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Posts posted by Tables

  1. This reminds me of those... what are those things called, Animusic? One of those.

    Or the Crash Bandicoot soundtrack, they have a similar sound sometimes.

    I really like how you expanded outwards from the familiar melody while still hanging on to it at its core. Lots of neat little details and samples, some of the directions are uh confusing but a lot of it works in an eclectic sense. Also I think I've already said this but dang you know your way around a solo and that's awesome.

  2. I can get behind this groove thing. It DOES have a funky beat! I don't mind the voices at all honestly. Maybe it's a little long but it's not a bad thing to be stuck in, you know? Also dang some of these older ReMixes know where and how to place a nice solo.

    Actually this whole thing sort of reminds me of EarthBound music for some reason? This is a good thing.

    Side note I'm a big fan of when people don't even try to match the mood of their ReMix to the original song. Keep OCReMix Weird!

  3. Like listening to a song in a spinning underwater tunnel. It's a weird choice for sure, but I don't mind it. Keeps the drums and background stuff interesting by constantly shifting. Like people are saying it's a really nice low-key song for doing stuff to. It's strange, I've critiqued lack of dynamics and repetition before, but... I guess it's about intent or something, either way it works for this song.

  4. Once you get used to the first few seconds of unexpectedly loud lead, this song really finds its own. One of those cool older remixes that ends up working because it's dense with a lot of cool things happening that happen to work together, and it's a jam. Especially dig the sax even if it's not too legit (to quit), and the little piano action going on underneath the gritty synths. And the soloing never hurts :)

    Of course the production could be more whatever but there's certain things that I'm trying to learn to expect from 1999 era ReMixes <3 nice little mix, for its time and in spite of it.

    ... usually, in my eyes, 'arrangement > production' the same way 'gameplay > graphics'... (...unless the 'lesser than' is overwhelmingly obtrusive to the point of distracting you from the 'greater than'...)

  5. I wish I felt more of the disco in this song! So the whichachaka thing is classic, and when the bassline shines through it's SO good. And yeah the arrangement is good overall, a good extrapolation of the original and doesn't get old.

    But then you have the main source melody on some odd little sine synths that could probably be beefier, and the drums, I dunno maybe it's a filter of some kind, they seem to be in the wrong place. Yeah, like someone said I think primarily the samples just need updating.

    (.... also the song needed an ending!)

  6. Wait, this is ReMix FOUR? Wow. This comes up a lot on my iPod shuffle for some reason and I never ever skip it. It's so delightfully 2000s (oh man those drums) but really fun. Repetitive, maybe, but catchy and finds a pretty nice groove.

    For some reason one of my favorite bits is 2:32 and 2:51 with the less... synthy, string sound, exposed and syncopated in a really fun way and contrasting with the bmm tss drums in a way that somehow works. If it was slower it'd be pretty Grant Kirkhope-y.

  7. Oh man why did you have to point out the 'edges of the drum loop' thing now I can't unhear it. And also gotta agree with the other things mentioned like the dry weirdly panned piano and the lack of bass (!!) being a problem. But hey.

    I like when djpretzel tries to emulate styles, say whatever else you want but I did get those vibes of Entroducing so that was nice. So were the some of the jazzy piano bits. Not something I'd listen to on the regular but a nice effort. I feel like with more finesse a song like this would be very very successful today!

  8. Catchy for sure, but besides that I don't know how I feel about this. The wahwah and piercing instruments are a little grating, and I feel like the song runs out of things to say with a minute left in the song. This song does have groove potential, it's got a fun little beat (even if it repeats for entirely too long :v) , but it's a very flat song dynamically which is really too bad. Good try, friend from 16 years ago :)

  9. there's a lot I like about this! the uh keyboard ambiance synthy stuff is a nice touch, breaks it up a little from the kind of typical straight up rock cover I thought this was going to be. Also, the ways you break away from the source are really satisfying. I kind of wish there was more of that? I'm pretty cool with the source / original / source format as much as anyone, but I feel like you could take it even further. Not meaning more crazy soloing, just, more reinterpretation and playing with the source.

    (side note, I thought for sure it was going to transition to a

    part at 2:27 with that random synth wobbling in)

    the drum patterning itself is nice, a good mix of.. variety and getting the job done but the sounds of the drums themselves seem a little off to me, somehow?

    The first lead guitar seems a little distant in the beginning, like it's okay that it's not eating everything - I'm really glad you can still hear the bass and synthstuff through it, but even then it could probably be brought a touch forward?

    Also, the way the tone changes at around 1:00, with the shift in volume and the introduction of that one guitar with the weird attack, is quite a bit jarring. Same thing when that guitar shows up at 3:12. That sound consumes all...

    But overall yeah I think this is a really solid thing going on right now :D

  10. This is easily one of my favorite songs in an all-around excellent soundtrack. I think you definitely did it justice! Maybe the arrangement itself is a tiny bit conservative but I adore the way you've given it a different mood with the different instrumentation, particularly the woodwind replacing the vocals. It's just a really pleasant song, relaxing and softer. That's the word I keep coming back to, pleasing.

    I'd almost dare say I like your 'waltz' version more... this stripped down version, idk, distances itself even more from the original? In a good way. Maybe some version that starts off like the waltz version you currently have, later adding the more 'full' bass-y parts of the 'complete' version might be something worth trying out? :tomatoface:

    Okay while typing this I've listened to both versions like three times each and I'm not sick of it! I sincerely wish you luck and, I can't wait to see this on the front page :3

  11. First - I love this game. I grew up with it and never really played Ocarina of Time until much later. So I'm not as spellbound by Ocarina of Time - that feels more like a typical, less interesting 'quest' kind of game. This one is so much more intimate and layered and bizarre and probably helped shape my life in a weird direction.

    Anyway the biggest thing that sticks with me is me in the beginning, not knowing what to do at all as a dumb kid, and I was in the spooky tunnel to the astronomer tower when the moon hit, and then that game over cutscene happened and I was so spooked out I didn't want to play the game again for days. (not to mention - before starting the game, the Mask coming towards the camera, spinning and making a spooky noise, was also sufficient to creep me out a bit.)

    i can't wait to get the remakke. I might try to get all the heart pieces and fairies this time - I was satisfied with just all the masks 10+ years ago but I'm an adult now dammit :v

  12. I love this idea, this arrangement in general, the instrumentation. So funky!

    Listened to it three times now... the only things I could think of to improve it -- it might just be youtube but it doesn't feel like it's the highest quality it could be - feels squished in an unintentional way. And maybe the arrangement could be tightened to make the song shorter, I feel like it says everything it needs to say before it's over and the extra length is just bonus, you know?

    (This might have to do with the quality youtube thing, but it also felt like the tempo was slightly... wrong? Like it feels slightly rushed, trying to fit too much at once, but only in a weird background-nagging way that doesn't make sense I also don't know what I'm talking about most of the time :tomatoface: )

    But, so it's clear- I really do like what you have right now!

  13. Tables it said your gift arrived but I have no flipping clue which address was correct. Basically I was given two, I used the second one because Wes said the first wasn't valid yet and I didn't read this thread until after I sent your gift.

    Ahhhh shoot. There's really not much that CAN be done, with all the moving drama and bullsense that happened this year there's really no way for me to even check this very different address for a package......

    I am so so, so so so sorry. If you'd like I'd be very happy to compensate you for whatever you spent on me, I feel awful for having this happen... shoot me a message if you want to talk about that. I'm sure whatever you got or made was awesome!!

  14. also, whoever has me... I found out somewhat recently that I won't have the address that I thought I did when I signed up for this! so this is incredibly painful and awkward. um. hopefully you haven't tried shipping anything and if you have hopefully it finds its way to me somehow but... shit. :tomatoface: maybe a digital thing would be safer, I included my steamid, right?

    Just quoting this again in case my person is wondering why I haven't said anything, and doesn't want to comb through the whole thread. I am REALLY sorry!

  15. shipped my thing yesterday - I've never shipped international so hopefuly nothing messes up!

    also, whoever has me... I found out somewhat recently that I won't have the address that I thought I did when I signed up for this! so this is incredibly painful and awkward. um. hopefully you haven't tried shipping anything and if you have hopefully it finds its way to me somehow but... shit. :tomatoface: maybe a digital thing would be safer, I included my steamid right?

    at least my recipiant should be happy, I hope :3

  16. Okay, first of all this game must be REALLY good because I never ever ever play through New Game Pluses, especially right after I beat the game (usually I play the first level or two again and then give up forever), and yet here I am at the base of the Tower of Fate again. Hot stuff.

    Also, something funny I thought I'd point out that I haven't seen anyone else talk about.

    So the awesome soundtrack is by Jake Kaufman, right? He who also did the soundtrack for Adventure Time: Hey Ice King Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?

    Now, compare

    (0:13) to the song
    (the very beginning) from the end of the Adventure Time game.

    Sort of a similar melody in the beginning, no? They deviate from each other pretty quickly, but I thought it was pretty neat, might even be semi-intentional (both songs are in flight contexts, after all). But who knows.

  17. As someone who generally doesn't do Paterons because of an irrational fear of monthly payments, I immediately chipped in anyway. Friggin OCR how could I not. This is really an excellent idea, I'm glad to be able to support you guys in such an easy awesome way.

    I'll be spreading the word about this, but you probably won't need it - if this turns out anything like the Kickstarter(s) you guys are gonna be GOLDEN.

    Anyway thank you for this opportunity and thanks for existing and bye :)

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