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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. the thing that makes a tier list difficult for this game is you have to look at numbers for a champ but you also have to look at how you're supposed to play them and how difficult it is there are plenty of casters who have higher damage output than annie but annie still beats them out because you can literally mash the keypad and win
  2. I'm not even halfway through it yet jesus christ
  3. have saria's song play at max volume on a loop for the entire wedding
  4. Like: Renekton, Shen, Vayne, Veigar, Vlad, Kassadin, Rumble, Trundle
  5. look at my hats and see what catches your fancy except for my choo choo hat I will never trade my choo choo hat
  6. I see you have some extra spurs what would it take to get those off your boots and onto mine
  7. always play at least one ame a day for the win of the day bonus, try doing the tribunal for extra IP
  8. yorick buffs are good I guess but I still won't play him because he is a big ugly lump
  9. yeah there's also that elephant in the room where the more you know about japan-only rpgs the more likely it is that you regularly pirate video games
  10. yeah good and bad are subjective of course but the idea isn't here isn't really about whether or not they are good so much as it is whether or not they are good enough to make a profit on video games are a business after all and the point I'm trying to make here is that nintendo probably isn't confident enough to spend money they don't need to be spending on localization for some video games that not very many people in north america are really excited about yeah this is pretty much exactly my point - the last remnant is perfect example, because it was rated very highly and sold very well in japan, and yet I've literally never met a person from north america who had more good things than bad to say about it in fact, the good things they said about it tend to be the only good things I ever hear about jRPGs - 'a really good setting and story, and really good music'
  11. from what I hear none these three games are anything to write home about
  12. also the fact that not very many people in the US actually like jrpgs the reason some of them are as successful as they are is because they are the best of the bunch - not everyone has the patience to sit down and play the mediocre examples of a genre that is by itself flawed
  13. we need some kind of donation drive
  14. okay the lag is getting worse and worse I was going to send out money for a reserve slot but I'm going to hold onto that if the servers are going to be borderline unplayable
  15. yeah I've played all of those and there's a reason why I only mentioned Earthbound as one worth playing
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