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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I really like Dissidia, but I didn't like how Zidane and Squall were overpowered. I'm hoping they fix that in the sequOH MY GOD GILGAMESH
  2. Gran Turismo 5 would be the game of every year forever if it were like this
  3. I nickname all of my pokemon and I still think serperior is a fucking stupid name
  4. Your words are as evil as your soul. This forum ill needs a savior such as you.
  5. actually he left the company one year ago
  6. why does ff4 gets a million remakes and ff5 is just sitting in the corner all sad there is no justice
  7. if you think about it there really isn't any reason at all that genesis would be mentioned at any point during FF7, even if they took crisis core into account
  8. the playstation couldn't have handled as many as were in crisis core when it comes to video games, next generation sequels are bound to represent things different than the originals simply because it's possible
  9. his death in the original was a bunch of soldiers chasing him down and killing him his death in crisis core was a bunch of soldiers chasing him down and killing him ‾\(º_o)/‾
  10. actually a lot of the stuff in the prequels and sequels that people thought were retcons are things that were mentioned or developed outright in the japanese script but then not translated well or at all in the english translation the best example is reno's personality "change"; this is the way he was always supposed to be
  11. the charge doesn't actually do damage if you swing whatever weapon you are wielding
  12. wiki says crit caber does approximately 400 damage an overhealed heavy has 450 health now I'm no mathematician but that leaves us with 50 health left over does it not
  13. not possible not possible with a full overheal, with a partial one maybe
  14. because hitting classes that are faster than you or possibly invisible or hiding behind a sentry or could have sniped you from a mile away with a melee weapon is so easy let me ask you a question: have you tried not being in the immediate vicinity of caber-wielding demomen, or are you much too busy trying to get fish kills
  15. no no no we need a 10 disc mega man classic album
  16. so have you just never noticed demomen before right now or what the grenade launcher has been able to one shot most classes since the beginning of the game
  17. The only possible redesigns they could do in a year are to change the physical size. A worthwhile redesign would take two to three years - I'm not waiting that long for a brighter screen or whatever nonsense.
  18. A friend woke me up today telling me that Phoenix was in MvC3. I ran over to his computer in excitement - and imagine my disappointment when it wasn't Phoenix Wright. :c
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