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Posts posted by analoq

  1. i've had problems with the frontpage not loading now and then, Xerol looked into it and he thinks it was bots causing problems.

    can you access any other parts of the site? for example, try these:



    Now this is weird...I can access the site just fine, but if I try to access it via IP it doesn't work at all. And if I pin it it won't reply at all...

    that's not an indication of anything wrong, many servers turn off ping response to avoid DOS attacks.

    as well, it's virtual hosting so going by the IP address wouldn't take you to ThaSauce in anyway.


  2. given there's only two entries, it'd be pointless for either of us to vote no matter how we voted.

    clarification wouldn't hurt, though. Doulifee doesn't run things the same way i do.

    i was hoping there'd be more entries, if i had known there'd only be one other i would have just left them to win by default.

    though i suppose if you've ever wondered what my remixes sound like at their earliest stage, this will give you an idea !


  3. studioyoozhugegm0.th.jpg

    i know i this happens every time, but...

    *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap*

    You don't know how MY workspace looked like before I cleaned it up, or the rest of the room (like it still does, were my consoles and games reside, etc).

    haha! the Cribs thread: Getting remixers to tidy their messy-ass studios since 2005.

  4. The place where Jill is sitting is... well... o_O

    i dunno, i store equipment under my desk too.

    i tried to order a Pixietricks for my studio, but the best my Sweetwater rep could offer was Vocaloid.

    when will people learn? a softsynth just isn't as good as the real thing! :3

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