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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Hmmmmmmmm........ I begin to feel pokemon fatigue... but why am I still craving more? Only 5 hours in, I have yet to reach an opinion on White 2...
  2. My ears are burning. I have yet to try TWEWY as well, and I haven't seen it or other great games (i.e. 999, Ace Attorney investigations, Chrono Trigger) around for a long time. I'm super pumped for the Wii U. I just hope they come out with screen protectors on day 1.
  3. I'm so excited for Animal Crossing!! And I find it hilarious how we, a group of relatively "hardcore" gamers, are so excited for an Animal Crossing game.
  4. Hi, I'm Overflow. And... *sigh* And I... I'm addicted to Animal Crossing.
  5. Fixed. Lol, I dunno, we've always been able to focus on two devices at once. For years I played pokemon while watching TV. In fact, I often played on my DS, while also having my laptop open with breeding and item location info. That's 4 screens! I guess I never even thought twice about the Wii U's two screen setup: it sure won't be unusual for me.
  6. The Wii U Gamepad has almost zero lag. In fact, it's actually And anyone who has fears about playing with a tablet controller and TV at the same time: people had the same fear about the 2 screens of the DS. Plus, everyone in my family is always on their ipad/phone while watching TV, so clearly we are capable of focusing on two screens at once.
  7. Awesome! Did you get to play around with the gamepad at all? or pikmin 3?
  8. Yeah, you should really get a female Wiimote +, they work way better and are much more reliable.
  9. I always love seeing the home menu/UI of a new system. Personally I think the Wii had probably the most user friendly UI ever, and I love all the little secrets and fun things you can do on the lesser-used channels like the Photo Channel. I hope Nintendo continues to put in a lot of easter eggs. I'm probably going to get most of my games boxed, since I love boxart and displaying them on my shelf, but the one title that I for sure will get digitally is Wii Fit U. The biggest deterrent to using Wii Fit was having to take out the game in the wii, put it back in the case, take out Wii fit, put the disc in... it's easier just to get fat. The Wii fit Menu was great, though, I used that all the time. So having the full 'game' downloaded on the system will definitely give me more incentive to actually try and get fit.
  10. That sounds like a funny dream So Apparently there's a Nintendo Direct tonight but it's only just been announced so no one's had the chance to write a story on it yet.
  11. Hahahaha XD So what's this I hear about the Unity Engine?
  12. I think the idea with the gamepad is that while you're not playing you set it in its charging cradle. I don't think anyone really plays a console game for more than 5 hours at a time anyways so it's fine.
  13. Well, technically this is true for any electronic device. Although maybe a different loading mechanism would be better for protecting disks, I can already hear the outcry from Nintendo haters that using anything other than a disc-loader is old and archaic and the Wii U should be banned etc
  14. So Sony's releasing a slimmer model of the PS3 in october. I'm sure it has nothing to do with a new Nintendo product being released soon, and is in no way an attempt to distract consumers from said product.
  15. Nope, I actually quite enjoyed that game, but I got it in like 2009 or so for $5 new. It certainly wasn't the game it was hyped up to be, but for what it was, it was fun and enjoyable. I think people are just afraid that Zombi U (do you fight Zombiis in it? lol) won't live up to the hype. At this point I think it's a given that the game will be good, but maybe not as good as people are hoping.
  16. That's kind of sad to hear. I really liked the first Darksiders, so I'll probably give the second game a try, but at least now I know not to have super high expectations. I preordered the Deluxe Wii U the other day and I was actually the first person to preorder at the Best Buy. I'm hoping to get NSMBU with it, and Pikmin if it's a launch title. I'm looking forward to adding you all when I get it!
  17. Pretty much what Malaki and Crowbar said. Sure graphics can get better (the fox engine and unreal 4 kind of blew my mind) but do we really need graphics that good? It's really the art style that matters in the end. Metroid Prime 3 looks outstanding, thanks to its art design and intelligent use of resources. And while Mario Galaxy would look excellent in 1080P, more advanced shaders etc wouldn't do much to improve the art. I'm really interested in seeing what Nintendo does with its stronger console with games like Zelda and Metroid.
  18. I'm just hoping I'll be able to get a good screen protector for the gamepad.
  19. I know it's big, but.... This is pretty much my reaction to that video.
  20. See, the best games and hardware are the ones that are built for each other, especially when the system was designed around a certain game. For example, the N64 was designed for Mario 64. You can just tell from how the system is built: the analogue stick was included to give mario free movement in 3D, the C buttons were added to control the camera around him, etc. The Wii was designed to play Skyward Sword, it just happened to come way late in the console's life. I haven't yet seen that game for the Wii U. As fun as Nintendo Land looks, it's more likely than not a case of "we have all these awesome features, what games can we make to take advantage of them?" And while there's nothing wrong with games like that per se, the best games are the ones which had the hardware built around them. I'm going to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt however and assume that they have such a game in development. I believe a Metroid (maybe Prime, maybe not) title could be that game. The HD graphics, the second screen with touch functionality... All those features would be right at home in a Metroid game.
  21. here ya be @GSO $150? That will be quite the wait. The Wii only just recently dropped to that.
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