two exceptions - everything orchestral on ocr is midi.
  21. It's not because you have a mac. I mean, it worked for me. Google "transmission torrent" and download the program. Dunno how well Opera works as a torrent client, but I think Transmission could be easier to use. Do you know how torrents work? Basically, the file you downloaded contains info on how to piece the remixes together from parts the program downloads from other ppl instead of from a central server (like the mirrors on the remixes' download pages). As with any download, you need the data in it and not just the name and extension. Check the file sizes, they shouldn't be very large. Keep the program open for a while and it should connect and start downloading. it'll take a while tho, but you can stop the download and close the program, open it again later (eg. if you need to shut the computer at night) and it'll pick up where it was before (after connecting). If you need more info on torrents, google it or read on wikipedia. Sorry nobody's replied to this before. Dunno about iTunes on windows, but on mac there's at least two remixes that iTunes can't load, from God of War and Zelda ALttP iirc. Larry had apparently fixed a lot of mp3-related problems with the torrents, dunno if the updated torrent uses those updated ones. Check if you have a god of war remix, and post here. Larry might need to know.
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