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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. I've played Mario World a lot but that song doesn't sound familiar to me...It sounds a little like a Mario 3 song, maybe the water world theme, but that's all I got :/
  2. OMG. Just look at these videos first of all if you aren't familiar with either game (is there any such person?) Smash Bros. Brawl (it was harder than it should have been to find footage of a normal match) Those two styles of gameplay are so similar. Some call rip-off (which it is) but that's besides the point. Everything I've heard about the Playstation game is that it controls and feels much like Smash Bros., although how you win is a little different. But the gameplay is so similar that a crossover fighter would be SOOOO easy to do, and incredibly AWESOME. You would build damage and could die by being thrown off stage like in Smash Bros, but while battling you'd build up your meters which you could use to unleash devastating Final-Smash-like attacks like in Battle Royale. Mario Vs. Sackboy, Link Vs. Kratos, Samus Vs. Colonel Radec, Ness Vs. the Gran Turismo Car, the possibilities are endless! And not only would it be a blast to play and be a very (conceptually, anyways) easy fighter to crossover, it would sell MILLIONS. Of course, they would need to include cross-platform online multiplayer and trust me, the world would go wild. And what a great show of company camaraderie, am I right? For Nintendo and Sony to collaborate on such a project would be outstanding. I know Nintendo's sworn to never have a Nintendo character on a non-Nintendo platform, but they should really make an exception for this. If they could get Microsoft in on it too then it would be the greatest crossover in gaming history.
  3. One thing I find interesting is that it's implied that you're supposed to get the same colored sequel as the first game that you played. For instance, since I got white I should get White 2. However, unlike White which had Zekrom as the Star legendary that you catch, White 2 has Reshiram (albeit kinda possessed) as the star, which I presume you can catch. But at the end of White N rode away on Reshiram's back, so what's happened since then that caused Reshiram to become possessed, and what happened to N? Sequels! Gotta love them!
  4. Haha...actually this makes me hate him a little less :3
  5. First new real info! IGN and Serebii.net have both reported on it. Serebii has the first scans as well: (linked due to massive image size) Trainers and new rival Old pokemon to appear in the unova dex Your new starting town The game is set 2 years after B/W, so this truly is the first real sequel, not just a third edition. Apparently one section of the Unova region is covered in ice, and the construction on route 4 is finally finished. A new professor, new characters, new gyms and an actual continuation of the story. This is looking to be good! Except is it just me or does the new male trainer look really, really stupid? He's like a hobo with a hole in his hat, his hair flapping about everywhere. This may be the first pkmn game I play as a girl my first time through, not that she's all that great but certainly better than the boy. Yeesh, kid. Get a haircut.
  6. Oh that was YOU! Lol, those bubbles were annoying! Edit: I've been looking into it, and it looks like Canada is not getting 3D Classics Kid Icarus. That's really annoying! I was actually really looking forward to that game!
  7. Kid Icarus Uprising was a pretty awesome game. Honestly, I would have been satisfied if it ended at chapter 9. I thought it would just be like Star Fox, where you replay levels for better scores at higher difficulties, but LOLNOPE you're not even half-way through! Controls were tricky (Metroid Prime Hunters felt better) but the graphics, music and voice acting were all top notch. I loved all the call backs to the older games, and the 4th wall jokes were entertaining. My fav weapon would have to be the Beam Blades. Great at ranged with rapid fire and good melee. I haven't been able to play any matches with you guys yet, though. I can see you guys are online but I can't join you :S
  8. Is there a timleine where Red fails to defeat the champion?
  9. please explain this. What plot points indicate this?
  10. Yeah it's almost like they live on an island surrounded by water or something and eat seafood every day.
  11. If these are actual sequels and not just a third instalment split in two parts, then you should get the actual sequel. That was my mindset, anyways, so I'll be getting White 2. And then I'll get Black 2.
  12. Can I ask a simple question, Nintendo? Why is Sega getting the Virtual Console right while you aren't? Game Gear games allow you to - IN GAME - change the screen size, remap the face buttons, choose a border, change the color of said border and even apply a retro motion blur effect. Game Boy games allow you to change the color, between b/w and blurry green, which I appreciate, but why can't we change the border or screen size in-game? Or better yet: CHANGE THE COLOR PALLET. EVEN THE GBC LET US DO THAT. Ugh.
  13. Haha, as awesome as that would be I don't think that would happen It's kind of a gamble anyways...she says she has no interested in pokemon so if I even do get it it would be more of a joke/hopeful attempt at getting her to try it. In that regard, B/W would probably be better because they have strong intros which could get someone engaged. Lol, even if I did get it for her she probably wouldn't play it anyways but we've been joking about it so it might be fun to do anyways.
  14. Haha thanks I kind of based it on this other one I saw, but I feel mine is better. Hey, which out of the DS games would you recommend to a first time pokemon player? Specifically, a 14 year old kid? Black and White are excellent introductions, but SS/HG are also really simple and fun, especially with the pokewalker and your pokemon following you. D/P/P were good too, but don't really compare to the others, imo. Thoughts?
  15. Black and White players can download Reshiram or Zekrom, depending on which version you got via mystery gift for a short time. Don't miss out! In other news, I finally 'upgraded' to facebook's new timeline, and I figured if I was gonna do it, I was gonna make it awesome. Here is the result.
  16. Where is everyone going? D: I just got here! 4 years ago...wow.
  17. But why does gen 3 happen at the same time as 1? Gen 2 and 4 I can see, but 1 and 3?
  18. But you meet one of the Johto Gym leaders in DPP...(can't think of the names atm) so how would DPP and GSC be happening simultaneously? All this timeline stuff...I always just assumed the games happened in the order they were released!
  19. Just a quick heads up, guys. Right now you can get Arceus in your B/W game by logging onto the global link website and typing in the code ARCEUSVOTE and meet it in your dream. Then you can transfer it over to your game and catch it in the entreelink, or whatever it's called. Got mine, but it's too bad I can't transfer it BACK to pearl. It's the LAST pokemon I need to complete my Sinnoh dex.
  20. For gen 6 I hope they introduce a whole new 150 pokemon...I thought I would hate it for Black and White, I mean, they already had over 400, so just reusing those would be good enough, right? That's what I thought, anyway. Once I started playing, though, it was like I was playing Pokemon Red again. I had no idea what anything was or how to fight it, and discovering it for myself was so much more fun than I could have expected. Catching a pokemon you'd never seen before and watching it evolve into something awesome was so much fun. IMO, from now on each new pokemon gen should introduce a whole new roster of 'mons and you shouldn't see any of the old ones until you beat the game.
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