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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Yes, because that violation is something that you do in control of your character. Affecting momentum in mid-air is acceptable. Being incapable of having momentum in midair, for no justifiable reason other than people who are likely incapable of coding? That's just dumb.
  2. I don't really think that having mostly-accurate replications of the concepts of acceleration, deceleration and gravity are really anything that anybody in their right mind can complain about if you've been reading any of my posts you'd know that I am anything but a fan of fucking Sonic games the thing isn't really that fans are overreacting to anything - the thing is that this game is really shitty
  3. the difference here is that mario is getting better and better and sonic is getting worse and worse watch this and be enlightened
  4. as long as you aren't implying that the heavy faults of sonic 4 are justified because it is difficult to develop for wiiware/psn/xbla, I agree
  5. people say sonic 4 is the game to play they even played a demo and it's good comes out and it's shitty now people are saying sonic colors will be good they even played a demo and it's good I am just shaking my head in shame at you people
  6. well I can't say I disagree with rambo's decision
  7. are you really comparing sonic to zelda games really there are people in the world who would murder you for that
  8. holy shit why didn't I think of that
  9. was your house the big solid gold thing filled with dynamite because if so that was a friend of mine I'm so sorry
  10. do you like not understand how video games work or something the thing about the engine in the genesis sonics is that it is well written the thing about the engine in sonic 4 is that it is not are you somehow implying that games are incapable of having well written physics engines if they are not on the genesis or are you saying it is impossible for any kind of engine programming to be duplicated in any way shape or form either way, you're being dumb
  11. this is what the fourth time they've patched this
  12. yeah because capcom is about to make a trailer featuring gameplay from a relatively slow paced puzzle game/visual novel how about you take your head out of your ass and let people get hype about a game
  13. can you explain to me how you came to this conclusion I'm trying to go through it logically in my head but unfortunately there isn't anything wrong with mine
  14. it isn't a marked improvement it's still glitchy the camera is still awful (just in a different way) and the only improvement they really made - the fact that sonic doesn't say anything with that awful, awful voice - is overruled by the music being terrible (the music being, at times, the only good thing about previous sonic games) after listening to people's opinions build up, I have decided that the worst thing about the game is no longer the music - it's how people are still STILL convincing themselves that it's worth something simply by virtue of it being a sidescroller basically this game turns out to be shitty but every single sonic fan is going to see a single modicum of improvement from the last game whatever it was and use that to justify actually purchasing this overpriced piece of junk sega is going to take that as 'continue to make sonic games, don't really need to make them very good' and they're just going to keep pumping out shitty ones way to be a part of the problem
  15. Has anyone ever been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  16. I don't think it's fair for everyone else to have a little less fun because 'an admin has deemed it necessary' I mean tomorrow I will hop on the server when you are there and play a song - if you think my music is too loud, it is likely a problem with your volume :/
  17. looks good yeah and that seems to be all they are doing
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