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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. the only platformer/action game I've ever played where pushing the button three times resulted in exactly three attacks was Super Mario 64 every other title basically ever has focused on timing more than number of button pushes; i.e if in okami I press SQUARESQUARESQUARE I'll attack once or maybe twice, but if I press SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE - only then will it actually do a three hit combo
  2. replace the word 'zircon' with 'a great many people' basically
  3. yeah if your wrist is made of papier mache unless you're a toddler you pretty much expend the same amount of energy to slightly shake the controller back and forth as yo would pushing a button over and over and over again quite frankly, whether or not you have to waggle a stick or push a button is irrelevant - if you have to do something over and over and over than the combat itself is stale, which is an oft-ignored problem that okami had
  4. you do realize that your entire argument revolves around the fact that you don't use it very much, right 'people shouldn't care about the removal of the GBA slot because I haven't used it in forever'
  5. durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and with this I am convinced that nobody actually knows what 'strawman' means
  6. so the mutericator is basically saying that it's stupid to want to play GBA games because he doesn't think there are very many good ones nice job there bub
  7. yeah wii games are gimmicky I guess I'll go back to shooting games with alien parasites / shooting games in a WW2 setting / madden
  8. I'm almost positive that it's already been pointed out in this thread that a great many DS games and accessories make use of the GBA slot. 'hey everyone buy the second Guitar Hero DS unless you have the new DS in which case haha you're fucked'
  9. anyone who doesn't think that a Punch-Out sequel isn't hardcore needs to stop posting on every forum forever until they've beaten Mike Tyson
  10. I see the irony, but I love Cave Story too much to care.
  11. WAIT A MINUTE. http://www.nintendo.com/whatsnew/detail/t6rlC6_5A_XIb0cdW9-uPKEj2vPE-9RS CAVE STORY, YOU SAY?!
  12. I'm surprised that nobody comments about it when I do nothing but spycheck
  13. I didn't even know Falco could chaingrab
  14. Only excited for Punch-Out. I still have my fat DS and my fat PSP and I see no reason to ever change this.
  15. I fucking hate Marth so fucking much somebody join #clanocr on ETG so atmuh can play you
  16. somebody play me arek atmuh and jam are all playing with other people who are not me
  17. edgehogging is the bane of my existence
  18. I will host it and I will kick people who flake in a timely manner
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