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Posts posted by Tables

  1. Basing these comments on the updated version a few posts ago:


    Kind of alright with that unusually loud bass, but you'll almost never hear me complain about bass anyway. Besides that, well it's really simple. The guitar is a pretty solid sample, and I agree that a whole mix in the style of the first minute would have been neat. The organ isn't bad, but does make this a bit more 'typical' in terms of Castlevania remixes. Which isn't bad, I guess. The drums are a little weak and basic though, barely registering at all. Not one of my favorites but there's some good ideas here.

  2. Werner?


    The intro was pretty promising, I actually like how it threw you into the beat immediately. Almost reminds me of a Tales battle theme? Once the main section started, the brass samples were a bit of a let-down, but what you're attempting to do is very cool. It seems simple but there's enough things going on in the background to warrant repeat listens.


    The drums don't bug me that much, although maybe I'm just very forgiving of old OCR after 80 songs. Not sure how this arrangement is different from the original, although I have the feeling it's pretty conservative, but it sounds like it's a pretty great source, well chosen. Maybe it's easier to be more forgiving of a cover-y song when the source is more obscure? It's kind of too bad that this is the only remix of this game. Oh well. 

  3. Oh dear, Children of the Monkey Machine? Wow. Such humble beginnings. You can see they have a weirder and darker side, but it's in its very early stages. Right now, it's more like a 'industrial Crash Bandicoot level' than a 'embodiment of dread'. Not that I don't love Crash, but... I absolutely cannot wait to see how CotMM grows into their spooky industrial ambiance vibe. But I can't judge a song based on its artist's future works...


    Unfortunately, this isn't that strong. Some cool instrument choices, but I don't think that the incredibly conservative arrangement brought out their potential at all. Maybe next time, Monkey Machine! 

  4. 1393306601451s.jpg


    Based on the NES version or not you can totally feel the C64 roots in here, and that's always a good thing. I'd agree that this is a bit basic and repetitive, but if you beefed up the production a little this wouldn't be out of place as one of those Kavinsky type modern-80s-throwback Hotline Blood Dragon groove songs. Definitely feels like skating through an 80s version of the future. 

  5. Awww I think it's great that this theme was being mixed before Melee's Temple stage kind of made it cool again. 


    I love piano based mixes quite a bit, especially ones with a great deal of free-formedness, so this one hits the money in my book. A shame that it's so short, but this is arranged in a way that doesn't make me feel like I'm missing out on more song or that I got cut off before the natural end. Which is kind of rare for this era of OCR to be honest.  I remember being a big fan of MC's other remixes, and this first mix makes his future seem very promising. 

  6. I mean, for something so conservative and simple, it at least sounds fine. Production-wise, this could be OCR01081. There's some flashes of what this could have been, towards the end especially where it goes off the rails a bit, and I'm disappointed that it didn't take more of those risks. Or any other risks (although the key change was sorta neat I guess). Then again I guess not every Overworld remix can be Dirty Mix :v (... nor should they be! as fun as that would have been).

  7. I feel like having the ability to make our own descriptions might get away from the generalization that this project is trying to go for...


    Also, I just kind of went with my gut when going through my set but - say that there's a song that uses a flute that is obviously not a "real" flute, totally synthetic but meant as a flute substitute. Would you rather us label it AS a flute, or would the synth or tracker labels be more appropriate? 


    (and: I'm ready for another batch!)

  8. Yeah it's weird, that first synth holding up the song by itself for the first thirty seconds is kind of annoying, but it's also sort of rewarding when it's joined by the faster notes and all of those sounds make a neat effect and it wouldn't be as gratifying or interesting if you didn't hear it alone first? I dunno. You might be able to speed that process up and get a similar result. 


    Also oh my god this is so 2000s remix techno, but this is one of the better samples of it I think. (Speaking of samples, a little overkill on Scorpion but the sound choice itself was good!). Just a fun little song, not hall of fame but definitely a nice jam to show up in a shuffled iPod.

  9. Oh wow I actually remember this as being a remix I've liked for a long time. Strange, I'm not sure that I've even seen a Frogger arcade machine (although I played a bit of the Frogger PS1 game....... that doesn't count)


    Anyway it's another intricate crazy solofest djpretzel mix which is personally some of my favorite content on the site. Again the harsh percussion against the mellow piano-type noises really creates an interesting musical dilemma of sorts. I prefer the Chrono Trigger song just before this with the similar sounds, maybe because its shorter and more to the point or maybe because the source hits closer to me. But this is definitely a fun song and I'm happy that you decided to crank this out :P

  10. Whoa this is the jazzy hyperextrapolation djpretzel that I like to see! 

    I know were proud of the drums, I am too! They might stand to be a little quieter but that's sort of okay since they're... not sure how to word this, but they seem intricate enough to have real weight? in this song, as opposed to being more of a driving force or a essential background element. 

    And the relative harshness of the drums apposed to the softer melodic Rhodes-y bits might be part of the charm in this song. Chaotic good and chaotic evil combined, or something. It's very fascinating and very easy to listen to multiple times. Very sweet

  11. Wooooooosh


    Very similar in structure to their first mix Flash Fire, actually. Almost like a 'plus' version of the original, with the source melody almost entirely intact and instead choosing to upgrade the instruments and include an original breakdown in the middle. I sort of wish more liberties were taken with the actual Air Man theme we know and love, but I guess that's not always necessary... The little touches, glitches, sputtering outs of it all do put a little personality that goes a long way I suppose 


    So yeah! Not bad!

  12. Very zip zap zappy, a fun little song! I especially like that retro-y bass synth clubbing along. Maybe not a masterwork but not every song on this site needs to be - I mean, even making something so simple and (yet?) enjoyable requires work and a good sense of music and such. Also I think that its a perfectly brief length. Nice!


    (Sort of reminds me of something you'd hear in a The Behemoth game actually! You could totally crash a castle to this)

  13. What stands out to me is the immediately entrancing atmosphere... very dark-celestial, a final boss. (Huh, parts of this (especially the piano) remind me of a Yoko Shimomura a la Kingdom Hearts 'important boss battle theme'.) Then you add the harsher electronic elements and the breakbeat drums and turn it all on its head. I'm a sucker for breaking beats, so I'm not the best judge on how well they actually GO with a song, but I know that I LIKE how they go with this song. I sort of wish that they weren't as omnipresent as they are though - I was hoping for a lot more time at the end with the drums missing, or at least much less in focus, and just letting the SPACE do the heavy lifting. 


    I like this song a lot but there's a few opportunities for me to love it more... but that's all in the past now. As it is, it's a very hearty addition to OCR, quite a nice sample of early submissions. 

  14. Awww Mustin! Hehe the opening voice thing is adorably well-meant, bless.


    Not sure how I feel about the other voice samples either but the remix and medley (a lot of those at this point of 2000!) are pretty good-notch for, well, 2000. The song's a little quiet overall but, maybe that's intentional with some of the instrument choices, flutes, slinky saxes, a nicely rendered piano. Maybe that just means the drums are a bit loud? They definitely seem more artificial and SNES than the rest of the song, but.. oh well. Another classic favorite of the old OCR songs, even with that cute naive Microsoft Sam intro (I love youuu <3)

  15. *heart eyes* virt you lovely bastard, killing it even in the year 2000. Lovely integration of chiptunes and not-that, quite a delicious soundscape. And, I mean its hard for medleys to NOT do this but I do like how this takes you on a bit of a journey, through the game and through your life. Doesn't even seem as long as it is, in the best possible way. Super dynamic and interesting. I'm sorry I just have nothing but good things to say about virt in general. 


    (I had no idea the name was a pun either... wasn't even sure controvert was a word but I guess we all learned something today, months apart)

  16. I mean I enjoy the structure, taking the original once through and then getting all weird and 'the end of The Great Destroyer' on it before coming back to the safety of the original melody. But the problem is that when it's covering familiar territory, the shortcomings of the mix really come through. Mainly how those high leads and percussion intermingle strangely in the chorus, and overall it just seems that the melody is being played at a different 'place' then the rest of the song, if that makes sense. Maybe the new beat and the original arrangement aren't meant to be. But then again I like how it all sort of comes together at the end. A lot of conflictions with me and this remix, whatever

  17. The record scratch overload is pretty endearing actually, you really don't hear any songs like this let alone ReMixes. Gotta love a strange and unique approach. I think taking risks should be encouraged whether it works or not (to an extent) but I think this is successful. It also helps that it's pretty compact and doesn't overstay its welcome. I wish there was more of an ending but that might just make this loop better? This feels like it'd be a very good track to loop, as a menu or as a..... backing track for the Flame Grill Chicken Rap? I mean okay

  18. posu yan, I love you plenty. But idk I'm just personally not a fan of this. It's fine, it works, I have no problem with slowing down Hyrule Castle or making it a hip-hop beat. I think that aspect works really well. There's some good groove to this. I just personally think that this version of this idea, right here, is a little bit empty and simple for my taste. To be it feels like a good basis, for something more. But that's my opinion.


    (also KogeJoe I know you said that thing 8 years ago but please... chill. 'sounding good' is incredibly subjective.)

  19. Ailsean *heart eyes* definitely one of my favorites of the old ocremix if I remember correctly.


    People are right, this might be dangerously close to being a cover, but I enjoy it. And besides there's a few little licks and personal touches that make it its own entity. It's simple and well executed, the recording quality isn't all the way there but all the same there's something warm and pleasingly nostalgic about the whole thing. I'd be satisfied if any FF ocremix album opened with this, I think :)

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