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Posts posted by analoq

  1. my hypothesis:

    the timpani roll clips briefly due to numerous overlapping samples.

    theoretical solutions:

    1. reduce the length of the MIDI notes on the timpani roll

    2. shorten the volume envelope for the timpani sample

    3. reduce the maximum polyphony of the sampler with the timpani loaded

    just a guess, but might be worth a shot.

  2. the equipment was listed in the video info, but the rundown is quick anyway: Moog Phatty synth, Rocktron Banshee talkbox, Ableton Live backing tracks.

    Tutorials could also be good, but for what? Hey, if you made a tutorial on how to get your setup to do the robot stuff, I'd watch it...

    i like to share setups and techniques in the Remixing forum, so, i suppose it would just be an extension of that. just an idea i've been toying with -- probably not material specific enough for the OCR YouTube.


  3. hay i just filmed a 'performance' of TheIncredibleSingingRobot. hopefully it will be on the OCR group soon:

    people who just sit there and click, click until their 'song' is done, but for those using instruments and singing, it could be cool.

    many remixers would take that as an insulting characterization of their creative process.. you might want to clarify.

    what you're asking for would be kinda cool though, i was thinking of doing something similar. like a cross between a 'making of' and a tutorial.


  4. i think ocr will extend to the afterlife. the bad remixers like Prot will go to OverClocked Hell and the good remixers like GrayLightning will go to OverClocked HeaVen.

    i also think djp & larry will make a baby somehow. and this child will be like jesus or the kwisatz haderach or someone important enough to take over the site.

    i also think shael riley will become a judge.

  5. your win is well deserved, Nuts. i love doing compos but i don't have the time for them like i did back in those days;

    i gotta keep things lo-fi if i want to participate. still lots of fun, regardless.

    i'll give your tune a shot, definitely. Douli, is there still time to start ORC for this week or will we be waiting until next?


  6. that must be some good crack you're on to think that Fruity Loops is cross-platform.

    but if you're looking specifically for Reason project files, i think Rayza and SGX released some.

    go ask them about it.

    for FL project files, you can try checking out the FL compo.. i think they share the .flp files or something.

    Protricity released some of his tracker files a long time ago, but i wouldn't know where to start on finding them.

  7. i've been wanting to release the project files for my stuff but pretty much nobody uses Logic.

    now that i have Live, though, i will probably put something out eventually.

    most of my work is (perhaps deceptively) minimalist, so my tunes could be adapted for this purpose without too much difficulty.

    i did however make some General MIDI adaptations a few years back:

    - aquacadence

    SMB3 Underwater orchestral arrangement (original)

    - final fanta legends

    Final Fantasy Legends piano arrangement (remastered original)

    - sonik azure

    Sonic3 Azure Lake bisexual remix. guitar parts transcribed as well. (original)


  8. I disagree that it's of limited benefit, and it's only niche due to consumer ignorance. That's the whole draw of buying lossless hard copies (aside from the weirdos who enjoy the packaging)--you can encode to whatever format and bitrate you want, however many times you want, and you never have to buy it again

    256kbps AAC is good enough for archival purposes. the primary reason you'd want to degrade the quality is so you can cram more music onto your portables.. in which case you're after quantity, not quality -- so cross-encoding would suit this purpose fine.

    even so, with the cost of flash/HD storage is going down that probably won't even be worthwhile for most.

    i maintain that lossless downloads are of limited benefit.

    Music repurchase has been a huge scam every time music media format has had a sea change; we've all read the articles, I'm sure. You even mentioned repurchasing Cibo Matto albums! Robbery.

    no, i did not speak of repurchasing music, i spoke of upgrading. iTunes will allow you to upgrade your music for $0.30 each to the hi-fi non-DRM format. that's pretty far from robbery.

  9. yeah, a lossless option might be nice but it doesn't make much sense.

    if you want lossless so you can convert your music into other lossy formats (Ogg Vorbis / mp3) without cross-encoding, that's reasonable but niche. that would benefit very very few people.

    now, if you want lossless because you think it sounds better than 256kb AAC then you're wrong -- you can't tell the difference. if anybody says they can, they're wrong too. 256kb AAC is like 320kb mp3; at that point only a machine can tell the difference. research has proven this.


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