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Posts posted by Tables

  1. Hey,

    I don't know if it's just me but it seems as if the RTS site is not exactly working. Specifically, while the main site seems to work, all of the MP3 links are broken (both streaming and downloading) and the 1-250 torrent has zero activity. Oh and the comments aren't working either. It's been like this for a couple days too.

    Does anyone know the status of this site? I'd be upset if it was broken for good, there were some nice hidden gems and I was hoping to go through the archives in full some day...

  2. croc! I got that game under my pillow from the tooth fairy! I don't know why but heyo.

    I don't remember the music (but I'm sure I will when i look it up) but I spent a lot of time with it. glad other people have heard of this

  3. Joking aside, I'm really sorry. My gift will most likely not arrive in time for Christmas...

    Dude, don't worry about it. Germany, that's incredible and it entirely makes sense why it's a little late. No worries.

    So after an astonishing package from Germany arrives at my door...


    A sweet card, and... oh my god, you made this, didn't you? You MADE this. You took what was once nothing and turned into this adorable Big Bang Theory cross stitch thing?! (I think that's the name of what this is?)

    Anyways it's adorable and worth the wait, thank you! <3

  4. Sent my things to my person! One from something on ebay, one from amazon. Amazon should be two business days (thanks Prime!), ebay I have no clue whatsoever. They aren't as... really really really cool as some of the recent acquisitions, but I know I'd enjoy them if I got them, and if that isn't an indicator of a good gift I don't know what is :):tomatoface:

  5. If we're doing the suggestions thing...

    I'm really down with nearly anything. Medium or large shirts/hoodies, games for the Wii or 3DS, something on Steam that can run on an old windows laptop, some cool book/CD/DVD, or heck anything. Homemade stuff is very welcome as well - just surprise me, please :)

  6. One of the first games I remember getting was Pokemon Yellow, and that whole game made a huge impact on me, but the music especially. There were many times where I'd just do nothing but just let the music go - and that's why I stood still on Route 4 for hours, or fell asleep to the sounds of Saffron City (yes, the battery died... it sucked at the time but hey as a kid you have plenty of time to make up lost process).

    Other music that caught my attention as a kid: Crash Bandicoot, Jet Moto (hell yes whoever mentioned it), Super Smash Bros., Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Tooie, and Majora's Mask (I didn't play Kazooie or Ocarina until later in life, go figure). Oh and the Metal Gear Solid OST... I never played the game itself until my late teens, but that soundtrack burrowed its way into my mind just from hearing my step-dad play the game. Even now, that little Konami jingle (the Policenauts one) gives me nostalgic shivers

  7. Uh, hey... is there any reason this song's main page isn't working anymore? I'm getting a bunch of 'Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML() [domdocument.loadxml]: Entity 'nbsp' not defined in Entity, line: 17 in /home/ocremix/public_html/includes/php/classes/BaseView.php on line 192's. Could it have anything to do with Sonic Augmentation? [edit: nevermind, it either got fixed or was never an actual problem *shrug*]

    Anyway this song is terrific, I just wanna drive through city streets blasting this!

  8. Oh my god yes finally. Ys 3 might have the best music out of every game I've never actually played (I watched Deceased Crab Let's Play it 100 years ago), so happy to see it get some love at last!

    This mix took a very fun source and shot it into the stars in the best way possible! Totally love this type of production, especially with the drums. No problems with the guitar tone, nice amount of variety in a relatively short mix too, and those moments you can really hear the bass are just awesome, bonus points! Nothing but good things to say about this! (... well, the ending is a bit abrupt, I sort of imagined it being one long held chord fading into the sunset, but that's a personal thing)

    (Alright, now somebody do Ballacetine Castle :razz: )

  9. Ever since I discovered it I can't help but keep coming back to this remix. It's so... smooth! I really like how liberally the source melody is used, and...

    can I just take a moment? Yes, I'd dare say this sounds a bit like elevator music. But why is that always an insult? I love elevator music! That chill carefree sound, the innocent way it works its way into the background of whatever you're doing... not every piece has to be flashy and bombastic! With this piece especially, there's even a piece of that humanity that I admit is sometimes missing in Muzak (but that doesn't mean it's bad music!!). I just enjoy the chill, semi-corporate vibe from this piece, and it so happens to remind me of elevators. Again, not a bad thing!

    I miss Quinn Fox... :(

  10. Alright, finished it. No problems with the pillar! I guess there wasn't too much more left to do haha.

    Not a bad demo, although I hope the next levels are a bit more interesting. These first 6 were alright as an intro but I'd really like to see puzzles that get really crazy and make you think. I feel like there might be a BIT too much hand holding at the moment as well (all the books that spell out the clock puzzle incredibly clearly, the death text describing the fire puzzle with no room for misinterpretation, etc). If you're going for 'very difficult', I'm not seeing it at all. I understand how difficulty curves work though so I'm hoping, trusting that the game gains legs for the other 26 levels.

    The flavor and death texts are nice touches though, and while I wish you could steer away from the cheap-feeling RPG Maker look I think you utilize what you're given pretty well. Bottom line, I am sort of curious to see how the full version of this plays out... so mission accomplished.

    My two cents.

    (also the dash button making a hissing noise is just my computer being a dumbass again, herp).

  11. Nice idea, and the soundtrack was nice (although I think it might've gotten old after a while...). The thing is, I didn't have much time to play it but I got to level 5 before being forced to quit. I got to the gross pillar, was forced to look down, and the game crashed trying to load some kind of 'shock' sound. Then I got back, noticed that I had to start a new game and kinda gave up. (edit: I was complaining about the fire puzzle here but then I realized by computer is complete ass so it probably wasn't as slow on a normal machine).

    (Also is there supposed to be a hissing sound in the left speaker when the dash key was held? Sometimes this happened and sometimes it didn't)

    I'll be sure to give it another shot and avoid the pillar, though. I'm confident that there's more clever stuff hiding in this game, and the fact that I want to try again (eventually) does seem to be a good sign! Sorry that I didn't write this post before actually playing more but, uh, caught in the moment? Also I want to know if anyone else had the same problem I did...

    edit 2: Um so for level 5 are you supposed to push the boulder all the way to the left, push off the nearby box and then push off the boulder? Because when I push the boulder it just makes the sound like it's trying to be moved but it's trapped, and also you can't push off it. Or am I doing it wrong.

  12. yoink 3xee-h74d

    I really liked this, simple but definitely gets across the aquatic thing in a very nice, soothing (if dark) atmospheric fashion. Also the remix was a nice way to end the album with a bit of a bang. Now I wish I could play this game and experience the music in context, but I can't seem to find it anywhere...

  13. I've even seen posts on tumblr with pictures of fake tweets from Nintendo implying that the countdown is for a 3DS Majoras Mask remake announcement! Awesome.

    But oh my god this was always my favorite Zelda (I grew up with it instead of Ocarina, forever sealing my fate as being raised wrong) and I absolutely can't wait for the music :D

  14. 12 days later

    Surprise! We thought it would serve the interests of the community to deliver the Black Mesa experience on Apple iPod and iPad, for the low price of just twenty dollars! We hope you enjoy it~

    • Bells, man. Especially church bells.
    • Any kind of groovy bassline, I'm a complete sucker for bass.
    • The key change thing in the OP, yes. Actually most key changes are a-okay with me.
    • Also agree with saxophones.
    • When artists have different or extended chorus lyrics the second or third time around. <- the best thing
    • Long build-y intros, when done right, are incredible and I love them the most.
    • Group or multi-layered vocals are usually pretty neat.

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