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Posts posted by Tables

  1. Oh gosh I remember this from my younger years, when I only looked at ReMixes from songs that I already knew the source tune from! How weird is that?


    I didn't really like it when I was a dumb kid, but I can definitely appreciate it now. I haven't tried the headphones experience yet, but as I'm listening to it now the crazy syncopation is really interesting, never gets old. The actual Mute City melody seems secondary in whatever weird experience this song is trying to make, but that's sort of okay. I think ReMixes should be 'allowed' to take the iconic parts of their source material and do what they want with them, even if it means making them a smaller part of the new song. Even though this song seems to deal primarily with messing with the first few chords of the original, it's still something that is inherently linked to Mute City. 


    Anyway I don't know what I'm talking about but I like this song. Except for that ending >:o like okay thanks for stopping by bye?? you left your coat here!??

  2. Right off the bat this captures (what I imagine is) the mood much better than the original DOS version. Some really interesting sound choices. A bit of bounciness to keep things moving, almost feels like a post-apocalyptic road trip song. I bet it'd be fun to drive acrosst the desert blasting this stupidly loud.


    The transitions to the different parts happen at perfect times too, just when you're feeling very familiar with one bit you're sent to the next part. Even if the song stretches its content a little bit thin, those strategic moments of change help it feel alright anyway.  

  3. This is really odd. I think I like it. Its a bit repetitive and old-fashioned but I still kind of dig it. If this exact song was a weird track in a SNES game I would be 100% down with it. As it stands... sure there are ways to have it sound better, and it's frankly way too short and unstructured to be much more than a loop or a doodle, but all the same there's something I appreciate about this weird little song. Weeeee

  4. Oh man I can definitely get behind this one. The samples are even solid enough where I'd at least second guess their legitimacy some of the time, which is pretty impressive! And the arrangement of the tunes is very well done, I think that this would totally fly today with a bump in quality! It's so so hard to keep the original Mario themes interesting, but you did a very nice job. I'm so glad there's a place for songs like this~  :)


    (.... also is that the flute from Shin Shuriken Jam?!)

  5. Definitely dated sounding, but some interesting things happening and a neat atmosphere going on. Not sure how I feel about the thing that starts happening around :44 but it kind of ends up meshing alright once the rest of the weird stuff starts getting added. Some parts have some weird timing, like the 1:10 bit and the guitar solo thing that happens just after that. But besides that its pretty cool how all these parts build and build, and all the sounds and bits go together pretty well, even the faux-guitars against the synths. Not too shabby! 

  6. To start, at least it's less sharp and annoying then the original....


    But besides that it's very weird and phasey the whole time and frankly annoying, especially that whiney lead. The arrangement itself seems fine, djp is almost always on the ball when it comes to making da song. But the weird production experiments like this are just sooo confusing. I did however enjoy the kind of odd but fun breakbeat jungle drum things popping in and out. 

  7. Re: repetitive melody - the source was very repetitive so it's hard to get away from that... just think of this as a proto-Jingle All The Way song, maybe.


    For what they had to work with Zyron made a really interesting mix to listen to! I love this atmosphere and the additional little elements lifting up the chords and such. So many interesting things going on. Really gives it that push away from the C64 original in a compelling and original way. I'd even say this is one of the old-OCR great greats in my opinion :)

  8. Yarrrrgh


    My immediate reaction is 'how can you end it there?!'. It's like you introduced another interesting section and then you decide to fade it out?? Aw man.... The rest of the song seems really nice. Very chill in that old ReMix old school way, but I think it still holds up pretty well today. And that little bit of.... xylophone? at the end really adds a new neat level to the whole affair, I just wish you gave it more time to shine...! Nothing we can do now of course haha

  9. This is... I have to admire how much and how quickly this song turned from something so peaceful to INCREDIBLY nuts. The samples aren't very good at all, nah, but I admire how out-there the song becomes. Even the short length kind of works in its favor - a brief serenity, an explosion of energy, and away it goes. I don't think we could get many remixes that take this kind of risk anymore and that's too bad, in a way. 

  10. I had a very vivid dream about them putting the Ice Climbers back. To make up for the technical difficulties, there were two versions of the Ice Climbers. One pair, only on the Wii U, was the normal, 'Brawl but better and more saturated color' type of style we've come to expect. The other, which was on both versions (and the only one available for the 3DS) was like a graphical demake of them. Almost as if they were characters in an N64 game - they would have fit well in Kirby and the Crystal Shards. They acted exactly the same as their higher poly pair, give or take some fidelity in ice effects. I have no idea why my dream gave them two separate slots for literal clones but so it goes. It was still one of my happiest dreams in a while.


    Anyway they definitely won't do that and we probably still won't see them ever :( Dang technical limitations. Unless they wanted to put them exclusively on the New 3DS, or exclusively exclusively on the Wii U? That'd be bonkers, it'd never fly.



    Also my money's on Pichu, our forgotten hero :')

  11. Oh my god I remember this coming up on my shuffle a bunch of times! I can't believe it's ReMix 41, or DJP again! 


    Besides the weird transition from intro to main part, this is a pretty solid mix. Quite a bit of substance and originality, I do like that brief breakdown with the bass, and the little harp thing going on in the 'chorus'? 'bridge'? I'm bad at music but I like the harp when it's there. Really helps give some lightness to the overall big important french horn outer space disco drama that happens with the rest of the song. I wish there was a bit more variety with the instruments doing the lead melody but, eh. 



  12. Wow. This is a HUGE step up from the previous DJP mix on this website. For one thing it actually seems to have some kind of direction with the instrumentation and arrangement (:v sorry man)


    The orchestration is more Runescape than John Williams but that doesn't mean it sounds BAD, just not "authentic". Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Who says music has to sound "realistic". You really took the samples to their highest level and it does sound good. Definitely a worthwhile mix, and definitely a good listen for being number 40. 

  13. AmIEvil, I remember you being a hero of the first few years of OCR, so sad to not have seen you in a while.


    Is it weird that the first thing I thought of was this tune being used a point-and-click adventure game? Like a Broken Sword or Leisure Suit Larry style (gameplay-wise) Zelda game. That would be silly.


    Anyway, even with the cheap instrumentation this tune is pretty nice. Sinfully short, but pleasing for the ears, and it does have enough of that lounge feel to translate. I'm also a not-so-guilty fan of elevator music and that sort of thing so this is right up my alley. Not too shabby overall especially for a first tune dang. 

  14. Oh my god.


    The only reason this is sort of good is that the original tune is catchy. And there are at least a few other, arguably better ways to consume that particular brand of coffee. 


    A sitar-y version of this theme would be neat. But not a one minute midi with no actual ending ><


    C'est la vie. Better luck next time!

  15. Not super familiar with the source, I have a feeling it sounds similar to this, but it's a selection of fun and well 'played' tunes. Not a fan of way this medley is structured though, whether it's accurate to the game or not the fade outs and abrupt 'fade ins' don't really work musically. In my opinion. 


    Actually this sounds like how I'd imagine the credits music for this game to be. I suppose this is a lot cooler with the nostalgia goggles on. For now? Well maybe this can open the door for more Gradius mixes, it definitely sounds like there's some noteworthy material to work with further! 

  16. Oooooh yeah that twisted my ears in the beginning. Actually this whole thing was kind of abrasive, not one of my favorite DJP jams, sorry friend. But it evolved into a pretty creative doodle of the source. Even when the instruments aren't super fun to listen to and the dynamics are nearly nonexistent, at least the notes being played are arranged in a very cool way.


    It's just funny how some of these first mixes, including a lot of DJP ones, use these strange instruments and are this weird genre of electronic music, a specialized sound you really don't hear outside of the VGM realm, besides some Newgrounds folk. It's just very distinctive for me and I can't for the life of me figure out why it stands out that much for me. Iunno





  17. Wow this is actually really interesting. I could see it being posted today as some kind of ""controversial"" remix. It's creative for sure, even if it's not everyone's cup of tea. I don't speak or understand Spanish but I think the song is pretty amusing and definitely 'listenable'. 


    Also, side note, what is with production on old OCR being consistently not-fantastic? It's not like MUSIC sounded worse back in the day... eh whatever. This song is better than some, anyway. 

  18. Wait a minute is that the weird flute from Shin Shuriken Jam??

    I'm a sucker for perfectly ordinary ReMixes with almost unfitting modern drumbeats / basslines. This might not be the best example of that, I don't think it has that 'unexpected meshing' factor 100%, but it IS an example and I kind of like it anyway. It's too bad though that, besides the neat solo section and the bit leading up to it, it's kind of a straight cover with a drumloop. Which is exactly what OCR is known to be for the uninformed hahahaha. Oh well, can't win them all.

  19. Ahhhhh probably one of a few songs I heard before discovering OCReMix. Probably true of a lot of people. I think it was in some Newgrounds animation? I think I remember it being a really bad sprite animation.

    Call me strange but this is one of my favorite ReMixes with vocals. Maybe because it doesn't take itself seriously at all (and does sound EERILY like Serj Tankian in some parts). And the instrumentation is really fun even if it's not the best quality. Not much else to say, gonna echo the 'short but sweet' sentiment.

  20. Haha, another Animusic-a-like track? It's gotta be that sort of bass-like sound.

    I appreciate the heck of the arrangement and creativity that went into this. I almost was ready to trash this song based on the first few seconds with those cheap synthdoodles, but as things started building up it got a lot more interesting. And yeah, what happened with that ending?? There's a good core in here but it feels like it was rushed. Better luck next time!

  21. Not totally big on this but I don't hate it either. It doesn't feel like the weird notes are a jazzy arrangement choice as much as, well, missed notes. As a super spontaneous thing like it apparently was, I can't really put heavy on it's faults. But, yeah there are better arrangements of this song, even better arrangements with this live and funky flavor. I dunno.

    But people need(ed) to chill in these comments hahaha :tomatoface:

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