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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Mono was a super gal She was almost everyone's pal She serves greasy food To some random dudes she makes music and doesn't afraid of anything
  2. the new zelda needs a twist where ganondorf is born a good guy who quests to find the triforce so he can wish for a better home for the gerudo but he has to go through the fanatical religious knights of hyrule who believe that the gerudo people are less than human and are not allowed to touch the triforce and also the leader of the knights is link I am not joking that would be awesome
  3. I am the only person who didn't care about E3 2008 sucking because I am an Animal Crossing fanboy
  4. at least my wii still works ohoho
  5. I'd rather nothing but four on the floor trance remixes than nothing but big epic orchestral whooooosh ambient crap unless it's by DarkeSword god damn
  6. october 3rd will always be marked down as the day that nintendo announced mario party 9
  7. no I am too paranoid to touch the lens
  8. guys this thread isn't for your stupid opinions about the god damn reviews it's for everyone to sit back and laugh about how funny they are
  9. I bet this will make a good movie directed by Uwe Boll
  10. I've never dropped my slim PS2, never left it in any places that were too hot or cold, kept it clean and dustfree and just two weeks ago it stopped reading CDs for no reason
  11. That's probably because all the Decepticons looked pretty much the same. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say they all were the same, since Bay seemed to think that none of the Decepticons needed any personality at all. ten years from now, every film director has ever action scene in slow motion from a fixed camera angle people on the internet are like 'wtf this is unrealistic it's too slow directors don't kno what they're doing'
  12. The shaky cam problem is one of those things that people think they're smart for commenting on, even if it's not there. In all seriousness, the only recent movie that has had a problem with that was Transformers, and in that film it made sense because there were giant fucking robots blowing up shit everywhere. You don't really get a chance to stand perfectly still and watch something when a car is throwing another car at a building.
  13. I've beaten I Wanna Be The Guy and I've never beaten Mega Man or Mega Man 2
  14. the magical ability to make anything you pelvic thrust at explode oh wait that's in GoldenEye 64 and it's called 'Tank'
  15. I've actually got to agree with Shadow Wolf - I enjoy playing a partly difficult game like MMX and eventually beating it then playing a hard as fuck game like MM and basically losing forever until I practice it - at which point it becomes sad because video games shouldn't have to be 'practiced' unless they are FPSs.
  16. the best RPG ever will always be FF6
  17. top score does not mean most skill, it usually means most time played
  18. what are you all talking about the axem rangers are a piece of cake
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