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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Pokemon Snap is an incredibly underrated game
  2. I agree with this! I just disagree with the idea that it doesn't need to be tweaked in some manner or outright removed entirely. It all boils down to a matter of opinion on how effective denial actually works in the game, I suppose.
  3. wow you must be some kind of genius the reason denying makes things tedious is because you can effectively shut down another player entirely which makes the laning phase go from 'sort of boring' to 'I'm not even having fun anymore' also if you think that not being able to deny means you can't do anything then you must not actually play very much of any dota game the fact of the matter is that denials was a mechanic left over from the warcraft version of the game that couldn't fundamentally be changed but idiotic purists believe that it adds some "depth" to the game because they can't actually consider the negative ramifications of the concept upon the overall structure of the game because they're too busy being obnoxious assholes trying to build up their self-esteem by being really good at a fucking shitty game that nobody cares about so I guess what I'm trying to say here is that people who say 'fail' need to suck literally every dick and then choke and die on the very last one
  4. removing the most tedious part of the most tedious part of the game is uhh a pretty good idea
  5. so we went from laggy server with replays to laggy server with no replays
  6. I'm gonna go ahead and say that's fake
  7. yeah see pointing out that you didn't read the fucking thread doesn't give you the high ground unfortunately conversations that you have not yet deigned to participate in do actually happen and it's incredibly pedantic of you to expect people to pretend as if they haven't for your benefit
  8. the damned already pointed out in this thread that this exact same thing happened to nintendo stock when the wii was announced, and then look what happened afterwards
  9. this wasn't really the part I thought was shitty news I was referring more to the 'only one tabletroller per console' thing
  10. welp this is some shitty news
  11. what is the point in skipping time ahead that far if everyone just comes back as an old person
  12. the important question here is how cheap will kilik jr. be
  13. we also probably would have seen a lot more really awful third party games I can't wait for the Wii U to have a "new" Call of Duty every year oh boy~
  14. I stopped caring about graphics around the same time I stopped wearing diapers "relevance" doesn't really matter
  15. wow you really are the worst poster on these forums edit: also yeah the damned is right, literally every complaint I'm seeing directed at nintendo at this point is ignorant to what is actually going on
  16. nintendo had previously confirmed that certain games will get 3D updates, and two games they confirmed in that respect were Super Mario Land and Link's Awakening
  17. I think the point is that the system is powerful enough to run games that are coming out right now for ps3/360 and the developers expressing their enthusiasm would likely indicate that they've already begun development on games specifically for it
  18. nintendo just take my wallet take all of my wallets
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