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Everything posted by TheWired
OCR00720 - Final Fantasy VII "An Answered Cry"
TheWired replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
The strings pitched in make the song sound like it was from something liek the Dragonheart movie, the nearly-tragic cello/violin sound to it give it a great feel. The drumbeat on this song sounds not bad at all, and give the song some rythmic grounds as well as symphonic. This definitly has a good place on my list, and a definite one as well ! -
OCR00130 - Final Fantasy VI "Back to Towne (Arranged)"
TheWired replied to Jivemaster's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This mix doesnt need much on it, piano, piano, piano, and a flute too at the end. What more is there to say ? McVaffe .. music .. final fantasy .. tada 9/10 ! The mix features the lovely town music, softly played on a piano, with the beautifull flute at the end. This is something i've wanted done a long time ago, and now i found it. Thank you McVaffe for bringing us this great song ! -
OCR00255 - Final Fantasy VI "Terra (Black Crystal Mix)"
TheWired replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I've always liked this song, even the original. Kajin sweeps me again with a swift kick in the stomach that almost feels good, by showing me what a great artist he is. This song is faster-paced than the original song, but you know you want this song, because not only is it on piano, it also has a beat. So please, do me a favor, and get this remix ! -
OCR00559 - Final Fantasy IV "Rydia (Clean Mix)"
TheWired replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Once again, i am rendered speechless at the artistic value in this song .. i am thrown down and brought to my knees just listening to this amazing piece of art. The piano is so amazing, the drumloop, the melody, the bass everything. Christ .. i cant stand running out of words like this, but this is hands down, the best remix i've heard up to date, and if i allready said that, well it beat that one ! Kajin = hero Most reccomended download, really. -
OCR00374 - Final Fantasy X "Ballad of the Sea"
TheWired replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This song moves emotions inside me that very little songs have the power to do. Kajin brings in so many things in this song, it seems that something horrible might've just happened, and indeed, the inspiration lifted by this song is innumerable. This is the kidn of song that i judge priceless, and that i hope will remain in our hearts forever. The guitars at -1:17 are great, just throughly great. Forever engraved deep in me, this mix gets a 8/10 just because i think everyone alive should hear this. Good, no scratch that, amazing job. -
OCR00708 - Chrono Trigger "Requiem for a Green Revolution"
TheWired replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Scott Peebles throws in some beautifull trip-hop/ambient song with this mix, most of it sounds just perfect, the pads give the song an eery-feel, without ultimately making it a silent-hill-ish song. The song is lively, yet dead at the same time. It makes me believe that sometimes, people who do remixes should work in this buisness more often. Scott Peebles deserves a lot for this song, and im hoping that songs like this get noticed all over the world so people can realise that remixers have a lot of talent. Now if you'll excuse me, i have to loop this song. -
OCR00171 - Chrono Cross "Another Inspiration"
TheWired replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Wow, just ... wow .. I have this song as an orignal here at home, and listening to this mix .. i have to say that this song simply destroys the original. Words are lacking at this beautifull remix .. again .. i cant control myself by saying that this is one of the top pieces i've heard so far. The beautifull accoustics, the woodwinds, the percussion .. everything is mastered, well rendered, clear as crystal, and the bass just keeps the song alive. Anyone with a passion for soft music should get this song without a doubt, its a must. -
OCR00393 - Chrono Cross "Time Scars"
TheWired replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Another mix by our very well-viewed FFMusicDj here, the nice beatline to this song makes it easy to follow. The bells give it a special feel to it, somethign you just dont see every day, but thats still quite memorable. The mix isnt very compatible with the other game, but still very good to play in a party, good job again FFMusicDj. -
OCR00241 - Chrono Cross "Radical Dreamers (Angelic Mix)"
TheWired replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
A very silent and ambient piece thrown into consideration here. In an almost-cheery fashion, your not too sure how to feel about this peculiar piece. The ballad amongst it could make some of the most brilliant poets think up a song dedicated entirely to it. This song is a definite must-have to ambient lovers, and it has a special place in my playlist with Kajin's name on it. Good job. -
OCR00623 - Chrono Cross "Dubbing the Body"
TheWired replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
The chef has cooked up yet-another-masterpiece for us here at OCR. With a good emo-genre in its side, this mix doesnt surpass the all-too-good Just chill, but remains very interesting. The chef cooked us a great dish here. The little echoing drums could have been ignored in my idea, but the emotion on this song can very well change a mood in the blink of an eye. A dish best served cold maybe ? -
This little piece remains a puzzle to me, the introduction was not very well pieced toghether, the transition between the many sort of instruments just didnt piece up. Near the middle the low-quality heavyer stuff kicked in, but its just not enough to make me put up with this mix .. the sound isnt horrendous .. but theres a lot of better remixes out there thumbs down on this one folks, sorry.
OCR00734 - Crystalis "House Leaves"
TheWired replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Upon listening to this strange melody, i was asking myself if i had fallen on something of a kindergardener's song, but it quickly changed into a very well rythmed house song. The sound is medicore-high quality, and the song isnt all too loopy. A very interesting mix with a very risky intro, but turning into something decently mixed. This song has a good faithfull sound, and is a must download to house fans. -
OCR00731 - Crystalis "Calming the Angry Sea"
TheWired replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Ryan8bit throws in some very gorgeous effects over on this song. The well played guitar and bass make it sound just natural, and give it this good feel. Although i cant really comment on how faithfull it remains to the game, im going to say that im sure this remix was indeed was well done. Although the sound is a little bit low quality, and tends to get a little bit on my nerves, this still remains a very good piece, a good download and worth its time -
OCR00609 - Chrono Trigger "Dream of Zeal"
TheWired replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Blind throws us one of many (too many) Zeal remixes, but certainly THE best remix i've heard so far in the chrono trigger category. Every synth is perfectly played with an on-time beat that sounds just-perfect and suiting for this song. Im not sure how long this song took to make, but im guessing a lot, the dept of the sounds as well as the number of sounds used in the song itself is large enough to impress me. The zeal's theme was overmixed, so if you have other mixes and not this one, run, get it, and make sure its on top of your playlist. It deserves that place. -
Blending toghether the bass and piano, and mixing in the strings a while later was risky, but this mix turned out to be amazingly well done. Im amazed to see how well Russell mananged to blend all this toghether. From Chrono's theme to schala's theme from the orignal chrono trigger. With a few different arangements too ! This song is an amazing example of what people can hope to achieve with patience, and that out-of-the-blues ideas arent always back (oh and russell, i love chrono's theme!)
OCR00580 - Doom II "Barrels o' Fun"
TheWired replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Mazedude throws another piece right back at us with this amazingly well done doom mix, the nicely rendered industrial and ripping sounds of this song brings back a tear to my eye of the days i would play doom 2. Its a good reminder, very heavy song and a great industrial feel. The song itself is very faithfull to the orignal doom2, keeping the mood just right. the flange shot a -2:11 is an amazing touch as well as all 3 filters passed through there including the speedup at -1:42, it chains so well toghether, im asking myself how Mazedude made it out alive. Through many leaps taken on this song, i have to say that Mazedude has another job well done to keeping a song faithfull to its titles. Good job. -
OCR00191 - Xenogears "Broken Mirror Reflection"
TheWired replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Alexander Prievert blows OCR with a beautifull remix of an originally amazing track, it was a risky leap of faith , but this song has gotten one o the best sounds hitting OCR in a while. This is comparable to some of the best stuff here. Lets start with the utter basics : the beautifully played piano goes well along with the song, with the remixed vocals at a .1 second cut, and some fade-out and block filters on top of it, the voice sounds just perfect as it did on the orignal mix. A good outro throbbing bassline near the end, this mix takes all the essential elements of the song, adds some extra talent to it screams out "artistic values!" Alexander Prievert's Broken mirror is a must-have to all OCR fans. -
OCR00477 - Xenogears "Indie Rock Dajil"
TheWired replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Wow .. arabic mixing .. I never thought i'd see this. And the pancake chef brings to us another risyk track that does a huge smashing hit off the face. Seriously though, the beat on this track is great. My only complaint is that the bass is extremely repetitive and sort of annoying when you get down to listening to for a while .. But it could just be me getting really cranky. The Pancake chef pulls off another stunt with an amazing mix, and im hoping he realises what a great artist he is, without getting too much of an ego about it -
OCR00505 - Top Gear "Track 1 (Final Nitro Mix)"
TheWired replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
You know i've played topgear long enough to tell that this is a great remix, it keeps the game-ish feel to it, and still makes you feel in a race. And you know that i love that in songs. You keep faithfull to the best song in the entire soundtrack, and im still loving it, even though i played it for several years, and beat it several times as well. Im glad you honor this game so well with such a well-mastered mix of the orignal You should get a lot of credit for this. -
Well the song brings nothing too new, i didnt like the long 1 minute intro, but the part where you get the the actual song, oh my, im loving, because your staying real with the song, and its fast-paced enough to keep on with the song. You have more talent than i do, because you have the courage to take that criticism and actually make something sound not-too-bad. The song itself would rate 6/10 in my departement, but just because you have a great personality, and a lot of determination, im giving this 7/10 ! PS : Its your fault i started playing Topgear again, i hope your happy.
OCR00224 - Super Mario RPG "Mushroom Way Madness"
TheWired replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Mushroom Way is a song thats always made me chuckle along as i played that game (and because of you, i had to start playing that game again, damn you orkybash for bringing to me so much nostalgic memories !) This mix is (just like genno's woods) missing bass, its too high pitched. But you know that isnt the real problem, this song is amazingly well played, and it still has that Mario RPG touch to it that makes it bouncy, cheery, and extremelly addictive. I'll be listening to this one for a long time -
OCR00691 - Sonic the Hedgehog "Love Hurts"
TheWired replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Pretzel, since my hat and pants are saluted allready, i'll have to salute this with my last piece of decent clothing wich is my shirt (dont be offended ?) Well this is more than beautifull, it brings a tear to my eyes because this is what music is all about, played with emotions, to bring out emotions. I still feel the most amazing rush of feelings listening to this. Mind you Mr Pretzel at -1:58 theres this little .. bass-ish solo, and i want you to know that this is the part of the song that impressed me the most, so imagine that my ears were allready liquiding to the sound of the song, they almost bursted of pure extacy when that part came on. This ranks as in one of the best OC ReMixes that i've heard so far, and its done by the very host of this amazing site Pretzel, forever may you be cursed/blessed for this song is stuck in my head and will probably never get out of my head .. i dont know wether its a good or bad thing .. -
OCR00711 - Silent Hill 2 "There Was a Hole Here"
TheWired replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Silent hill was that type of game that told you that you were goign to be scared, wich made it very very disturbing. The music would always keep you on to it. Listening to this song, i can tell you that i wish i werent playing Silent hill while listening to this, or i would shut off the game before i whent even more paranoid that i am now. The piano in this song is more-than-amazingly played, and i am in awe to listen to this song, because every time, it strikes me that someone actually played this. Since i allready saluted with my hat, i,ll salute you with my .. er..pants -
OCR00492 - Red Alert "Hell March (Red Scare)"
TheWired replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Well, the Coop does my job at saying most of what i wanted to say Being a fan of the orignal song myself, doing a mix of this song was a very risky thing to do, i dont completely hate the song, its still got a heartly place in my list.. i just find it to be not-as-good as the original song, this mix is not hard-hitting enough. Good job with the instruments though .. being able to make hellmarch possible with 303s is something you dont see everyday -
OCR00221 - Panzer Dragoon "Panzer Groove"
TheWired replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Having played the game in and out, this track brings back a lot of memories, and i must tell you that this mix is faithfull to the game, the song sounds perfect with all the instrumentation given, the tambas give it that little exotic touch that keeps it linked with the game's mood. Just listening to this reminds me of the days i would spend playing this game in and out, and playing it again .. A must have to anyone who likes soft instrumental music.