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Posts posted by analoq

  1. you guys should really keep those guitars in their cases.
    you should really contribute to this thread !
    What happened to your analog & modular sexyness? (the modular synthesizer with cables everywhere)
    it tried to strangle me, so i had to get a patchcord-free synth. or maybe i "finished" my modular (filled up all the blanks) and sold it.

    i changed my perspective: i want everything in my studio to be within arms-reach. not because i'm lazy but because i want a limiting factor to (hopefully) allow more spontaneity in my environment.

    you really should get isolation pads for those Mackies, Analoq.
    i already have some. in my setup they make little difference, so i haven't used them lately.

    Dhsu fails hard. more cribs, plz.

  2. last week i was thinking the remixing forum has been kinda dull lately. and the original cribs thread was a huge success, so... why not? i'll start:


    this thread is not about enumerating what kit/software you have. (though i won't stop you)

    it's about sharing your creative environment thru visual means (photos, screencaps, videos)

    even if that's just a couch, a laptop, and a pair of headphones... let's see it !

  3. you can't seriously recommend Reason + Audacity for recording;

    doing multiple takes, overdubbing, cycle-recording.. these things can't be easy having to go back and forth between Reason and Audacity.

    there's a difference between between limiting creative overhead and using the wrong tool for the job.

    i think the best advice was already given in the first reply: download the demos and figure it out for yourself. also: welcome back, compyfox.


  4. this topic comes up in the Remixing forum here and there. what i usually say is:

    if you want to make music in a nice Unix environment, get a Mac!

    with that out of the way, the music tools on Linux would probably be enough for me.

    but i am pretty minimalist when it comes to my artistic palette.

  5. Once I've clicked the flash player to stream I have to set my focus on another tab before I can type in the Reasoning text-box

    the hotkeys don't interfere for me on FireFox or Safari, but i've disabled them anyways. hope that helps your issue.

    Could it be that my mp3 is 4800 instead of 4100 and the streaming player only plays files at 4100

    yup. it's a known-issue beyond my control. you should always use 44.1 anyway; mp3 codecs are optimized for it. you may actually lessen the quality of your music by using 48. send me your mix in 44.1 and i'll remedy this quickly.


  6. Hey, what am minute! It changes - it actually counts down! Wow, I'm impressed :D

    you're not playing with kids here, this is analoq! (:

    and yeah, a minute & a half is fine. go submit it.

    Heeey, I thought the deadline was now? I must have been fooled by the timezones.. According to analoq's counter it's still time left ;o

    Didn't make a mastering becouse I thought it was too late, would it be okay if I delete my entry, do some masteringwork and upload the track again?

    sure. if you're logged in, you should be able to delete your own entry and resubmit it with no problems.


    ladies and gentleman, the votes are in:

    6. avaris - Space Parade (7)

    5. andyjane - Solar (8 )

    5. hbpencil - lunacy (8 )

    4. Rayza - Awesome Song Great Job (10)

    3. Nutritious - Cosmic Drifting (14)

    2. S|r Nuts - Stellar Blast (17)

    1. Cyan - The galaxy is at peace (22)

    many thanks to all of you, this round of ORC was a huge success !

    congratulations to Cyan, please send in your original music to Doulifee within the next couple weeks.

    i've been in contact with Rexy and we feel it is best for everyone to delay ORC an additional week so that ORC and PRC can run opposite to each other like they used to.

    go here to view all the votes (link at bottom):


    Source Material:

    long ago, a friend of mine was learning to use Visual Basic. he made this delightfully crappy space shooter and asked me to write background music for it. the idea of writing video game music doesn't thrill me, but it was fun to make a Gradius-style piece of music. this is pretty much the last MIDI file i made before i started releasing music in mp3, it's about seven years old!

    analoq - Star Fighter: MIDI


    8:00pm PST, 11:00pm EST on May 4th, 2007.


    • Use as much or as little of the source material as you like.
      But use it!
    • Be as conservative or interpretive as you like.
      But voters won't appreciate rips!
    • Have fun.
      No whining!

    thanks, cheers, and good luck !

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